
zhōnɡ huá fǎ xì
  • Chinese legal system;Chinese legal genealogy
  1. 现今学术界有关东亚法的整体认识,大致有新中华法系、东亚普通法和东亚法系这样几种代表性论说。

    According to a prevailing understanding of East Asian Law , there are in general such representative classifications as new Chinese legal genealogy , East Asian common law and East Asian legal genealogy .

  2. 如果以构成法系的要件为标准来衡量现今的东亚地区法,可以确认现在还没有法系意义上的东亚法,包括东亚普通法、东亚法系和新中华法系都是不存在的。

    Judged by the criteria of constitutive requirements of legal genealogy , the East Asian Law as a legal genealogy has not come into being yet , and the same is true to East Asian common law , East Asian legal genealogy and new Chinese legal genealogy .

  3. 试论中华法系的核心文化精神及其历史运行

    The Core of Chinese Legal System 's Cultural Spirit and Its Implementation

  4. 浅析中华法系近代化迟延的原因

    On the Delay of Chinese Legal System in Modern History

  5. 自首从宽是中华法系源远流长的一项特色法律制度。

    Voluntary surrender system has been a Chinese featured law of long standing .

  6. 在此条件下,中华法系也走向了衰亡与瓦解。

    Under these conditions , the China Legal systems fell with the collapse .

  7. 古代中国的朝贡制度和古罗马的海外行省制度&中华法系和罗马法系形成的制度基础

    On Tribute System Of Ancient China And Overseas Administrative Regions System Of Ancient Rome

  8. 从《唐律疏议》的局限性看中华法系发展的特点

    From the Limitation of Tang Dynasty Law to Look After the Characteristic of China Law System

  9. 中华法系土地用益制度的演进

    Evolution of the Regulation of Utilization of and Profiting from Land in China 's Legal System

  10. 西夏法律制度是中华法系的有机组成部分。

    The legislation of the Western Xia regime is of inherent component of chinese traditional law system .

  11. 民族法文化与中华法系&以金代为例

    The National Legal Culture and the Legal System of the Chinese Nation & Examples from the Jin Dynasty

  12. 朝鲜王朝法律作为中华法系的一部分,伦理法是半岛法律的主要特征。

    As a part of Chinese legal system , the law of the Chosun Dynasty was characterized with ethics .

  13. 海峡两岸律师制度同出一源,具有中华法系诸多共同之处,但由于政治、历史及其他因素的影响又存在很多差异。

    Lawyer Systems on both sides of the Taiwan Straits have many things in common for sharing the same legal origin .

  14. 中华法系土地用益制度大体经历了三个阶段,每一阶段均有自身独特的主导性特征。

    Land use system of China 's law has undergone three phases each of those has its own unique dominant characteristics .

  15. 近代以来,源远流长的中华法系遭到了西方资本主义法律的挑战和冲击。

    Since the 1840s , the Chinese legal system with long history met with the challenge and lash from the west .

  16. 历代统治者对此采取不同的态度,意图将血亲复仇限制在法律允许的范围内,也体现了中华法系所带有的浓厚的伦理特征。

    Some intended to put it under a certain limit of law . It embodied strong ethic features of Chinese legal system .

  17. 第三节则主要涉及古老的中华法系中的两个主要代表&中国和日本近代法典化改革的问题;

    Section three mainly involves the modern codification movement from China and Japan which are the most important representatives of older Chinese law family ;

  18. 而作为具有一定独立性的监察法体系,不仅具体反映了中国古代本土法文化的鲜明色彩,而且在世界监察法史上也占有重要的地位,是凸显中华法系特殊性的一个重要方面。

    As a system of supervision law being independent to a certain degree , it is important to demonstrate the particularity of Chinese legal system .

  19. 少数民族传统法文化是中华法系的重要组成部分,它具有悠久的历史,而且许多好的传统至今还存活并发挥着重要作用,我们应该诊视、保护、开发和利用。

    The traditional legal culture of minority nationalities , with a time-honored history , is one of the most important parts of Chinese legal system .

  20. 中国法文化是以儒家经典为法源的封建法律制度的总称,中华法系源远流长,诸法合体,体系独特。

    Similarly , as feudal legislative systems originated from Confucianism , Chinese legislative culture is a combination of different legislative branches with a long history .

  21. 中华法系是以汉族为主体的各民族法律意识、法律原则和法律制度长期交流、融合的产物。

    The traditional legal system of China is a Han-led comprehensive legal entity in combination with different legal ideas , principles as well as legal statutes .

  22. 特别是清末的社会巨变,法律也随着产生了巨大的变化。拥有千年历史的中华法系解体,中国法律走入了近代化的历程。

    As the law had also huge changed , with a thousand years long Chinese history , it went into the modernization of Chinese law course .

  23. 我国古代经济法制是中华法系的有机组成部分,历代相承,不断增益发展。

    Abst r actOur ancient economic legal system was an organic part of the Chineselegal system , which got developed with past dynasties succeeding to eachother .

  24. 现阶段,客观存在于我国刑法中的拟制是在承继中华法系传统基础上的发展。

    At present , working-out existed objectively in the criminal law of our country is the development on the traditional foundation to adopt Chinese law as heir .

  25. 亲属容隐制度是我国传统法律文化中的一项具有代表性的制度,是中华法系伦理化的一个重要表现。

    Family concealment system is a representational system in traditional law culture of China . It is the important symbolization in ethical of ancient Chinese law system .

  26. 中国古代监察法的历史价值&中华法系的一个视角电子地图在特种设备监察中的应用探讨

    The Historical Value of the Supervision Law of Ancient China & The Perspective of Chinese Legal System The Application of Electronic Map to Supervision of Special Equipment

  27. 和谐作为中国传统法律文化中独具特色的重要因素,是中华法系的核心内容,同时也是珍贵的法律文化遗产。

    " Harmony " as traditional Chinese legal culture unique in the important factors of China is the core content of the law is also valuable cultural heritage .

  28. 地理环境、小农经济、家国一体和儒家思想等因素的交互作用所产生的合力,共同塑造了中华法系的伦理法特质。

    Geographical circumstance , small-scaled peasant economy , intergradations of family and nation , and Confucian thought endowed the Chinese traditional legal family with the ethic nature together .

  29. 晚清修律标志着中华法系开始解体和近代法律制度在中国初步建立。

    The modification of the law on late Qing indicates the breaking out of the old Chinese legal system and the foundation of modem legal system in China .

  30. 中华法系代表着中国封建法制的辉煌成就,是中华文明的灿烂瑰宝,早已引起世人的高度关注。

    The Chinese Legal System makes the splendid achievement of Chinese feudal legal system and is the gem of Chinese people which has aroused concern from the world .