
  • 网络Regular maintenance;Periodic maintenance;TBM
  1. 应重视低温制冷机油压安全讯号装置的定期维护

    Pay Attention to the Periodic Maintenance of Oil-pressure Signal Device on Cryogenic Refrigerator

  2. 水电厂设备定期维护信息系统的研究与开发

    Study and development of periodic maintenance information system for power facilities in hydroelectric plants

  3. FixCentral正逐渐成为管理对各种IBM软件产品的修复和定期维护的访问的集中平台。

    Fix Central is emerging as a centralized platform for managing access to fixes and regular maintenance for a broad variety of IBM software products .

  4. 描述了DCS维护的分类和概念,对DCS冗余单元的可靠性进行了定量分析,分析了定期维护(点检)对DCS可靠运行的重要意义。

    The classification and concept of maintenance is described , we deduced thoroughly the calculating methods reliability of DCS duplex control unit in thesis .

  5. 为减少气体绝缘金属封闭式开关设备(GIS)产品运行期间的成本,必须改变维护方式,即从设备的定期维护改变到状态维护。

    To reduce the cost during operation for gas insulated and metal enclosed switchgear ( GIS ), it must be changed for the maintenance way from periodic to condition - based .

  6. 与智能仪表技术的结合,对单回路变送器双冗余技术进行了开发和应用研究,探讨了DCS运行中的问题和定期维护的策略与方式。

    Integrating intellectual-instrument technology , develop and apply the redundant techniques between two transmitter in single loop , probe into issues and periodical maintenance scheme in DCS run .

  7. 因为雇员参加TPM队,操作员被训练执行定期维护项目和担任归属角色。

    As employees join TPM teams , operators are trained to perform routine maintenance items and assume an ownership role .

  8. 以上各项是否定期维护、检修及确认?

    Are breaches on the above checked for periodically and identified ?

  9. 考虑创建脚本来自动化队列管理器的定期维护。

    Consider creating scripts to automate the regular maintenance of queue managers .

  10. 定期维护要求在力帆服务站进行。

    The regular maintenance should be carried out at Lifan service station .

  11. 同样地,将一个定期维护窗口用于操作系统更新是有一定道理的。

    Similarly , it makes sense to dedicate a regular maintenance window for operating system updates .

  12. 超连提供以下定期维护之项目并可视客户需求做调整。

    Tri-Lan provides the following routine maintenance and can modify depending on the customer 's request .

  13. 设备维护人员实施设备维护计划,定期维护设备。

    The equipment 's maintenance staffs should take the equipment maintenance plan , and maintain it termly .

  14. 我们正在对我们的网站定期维护星期六,12月18日下午11:59开始,12:30结束上午在亚利桑那州的时间。

    We are performing scheduled maintenance on our website Saturday , December18th starting at11:59 pm and ending at12:30 am Arizona Time .

  15. 避免这个问题的唯一方法是选择机床专用的接地线并定期维护接地点。

    The only way of overcoming the problem is by opting for dedicated earthing to the machine and by regular maintenance of earth pit .

  16. 介绍全钢载重子午线轮胎X光机的结构组成、工作原理、常见故障和定期维护方法。

    The structure , mechanism , common failure and regular maintenance of a X ray inspection line for all steel radial truck tire are introduced .

  17. 而仪器的电气参数会随时间的推移、温度变化以及机械冲击而产生变化,因此传感器需进行定期维护和校准。

    The electric parameter of the instrument also is change by time , temperature and machine shock , so the sensor needs maintain and calibrate regularly .

  18. 文章主要介绍了影响阀控式蓄电池使用寿命的主要因素、运行维护技术以及定期维护措施和应注意的问题。

    The paper introduced primary factor to influence lifetime , operating maintenance technology , maintenance measure of batteries periodically and some problems that should pay attention .

  19. 生产人力成本分析,包括测量作业工时,制定标准作业工时,并定期维护变更标准工时。

    Analyze the direct labor cost , including measure the work hours , stipulate the standard work hours , maintain and readjust the standard work hours .

  20. 对办公建筑,使用节水型器具,鼓励使用雨水或者回用水系统,合理安装和使用水表,进行泄漏检测,定期维护和用水量检测和记录;

    For offices , installing water saving fixtures , encouraging using rainwater system or graywater system , installing and using water meter suitably , and detecting leak points ;

  21. 售后空气过滤器也卖掉其过滤好处牺牲改善了空气消耗,所以定期维护清洁空气过滤器是必要的。

    Aftermarket air filters also trade off their filtration benefits at the expense of improved air consumption , so regular maintenance to clean the air filters is necessary .

  22. 通过运行管理功能实现对仪表的日常运行进行实时监控,采用不同的颜色显示来标识出仪表不同的运行状态,提醒维护人员进行定期维护,标定和对比等相应的处理。

    The operation management function monitor data of daily operation , differ state by different color display and remind maintainer to do corresponding maintain , demarcating and contrast work .

  23. 非电量数值传感器技术是将开关柜定期维护转变为按状态维护的关键技术,有很好的应用前景。

    Non-electric numerical value sensor is key technology transforming " Timing " maintenance of switchgear into " on condition " maintenance of Switchgear , which have bright prospect in application .

  24. 上述设备的所有费用和定期维护应由承包商承担,包括装有保险丝的电灯泡和磨损所致的对其他部件的必要更换。

    All charges and regular maintenance for the said equipment shall also be borne by the contractor including replacement of fused bulbs and other parts necessitated by wear and tear .

  25. 所以,如果你想我一样到处跑,你可能会看到你的广告链接就在你博客定期维护阶段,还要作出一些积极的改变。

    So , if you 're anywhere like me , you might want to look at your affiliate links during your regular maintainance sessions , and make some positive changes .

  26. 因此,有计划、有组织地制定合理的维护策略就显得非常重要,但传统的设备维护方式(事后维护和定期维护)存在造成经济损失过大的缺点。

    And for this , making reasonable maintenance plan is vey important . However , traditional maintenance methods ( Corrective maintenance and periodical maintenance ) would result in great economic losses .

  27. 针对电力企业设备管理的特点,研究和开发了设备定期维护信息系统,提出了一种新的闭环管理思路。

    Based on the characteristics of power facilities management , a periodic maintenance information system is studied and developed for power facilities , and a new closed loop management idea is presented .

  28. 传统的变电站监控系统主要由人来处理信息,设备需要定期维护,有着信息传送的实时性和可靠性较差等缺点。

    Traditional substation monitoring system is mainly managed by the people , and devices of the system require regular maintenance . Its shortcomings include poor real-time , less reliable and so on .

  29. 为减少GIS/GCB产品运行期间成本,必须改变维护方式,即从设备的定期维护改变到状态维护。

    In order to reduce the cost in GIS / GCB product operation period , maintenance method must be changed , that is to say from periodical maintenance to be changed to status maintenance .

  30. 但是由于它不需要进行进一步的加工,从整个使用过程来说还是物有所值的。比如使用经加工的木材建造的棚子可以免于定期维护。

    But because it does not need to receive further treatments a shed made from treated wood would not need regular applications of creosote , for example it should prove economical over its lifetime .