
  1. 强调画面中几个大色块的搭配,色彩的冷暖、明度、纯度几个方面的对比,呈现出二维画布上的空间秩序。

    Stressed the contrast between the few large blocks of color collocation , warm and cold colors , lightness , purity aspects , showing the order of the two-dimensional space on the canvas .

  2. 它渗透在剧本、动作、镜头剪辑和声音各个制作环节中,没有节奏,影视艺术就没有情节的起伏跌宕,也没有色彩的冷暖对比,更没有人物的生动感人。

    Rhythm permeates the script , action , camera and sound clips in various production areas . No rhythm , there is no plot ups and downs in visual arts , no contrast between warm and cold colors , no more the vivid and moving characters .

  3. 在色彩处理上,民间艺术的创作者们经常运用色彩的冷暖,进退,明暗,软硬,等元素,追求一种内在意蕴与外观色彩双重的和谐效果。

    In color processing , the creators of folk art often use warm and cold colors , advance and retreat , lighting , hardware and software , and other elements , the pursuit of meaning and the appearance of an inner harmony of the dual color effect .

  4. 商品包装、造型和色彩对消费者心理影响研究寻找物体的构成与内在秩序,实验色彩的冷暖与造型之间的对应关系。

    The Research on Psychology in Packing , Sculpting and Color of Commodities ; He to experiment corresponding of color between cold or warm and model .