
  1. 对于室外作业的农机具,使用气力技术需要解决气源动力和气源部属总质量的问题。

    For outdoor working , the problem of gas fountain and its gross weight need solve .

  2. 针对这样一个终端系统应该包括哪些功能模块,各功能模块应该如何设计,怎样使终端既具有所需的功能又小巧灵活、适于室外作业等情况,本文进行了相关的研究工作。

    Thus the following work , which module should be included , how to design each module , and how to minimize it , is studied .

  3. 4满足室外全天候作业条件。

    Working out-of-doors all days .

  4. 室外电工巡岗作业监控装置的研究

    Research on the Patrol Work Monitor Device of Outdoor Electrician