
  • 网络concealed
  1. 暗格,做旧,工装,刺绣,甚至是泼墨涂鸦都在新品中得以大范围的运用。

    Concealed , doing old work clothes , embroidery , and even traditional Chinese ink graffiti in a wide range of new products to be in use .

  2. 从此我对你的爱只能放在一个暗格之中。

    From then on I love you can only put in a concealed compartment .

  3. 这书桌有一个暗格。

    The desk has a secret compartment .

  4. 我把货放在行李箱暗格,然后过关。

    I put the coke in the false bottoms , and I take it through customs .

  5. 隐秘的空间或场所,如牧师的秘室;秘道;书桌里的暗格。

    A hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole ; a secret passage ; the secret compartment in the desk .

  6. 第二天一早,他就开始搬运他的财富,在夜幕落下以前,他那笔庞大的财富已全部安全地藏进了他的秘密柜的暗格里。

    Early on the following morning he commenced the removal of his riches , and ere nightfall the whole of his immense wealth was safely deposited in the compartments of the secret locker .