
xí yǔ
  • idiom;phrase
习语[xí yǔ]
  1. 实际上,她很好地诠释了“欣然接纳自我”这一法语习语的意思。

    She is , in fact , a perfect illustration of the French idiom ' to be comfortable in one 's own skin . '

  2. 这条习语用得很生硬。

    This idiom is awkwardly used .

  3. 谚语和习语会由于使用过多而变得俗套。

    Proverbs and idioms may become worn with overuse

  4. 让我们回到以单词“hit”开头的习语。

    Let 's get back to idioms that begin with the word " hit " .

  5. 习语会使你的语言变得生动而有趣。

    Idioms make your language lively and interesting .

  6. 这样的表达被称为习语。

    Expressions like this are called idioms .

  7. 英语中有一个常见的习语是"上路"。

    One common idiom you may hear in English is " hit the road " .

  8. 含有“狗”字的词汇和习语是年轻人讲笑话时常用的。

    Words and phrases including dogs ( Gou in Chinese ) are commonly used by young people when telling jokes about themselves .

  9. 这个词是基于向二战致意的习语“everythingbutthekitchensink”(尽其所能地,几乎包括了所有事)。

    This word is based on the idiom " everything but the kitchen sink " , which hails from World War II .

  10. 外语里的口头习语很难懂

    It 's hard to understand the colloquial idioms of a foreign language .

  11. 机器翻译的质量虽然有所改善,但翻译起口语体和习语来还是困难重重

    It is getting better , but It'still struggles with colloquialisms and idioms .

  12. 英语中有关apple的趣味习语

    Some Interesting English Idioms Containing the Word Apple

  13. 译文欲鲜活,巧用四字格评大学英语教材译文的翻译技巧汉英隐喻习语ICM和CB的认知对比考察&以汉语的四字格隐喻习语为基点

    On the Function of Four-Character Idioms and Phrases in Translations & A Remark on the Translations of Teacher 's Books Currently Used in Colleges The ICM and CB Operating in the Construction and Cognition of Chinese and English Metaphoric Idioms : A Contrastive Enquiry

  14. 英汉数字习语的语用差异

    On the Pragmatic Differences Between the English and Chinese Numerical Idioms

  15. 基于人体外部器官的英汉情感习语比较

    Comparing English and Chinese Emotional Idioms Based on External Body Parts

  16. 因此,习语翻译成为文学作品翻译中的难点。

    Hence , idiom translation becomes a difficulty in translating literary works .

  17. 英语习语在英语语言中占有重要地位。

    English idioms play an important part in English Language .

  18. 大学英语教学中习语教学的调查与研究

    A Probe into English Idiom Teaching in College English Teaching and Learning

  19. 从文化角度看汉语习语的英译

    On the English Translation of Chinese Idiomatic Expressions from a Cultural Perspective

  20. 英汉夸张习语的文化差异与翻译策略

    Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Hyperbole Idioms and Their Translation Strategies

  21. 借用法主要适用于两种语言的习语具有相似的比喻意义。

    Loan translation is appropriate for idioms with the same figurative meaning .

  22. 文化透视下的英汉习语差异

    Differences between English and Chinese Idioms under Different Cultural Backgrounds

  23. 浅谈英汉习语对比与翻译

    A Comparative Study on Translation of Chinese and English Idioms

  24. 英汉航海习语的跨文化比较和翻译汉英称谓语之跨文化比较研究

    A Cross-cultural Study on English and Chinese Sea-related Idioms and Their Translation

  25. 英汉语言中拥有大量的习语资源。

    Both English and Chinese are rich in idiom resources .

  26. 如何翻译好习语,是对翻译工作者的一大挑战。

    It is a great challenge for the translators to translate well .

  27. 数词习语具有比喻、夸张、委婉、含蓄等特点。

    The numeral idiom has parable , exaggeration , tactful and reserved etc.

  28. 中英动物习语文化内涵比较与翻译

    Comparison of Cultural Connotations Between Chinese and English Animal Idioms

  29. 习语是某一语言在使用过程中形成的独特的固定的表达方式。

    Idioms are fixed expression formed in the process of language use .

  30. 这个习语可追溯到《伊索寓言》中的一个故事。

    The saying can be traced to one of Aesop 's Fables .