
  • 网络color system
  1. 使用色差计可以定量测定水泥Lab空间色彩体系的参数,这些参数可以为水泥颜色的评价和控制提供依据。

    The parameters of Lab space color system of cement can be determined quantitatively by colorimeter to provide the reference on the estimation and control of cement color .

  2. 城市照明色彩体系规划设计方法初探

    Discussion on the planning design method of urban lighting color system

  3. Hunter提出的Lab空间色彩体系建立了水泥颜色的定量表示方法。

    Hunter , the quantitative expression method of cement color is established .

  4. 基于PCCS色彩体系的装饰设计色彩规律再认识

    Re-recognition of Color Rules of Decoration Design Based on Practical Color Coordinate System

  5. 基于颜色视觉的道路交通安全色彩体系设计

    Design of Road Traffic Safety Color System Based on Color Perception

  6. 建筑色彩体系研究和建筑色卡

    To study building Color order system and building-color chip

  7. 当然传统建筑色彩体系的形成以及发展与所处的文化背景有着密不可分的联系。

    Of course , Its shaping and development are inextricably linked to cultural background where it exists .

  8. 浅谈色彩体系的规划对城市品牌形象建设的影响&以杭州市为例

    Discussion of the Impact of Color System to the Urban Brand Building , Take the Case of Hangzhou

  9. “随类赋彩”是中国绘画色彩体系的核心内容。随类,是绘画主体认识客体色彩的行为;

    " Application of Colors according to Categories " is an essential component of the color scheme of Chinese painting .

  10. 诗骚色彩体系管窥&兼谈色彩观念的起源

    On the Color Systems in Book of Poetry and Poetry of the South : and about the Origin of Color Concept

  11. 思考对于中国画的色彩体系,如何去继承和发扬在唐宋时期达到顶峰的色彩脉络。

    Thought for the color system of Chinese painting , how to inherit and carry forward the peak in the Tang and Song Dynasties color context .

  12. 南方私家园林的色彩体系象征低调、高尚、脱俗,北方皇家园林则象征皇权、力量、等级。

    The color system of south private garden symbolized low-key , nobleness and modesty . In contrast , the color system of north private garden symbolized imperial power , strength and grade .

  13. 从现代环境设计的立场看,建筑个性的发扬,不能以损害、牺牲群体环境为代价,建筑师应对建筑周边环境运用调查、分析等方法得出合理的色彩体系,进行色彩装饰方案设计。

    From the contemporary environmental design , the building character cannot damage surrounding or environment . While doing the plan of the color decoration , an architect should apply investigating or analyzing method to make organization color system in surrounding .

  14. 最后,运用历史文化特性指导城市色彩体系控制分区,划定绝对保护区、控制建设区和环境协调区等三片区,相应确定各分区的城市色彩推荐色谱,以实现西安老城区的城市色彩体系控制。

    Use the characteristic of history and culture to carry on the city color system to control the dividing area , Delimit ranges of three districts such as absolute protection zone , the control building area and environmental coordination area . Confirm that recommends chromatograms in each sectional city color .

  15. 报社如何构建彩报印制的色彩管理体系?

    Newspaper how to build up color management system ?

  16. 试论汉代形成的中国五行色彩学体系

    On the System of Color Study of Chinese Five Elements Formed in Han Dynasty

  17. 物质的文明促进了艺术文明,中国绘画艺术对色彩命名体系给予了扩充和发展。

    Material civilization promotes art civilization . Chinese painting art expands and develops the color naming system .

  18. 以张家口为例,对其进行了城市色彩规划体系的总体分析设计以及针对各种场所的色彩设计。

    For example , this text has conducted overall analysis and design to its urban color planning system in Zhangjiakou .

  19. 再次,详细描述了光谱色彩管理的体系结构,提出了光谱色彩再现的实现流程。

    Thirdly , a detailed description is made to Spectral Color Management System , and a implementation processe is proposed .

  20. 提出了一个用于色彩CAD的颜色体系之间相互转换的数学模型.该模型可以实现颜色坐标在孟塞尔HVC空间与计算机色彩显示RGB空间之间的转换。

    A mathematical model used for transformation of color systems in color CAD is proposed , it can implement the transformation of color coordinates between the Munsell HVC space and the RGB space of computer color display .

  21. 因此,构建色彩语言的教学体系已成为目前美术教学改革中的当务之急。

    Therefore , it is urgent to form a system of the colour language .

  22. 儒家用德性的视野来观察、研究经济现象,确立了具有强烈道德色彩的经济思想体系。

    By observing and studying economic phenomena in the perspective of morality , the Confucianists established an ideological system of economy with strong moral color .

  23. 构建色彩语言的教学体系应首先在教学中建立大色彩观,使学生能够宏观地把握色彩语言在各门类艺术中的神奇功能,并把握色彩的形成和变化规律。

    To start with the view of colour in whole , the student will have a good master of the magical function of the colour language in the various kinds of art and get to know its formation and variety .

  24. 然而在现实当中,仍然有一些人,对于中国画的色彩很无知,他们认为我们的色彩没有西方的色彩体系强大,不科学,未来发展也只能是被西方所同化。

    In reality , however , there are some people who are ignorant for the color of Chinese painting . They think that our color is not more powerful and scientific than western , even can be assimilated in the future .

  25. 在整体的发展过程中,传统建筑色彩表现出稳定而传承的发展特点,形成了一脉相承的色彩体系。

    In the overall development process , the color of traditional architecture showed the characteristics of stability and transmission , formed the same strain of the color system .

  26. 我还将从色彩学角度进行分析凡·高、爱德华·蒙克、莫迪利阿尼三位画家所独有的色彩体系对画面情感的界定。

    I will learn from the perspective of color , according to three artists unique color screen system to define the emotion .

  27. 我国古代城市与建筑历来以色彩丰富,对比强烈而著称,并形成了一套完整严格的色彩等级体系。

    Always been abundant with color in ancient city and building of our country , it is strong and remarkable to compare with , have formed a set of intact and strict color grade systems .