
  • 网络Shadow;Black Point;shade
  1. 亮部和暗部可以使用选择工具选择后,使用25-30左右的羽化后,用曲线进行调整。

    Highlights and Shadows can be toned by using the selective highlights tool , a feather of25-30 and then adjusted in curves .

  2. 高动态范围(HDR,HighDynamicRange)影像合成技术主要利用两张或多张不同曝光照片合成,呈现亮部及暗部曝光细节皆正常清楚的影像。

    High Dynamic Range imaging ( HDR ) is a technique to fuse two or more pictures with different exposures to reconstruct a picture with light and dark details .

  3. 黑阶表现好,并保持良好暗部细节;

    The good : Superb black-level performance with excellent shadow detail ;

  4. 因为城市暗部才是城市真正的活力所在。

    Because of they are the real vitality of the cities .

  5. 加深工具:用于处理影子,暗部和点画。

    Burn : Used for shadows , darkening areas and for stippling .

  6. 根据灯光方向来设定亮部与暗部。

    Introduced lights and darks according to the light direction .

  7. 画面上的近景、远景均为弱光与暗部。

    The on-screen close-range , low light and dark vision of both the Department .

  8. 明暗交界线是物体从亮部转入暗部的区域。

    The Terminator The terminator is the area where the form transitions from light into shadow .

  9. 画中人物形体没有传统感觉里的亮部和暗部。

    The form doesn 't have a light side and a shadow side in the conventional sense .

  10. 大致画好亮部和暗部之后,我开始考虑作品的颜色。

    With the light and dark areas in place , I then started to consider the colour .

  11. 通常在中间的范围明度最高,较少的暗部区域和较多的高明度区域。

    In general you should have most values in the mid range , then less in dark and lighter values .

  12. 殊不知那些充满杂然发黄的城市暗部才是城市真正的活力所在。

    They may never know those " Old Cities " which yellowed with age are the real vitality of the city .

  13. 现在我们再次采用软的笔刷,并将透明度设置到15%开始表现暗部。

    Now we take a soft brush again , with the opacity set to about 15 % and start the shading .

  14. 我们也定制设计了新的超广角摄像头,能呈现暗部的更多内容和更少噪点,

    We 've also custom-designed a new Ultra Wide camera that will reveal more of the dark areas with less noise ,

  15. 他以浓重的墨色作为暗部来衬托强光,造成西画中逆光的强烈感觉。

    He used dark ink to indicate the shadowed part and to set off the bright part , forming the strong back lit effect of Western paintings .

  16. 暗部的纹理完全看不清,同样在一些亮部区域纹理也不显著,比如前额和左侧边缘。

    It 's also not terribly prominent in the fully lit areas of lighter halftone , such as the forehead and the left hand edge of the form .

  17. 这是因为画家利用皴线有疏有密的排列与部分留自来描绘山体的明部与暗部。

    This is because the artists use Cun lines are infrequent and are of the order to remain part of the mountain of unsolicited depict the dark and the Department of the Ministry .

  18. 实验表明,该算法能很好的恢复暗部细节的同时保持原始颜色信息,作用于结构光图像可以使暗处的条纹重新显现,便于后续处理。

    Experiments show that the algorithm can recover detail information in dark parts while maintaining the original color information . When applying this algorithm on structured light images can make the stripes in the shadow parts re-emerging .