
  • 网络neutral
  1. 造型师Julie首先用电热卷把Angela的头发电卷,然后以柔和的中性色调妆,浅粉红色的眼影和唇彩。

    First Julie puts Angelas hair in hot rollers and then she prepares her face with soft neutral toned makeup , with a light pink accent on the eyes and lips .

  2. 这种流行风格更侧重棱角分明的轮廓和中性色调。

    This trend is most concerned with angular cuts and neutral colors .

  3. 不过,它们都采用让人放松的中性色调。

    But they all share a soothing , neutral palette .

  4. 因为中性色调在夏天作用最大。

    Because neutral shade works the best in summers .

  5. 中性色调的灰、白、黑可以与任何色调搭配。

    Neuter and tonal ash , white , black can with any tonal collocation .

  6. 不过,这很可能是我们最后一次采用中性色调了。

    But this is probably the last time we 'll do a neutral palette .

  7. 我们仍然采用了灰褐色、象牙色和白色等中性色调。

    We are still in this neutral palette of taupes , ivory and white .

  8. 展位内家具需要用中性色调来平衡设计和颜色。

    You need to counterbalance the design and color with neutral shades for the furniture .

  9. 因此,你应该选择那些颜色较淡或者中性色调的眼影。

    So for that you should go for eye shadows that are lighter in colour , or are of neutral shades .

  10. 依据色彩的用途,2007年灵感预测,明年中性色调将非常的明显。

    In terms of the use of colour , Inspiration 2007 predicts that neutral shades will be very much in evidence next year .

  11. 作为全球金融领域最富实力的参与者,高盛用中性色调装饰自己居高临下的办公室,两三个装饰性的风向标为房间平添了生趣。

    This privileged perch of the most powerful player in global finance is decorated in neutral tones , enlivened by a couple of ornamental weather vanes .

  12. 黑版:减色彩印法中的四张印版之一。它需用黑墨施印,使中性色调和细节能够正确的表现出来。

    Black printer : One of the four printing plates in a subtractive colour process which is to be printed in black ink to give correct neutral tones and detail .

  13. 李禹焕的画哲学意味深重,图像却十分轻盈。他运用了中性色调,把传统与现代、东方和西方串连起来。

    Heavily nuanced in its philosophy but light in its visuals , Lee 's decision for neutral colors is his act to bridge the dichotomy between tradition and modern , east and west .

  14. 中性的色调可以不动声色地转变性感的垂吊式裙子的风格。

    Its neutral tone allows a sexy draped design to transition seamlessly from day to night .

  15. 除了黑色之外,金属蕾丝也是一种别致的上等选择。中性的色调更增加皮肤的光泽。

    Metallic lace is a chic , vintage alternative to black , and neutral tones can be more flattering on the skin .

  16. 但同时他们也承认,在莱曼兄弟破产的消息传出后,设计师们几乎不约而同地开始使用黑色和中性的色调。

    But that is hard to argue , when designers almost unanimously moved to a black and neutral color palette as Lehman Brothers failed .