
  • 网络Engineering subcontracting;construction subcontracting
  1. 有这么多的舾装工作要做,你们将工程分包出去吗

    There is so much outfitting work . Do you subcontract some of them ?

  2. 结合EPC模式下分包商及劳务用工HSE管理方面存在的问题,对工程分包管理中的HSE控制进行了探讨。

    Combined with the problems existed in HSE management of subcontractor and contracted workforce under EPC modal , HSE control in the management of project subcontracting has been discussed .

  3. 为解决工程分包JIT采购买卖双方利益的均衡最大化问题,研究了工程分包JIT采购过程中买卖双方的博弈机理。

    To solve the problem of equilibrium benefit maximization of both seller and buyer in project subcontract just-in-time ( JIT ) procurement , the game mechanism in project subcontract just-in-time ( JIT ) procurement is proposed .

  4. 然后,对工程分包的定义、概念、类型、依据和保证、有关各方关系、分包条件及FIDIC的有关规定等作了介绍。

    Then the paper introduces its defining , conception , type , guarantee and evidence , relationship among representatives related to a sub-contracting , restriction , rule in FIDIC , and so on .

  5. 他们已将某些工程分包给一个电工。

    They had subcontracted some of the work to an electrician .

  6. 承包商不得将整个工程分包出去。

    The Contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the works .

  7. 他把承包工程分包给许多小单位。

    He jobbed out the contract to a number of small outfits .

  8. 浅谈公路工程分包管理方法

    Discussion of the methods about highway engineering sublets

  9. 谈公路工程分包的优缺点

    Talking about Sub-contract of Highway Project

  10. 禁止承包人将工程分包给不具备相应资质条件的单位。

    The contractor is prohibited from sub-contracting any part of the project to an entity not appropriately qualified .

  11. 对工程分包的探讨

    Analysis of Engineering Subcontracting

  12. 本研究作为对工程分包精细管控模式的一个探索性的实证研究,研究结果可以为其他学者提供参考;另一方面,本研究的成果能够为其他从事工程分包的项目管理者提供借鉴。

    The study results can provide reference for other scholars and other project managers who engage the sub-project management .

  13. 确定分包单位后,在其进场前均需与本公司签定工程分包合同。

    Once the sub-contractor is selected , it must sign project sub-contracting contract with our company before moving in .

  14. 工程分包是建筑施工中常见的承包方式,研究分包合同对于保证分包商圆满完成施工任务具有重要的意义。

    Subcontract is the familiar contract mode for construction , and the research of subcontract is very important for subcontractor accomplishing the construction .

  15. 工程分包在农业及建筑业中是很常见的,这使得处罚那些雇用非法工人的公司变得很困难。

    Subcontracting , which is common both in farming and in the construction business , makes it difficult to punish companies for employing dodgy workers .

  16. 自2000年以来我国建筑行业工程分包市场问题不断凸现,拖欠工程款和农民工工资、违法分包、转包等问题引起了国家有关部门和业内人士的密切关注。

    There are so many problems in project subcontract of construction industry in our country since 2000 . It causes great attention of government and professionals .

  17. 有这么多的舾装工作要做,你们将工程分包出去吗?我把包裹都包好了,可以寄出去了。

    There is so much outfitting work . Do you subcontract some of them ? I have wrapped the parcels and they 're ready to be posted .

  18. 工程分包与工程总包、承揽分包、联合承包有密切联系,但与工程转包有本质不同。

    There is some close relation between subcontracting construction partly and general contracting , contract subcontracting , joint contract , but is different from subcontracting construction wholly in nature .

  19. 建筑业的总承包人将工程分包或者转包给他人的,以工程的全部承包额减去付给分包人或者转包人的价款后的余额为营业额。

    For the main contractors in the construction business who sub-contract work to others , the turnover shall be the balance of the total contract sum less the payments made to the sub-contractors .

  20. 建设工程分包各方当事人关系复杂,其法律性质既不同于并存债务转移,也有别于第三人代替履行。

    The relationship among parties concerned of contract for construction projects is complicated , the legal feature of which is not only different from transformation of debt , but also different from the third person replacement .

  21. 对罪犯不仅保障应有的生活条件,更应尊重人格,禁止侮辱。禁止承包人将工程分包给不具备相应资质条件的单位。

    Criminals are not only provided with proper living conditions , but their human dignity is also respected . Humiliating of prisoners is forbidden . The contractor is prohibited from sub-contracting any part of the project to an entity not appropriately qualified .

  22. 目前,水电工程分包施工已是一种工程施工的方案,分包管理则是一个现代企业所必须具备的,其对分包的管理好坏,直接影响到本企业的形象、利益。

    At present , the execution of the Subcontract Works in hydroelectric project has already become a kind of engineering construction pattern , the subcontract management is requisite to modern enterprise , which will influence the image and benefit of this enterprise immediately .

  23. 工程分包是一种总承包商分担工程任务与风险的普遍做法,与此同时,转包和违法分包等威胁工程质量、损害总承包商利益的现象层出不穷。

    Engineering subcontract is a common practice of general contractor to share the project tasks and risks , at the same time , phenomenon such as shift of contract and illegal subcontract which threated construction quality and damaged the interests of the general contractor emerged in endlessly .

  24. 针对目前工程分包在我国的特殊情况,阐述了分包行为本身的发展及其在工程中的意义,提出了放宽工程分包的环境、重新认定分包主体、重新定义法律地位等的建议。

    According to the special circumstance of engineering subcontracting in China , the article analyses the development of subcontracting and its significance to engineering , and puts forward suggestions about relaxing the environment of engineering subcontracting , re-identifying the main frame of subcontracting and re-defining the legal status .

  25. 港口建设方也为了降低成本,逐渐由原来的项目总包方式,转向由建设方负责接口管理、各单项工程分包的形式,这样就给了行业外的企业更多的机会,降低了入行的门槛。

    Port construction , and to reduce costs , the total project gradually from the original package , to interface from the responsibility of building management , in the form of individual sub-projects , this gave the industry outside the enterprises more opportunities and lower the entry The threshold .

  26. 文中阐述了施工合同执行中,监理工程师如何预防和减少合同纠纷的发生,以及涉及到处理工程分包、工程变更、工程延期和索赔等方面应注意的事项,以保证合同的正常执行。

    The paper states how to reduce and prevent contract dispute taking place , such items as subcontracting , engineering changing , postponing and claim indemnity , in order to ensure that the contract can be carried out normally when a supervising engineer is carrying out the construction contract .

  27. 房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程施工分包管理办法

    Construction Subcontracting Management Measures About Building Construction and Municipal Essence Establishment Engineering

  28. 建筑工程项目分包管理方式的探讨

    Probe into the Subcontract Management of the Construction Engineering Project

  29. 公路工程施工分包现状调查和对策研究

    Actuality Investigation and Countermeasure Study on Intersected Contract of Highway Engineering Construction

  30. 浅谈承包人对专业工程的分包招标及管理

    Talking about Subcontract Bid-inviting and Management of the Contractor for Professional Engineering