
  • payroll;pay slip;Pay Stub;paystub
  1. 我真等不及拿到我的工资单了。

    I can 't wait to get my payroll check .

  2. Intuit的其他摇钱树还包括:小企业专用工资单和支付处理服务软件,职业会计师专用的高级税务和会计软件。

    Other intuit cash cows : payroll and payment-processing services for small businesses , and high-octane tax and accounting products for professional accountants .

  3. 当他们查看工资单时,其中一个说:"为什么我们要年复一年地继续雇佣这个老人?"

    As they looked at the salary list , one of them said , " Why do we keep this old man on year after year ? "

  4. Excel在工资单制作方面的应用探讨

    Probe into the Application of Excel in Making the Payroll

  5. 现在,工资单管理员要限制bob的访问权限。

    Now the payroll administrator wants to restrict the access to bob .

  6. 一旦您为这个工资单应用程序创建了一个Web服务接口,那么它就可以对任何内部Web服务应用程序公开,其他的程序就可以通过使用它而从中受益。

    Once you create a web service interface for the Payroll application , it will be exposed to any internal web service application that could benefit from using it .

  7. 以下示例说明了构建用于查看员工的工资单信息的服务的过程,可以通过Web应用程序和Web服务客户机访问此服务。

    The following example shows the process of building a service to view employee payroll information , which can be accessed by a Web application and Web service client .

  8. 用于处理Web请求和显示员工工资单信息的loginHTML文件、loginservlet和payrollstatementJSP。

    The login HTML file , the login servlet , and the payroll statement JSP for processing web requests and displaying employee payroll information .

  9. 假设客户软件支持标准化的XML,所有真正需要的是使工资单应用程序可用所提供的DLL文件。

    All that is really needed is to make the provided DLL files available to the payroll application , assuming that the client software supports standardized XML .

  10. 排在这100家公司末尾的是Ultimate软件公司,这家公司设计了人力资源和工资单软件——RackspaceHostingQualcommandNetApp。

    Further down the list of 100were Ultimate Software , a designer of HR and payroll software designer ; Rackspace HostingQualcommand NetApp .

  11. 而且,此单个响应需要聚合成一组记录,以满足通过Callout节点调用的工资单服务的接口。

    Moreover , this single response needs to be aggregated into an array of records to satisfy the interface for the Payslip service , invoked via the Callout node .

  12. 大多数Storebrand客户和合作伙伴已经电子地捕获到了员工数据,并且大部分已将员工信息链接到他们自己的工资单系统。

    The majority of Storebrand customers and partners already have captured employee data electronically , and most have linked employee information to their own payroll systems .

  13. 为了完成这些工作,从客户的多个工资单系统抽取数据并发送到Storebrand?往往通过使用在线表单,但通常是以书面形式手工完成。

    To do so , data from customers'multiple payroll systems was extracted and sent to Storebrand & sometimes through the use of forms online but often manually and on paper .

  14. 使用这种解决方案,每一个工资单供应商抽取必需的数据,并且将数据转换成为XMLife。

    Using this solution , each payroll vendor extracts the necessary data and the data is converted into XMLife .

  15. 这些服务可以是从供应商服务到工资单服务的各种服务。

    These services can range from supplier services to payroll services .

  16. 工资单上,太多笨蛋。

    There 's too many idiots like him on the payroll .

  17. 用Word2007邮件合并制作工资单

    Mail Merge with the Production of Payroll by Word 2007

  18. 假设在一台服务器上配置了一个工资单应用程序。

    On a server , a payroll application is configured .

  19. 但是,如果某个公司有独特的工资单要求。

    However , if a company has unique payroll requirements .

  20. 他们工资单上得到的是净月薪。

    What they receive in their payslip is the net monthly salary .

  21. 我让那位官员看了一堆工资单。

    I showed the pay stubs to the officer .

  22. 她冲进来手中挥舞着第一个月的工资单。

    She rushed in flourishing her first pay cheque .

  23. 但是,工资单管理员想要限制对此日志文件的访问。

    However , payroll administrator wants to restrict access to this log file .

  24. 对于新修改的工资单系统的用户,将会有几种结果。

    For users of the newly adapted payroll systems , there were several consequences .

  25. 去年工资单上的雇员人数增加了。

    The number of persons on the payroll have increase over the last year .

  26. 约翰,请到史密斯的办公室拿你的工资单。

    John , please go to Smith 's office to get your pay advice .

  27. 例如,如果某一个公司工资单的数据处理要求相当平常。

    If for example , a company 's payroll processing requirements are fairly routine .

  28. 我们已经在公布的月工资单数据中看到了这一趋势。

    We see that already in the monthly payroll data that has been reported .

  29. 现在他们说因为我在工资单上动了手脚。

    Now , they say it 's because I got crooks on the payroll .

  30. 协调200多雇员的月度工资单的职能。

    Coordinated monthly payroll functions for200 + employees .