
  • 网络career orientation;professional orientation;career anchor;orientation
  1. 本研究认为:1、独立学院学生对职业定位缺乏理性认识,职业期望偏高,职业成熟度普遍偏低。

    It argues that : 1 . Students in independent colleges lack rational cognition of career orientation , and they have high career expectations but their career maturity is on the low side . 2 .

  2. 面对这些新问题,要完善企业职业生涯管理,必须采取一些相应的对策:进行更准确的职业定位,引入无边界职业生涯管理,加强后职业生涯管理,注重自我职业生涯管理等。

    Facing these new problems , enterprise career management has to be perfected by adopting countermeasures : performing more accurate career orientation , introducing the boundaryless career management , strengthening post-career management and emphasizing individual career management etc.

  3. 你需要对你下一步的职业定位有一个清晰的认识,并将其转化为文字。

    You need to be clear on your next position and write it down .

  4. 我记得我曾在哈佛大学肯尼迪学院(HarvardKennedySchool)发表讲话,谈到自己的职业定位,当时有人问我:也就是说,你是个‘内部创业家’(intrapreneur)?

    I recall describing my role during a talk I gave at Harvard Kennedy School , and someone said , So you are an ' intrapreneur ?

  5. 构建和谐社会与当代中国检察官的职业定位

    Professional Orientation of Chinese Public Prosecutors in Building a Harmonious Society

  6. 高校学术职业定位与研究型大学发展&基于生态位理论的分析

    On Research University Academic Profession Location With Niche Theory as Perspective

  7. 浅析信息管理人才的社会需求及职业定位

    The Social Demand and Occupation Position of Information Management Professionals

  8. 转型期我国社会体育指导员的职业定位和培养途径

    Professional Orientation and Training Ways of Social Sports Instructor

  9. 第六章是素质结构与职业定位关系研究。

    Chapter ⅵ is the competence of the relationship between structure and professional orientation research .

  10. 还应注意找准职业定位,讲究求职方式方法。

    And we also should pay attention to profession location and the method of job application .

  11. 当前,我国对导游人员的职业定位存在偏差;

    At present , there exist deviations in the professional orientation of our country ′ s tourist guides .

  12. 这种人才标准的嬗变不能不对教育型态和教师的职业定位产生巨大影响。

    There is no doubt that the transformation of the criteria will make great impact on the mode of education and teacher 's professional orientation .

  13. 文中以研究型、教学研究型、应用型高校为例,提出了以不同类型高校为基础的高校学术职业定位。

    The article takes research , teaching and research , application-oriented colleges and universities for example , and raises academic profession position based on different type universities .

  14. 目前,职校学生存在着职业定位不明、核心技能不突出的问题,致使就业缺乏竞争力。

    At present , some problems such as equivocal career anchor and unoutstanding core competence exist in the vocational school students and result in lacking competitive power of employment .

  15. 并从建档、档案学理论所面临的挑战、档案职业定位、知识服务部门的竞争合作态势四方面讨论知识服务给档案界带来的变革。

    Knowledge service will also bring great changes to archival researches , concluding forming archives , challenges to archival theories , archival orientation , competition and cooperation of departments of knowledge service .

  16. 高等学校工科学生的社会职业定位是工程师,工程师的主要工作是从事工程的规划、设计、实施、运行和管理,其工程行为对工程安全具有至关重要的影响。

    The social profession orientations for engineering students in universities is to become an engineer whose major task is to design , carry out and manage projects ; those conducts have a crucial effect on the safety of projects .

  17. 专才教育隐喻了一个清晰的职业定位,同时能够提升社会工作者的能力和个人的法律权利,它的不足之处是通才教育中整全视阈的缺失。

    Special education which metaphor a clear occupation position , can promote ability and personal legal right of social worker in the meantime , its shortage of place is imperfection of the whole angle of view in general education .

  18. 以容纳多种伦理观为己任的市民公共领域理论,可能是建构我国律师职业定位新模式的可行路径。

    Therefore , the theory of ' public field of civics ' , whose task is to accommodate many ethical ideas , may become a possible path to construct a new model of the position of our lawyers ' profession .

  19. 本文在比较研究部分将这两个国家的大学管理人员职业定位特点和管理制度安排作为案例进行研究,从中引出有益的启示,为我国大学教育职员制度改革提供借鉴。

    The comparative study on professional positioning features and management system arrangements of administrative staff of university in these two countries are the cases , which draw a useful inspiration for the system reform on administrative staff of university in China .

  20. 文章在系统、动态地研究了数字化时代信息环境、信息工作者职业定位以及情报学教育的本质特性的基础上,探索性地提出了数字化时代面向网络信息管理的情报学教育的观点。

    On the systematic and dynamic study of information environment , career positioning of information worker , the essential of information science education in the digital era , the paper puts forward an exploratory point of view of network-oriented information science education .

  21. 通过调查数据的分析,中职校学生具备了一定的择业就业意识和比较强烈的创业意识,但普遍缺乏清晰的职业定位和科学合理的职业生涯规划,职业意识较为淡薄。

    Through the analysis , the vocational school students have a certain awareness of career employment and a relatively strong sense of entrepreneurship , but they are also short of clear vocational orientation and a scientific-rational career planning , which lead to a rather weak career awareness .

  22. 因此,在开设语言课程提高口译技能的同时,帮助学生找到自信和职业定位、建立积极乐观的工作态度、培养其敏锐的思维理解和反应能力以及合作精神,都是大有裨益的。

    Hence , while offering language courses to improve student interpreters ' interpretation skills , it is beneficial to help the student interpreters establish self-confidence , position themselves as professionals , build a positive working attitude , developing their acute thinking ability , response capacity and teamwork spirit .

  23. 目前,素质教育是许多高等职业院校定位的办学指导思想之一。

    Quality Education has been considered as instruction thought of Vocational Colleges .

  24. 高等职业教育定位与高等职业教育指数

    The location and index of high vocational education

  25. 你的职业生涯定位是什么?

    Where you are in your career ?

  26. 随着我国高职教育规模的扩大,高等职业教育定位应以就业为导向,培养高技能人才。

    With the development of vocational education , it should be oriented at job - hunting and cultivating high - skill talents .

  27. 他们想把自己的职业生涯定位在中国乃至东方,郭理默教授说,但他担心,这类学生的期望很难实现。

    They want to orientate their careers with China and the east , says Prof Cremer , but he is concerned that their expectations are difficult to meet .

  28. 在物流专业教育高速发展的今天,福建省高职院校开设的物流管理专业却存在严重的雷同化问题,具体表现为办学特色淡化,培养目标模糊,面向行业增多,职业岗位定位混乱等。

    With the rapid development of the logistics education , the similarity of logistics management speciality becomes severe , which showes weak characteristic , vague training goal , and so on .

  29. 同时,为了更好地了解小学科学教师的专业发展现状,笔者还调查了教师对职业的定位和自己的专业发展设想。

    In the meanwhile , in order to know the situation of Professional improvements of elementary science teachers better , the author carries an investigation towards the beginning teachers ' career specification and their imaginations towards the professional improvements .

  30. 我知道我现在可能把我的职业目标定位的太高,但我从我的生活中学会了只要下定决心,就一定可以实现我的梦想。

    I know that I may be aiming high with my career objectives right now , but I have learned from my life thus far that I am capable of achieving my dreams if I set my mind to it .