
  • 网络congenital deafness;congenital hearing loss
  1. 约有半数的先天性耳聋与遗传因素有一定联系。

    About half of congenital deafness associated with genetic factors .

  2. 先天性耳聋患儿肺呼吸量测定与肺功能状况

    Spirometry and lung function in children with congenital deafness

  3. 儿童先天性耳聋的颞骨高分辨CT研究

    High Resolution CT Study of Congenital Hearing Loss in Children

  4. 先天性耳聋婴幼儿听觉及语言中枢等相关脑区变化的fMRI研究

    An fMRI Study of Cerebral Functional Cortex in Infants Congenital Hearing Loss

  5. 方法对76例先天性耳聋儿童进行睡眠状态下的BAEP监测。

    Methods : 76 patients were assessed by BAEP in the study .

  6. 幼儿园英语活动中教师的语言使用对幼儿学习的影响先天性耳聋婴幼儿听觉及语言中枢等相关脑区变化的fMRI研究

    Impact of Teachers Talk on Children s Learning in Preschool Bilingual Activities ; An fMRI Study of Cerebral Functional Cortex in Infants Congenital Hearing Loss

  7. 新生儿期的随访:脐血RVIgG阳性2例、RVIgM阳性1例、发生先天性耳聋2例;

    Follow-up of umbilical cord blood in neonatal period showed 2 cases of RV-IgG ( + ), 1 case of RV-IgM ( + ) and 2 cases of congenital deaf ;

  8. 两年前他因患肺炎注射过七针链霉素,从此后耳聋就更加重了。BAEP对早期诊断儿童先天性耳聋有重要的临床价值。

    He received seven injections of streptomycin when he got pneumonia two years ago . His hearing seems to have gotten worse since then . The BAEP can assist in the early diagnosis .

  9. 扩散张量成像观察先天性耳聋患者脑白质结构

    Diffusion tensor imaging observation of brain white matter in congenitally deaf

  10. 目的早期发现和诊断新生儿先天性耳聋。

    Objective The early detection of newborn congenital hearing loss .

  11. 先天性耳聋患儿家长耳聋康复的知信行调查

    Survey on KAP about Deafness Rehabilitation in Children Parents with Congenital Deafness

  12. 结果聋哑、听力下降、说话延迟、行走不稳是先天性耳聋的重要临床特征;

    Result : Deaf delayed speaking and speech understanding were main clinical feature .

  13. 临床病例讨论先天性耳聋伴甲状腺肿大&Pendred综合征

    Congenital deafness and goiter & Pendred ′ s syndrome

  14. 其他的受试者则先天性耳聋。

    Other subjects in the study were congenitally deaf .

  15. 而五个先天性耳聋受试者中的一个则触觉能力很差。

    One in five subjects that had congenital deafness also had a poor sense of touch .

  16. 目的建立一种可用于研究先天性耳聋的动物模型。

    Objective To establish an animal model for using on the study of congenital impaired hearing .

  17. 耳聋是一种十分常见的人类听觉系统疾病,约有1/1000的新生儿患有先天性耳聋。

    Hearing impairment is the most common human disorder of the auditory system and approximately 1 / 1000 children are born with congenital hearing loss .

  18. 如果父母一方或双方或某一亲属有先天性耳聋,子女得先天性耳聋比例就较高。

    If one or both parents or a relative is born deaf , there is a higher risk that a child will be born deaf .

  19. 先天性耳聋可以是遗传性的,见于云石色系或背色被毛犬,或者是感染或毒素引起的宫内损伤所导致的。

    Congenital deafness can be genetic , seen sometimes in dogs with merle or white coats , or caused by in utero damage from infections or toxins .

  20. 在所有造成耳聋的原因中,遗传因素是最主要的,50%以上的先天性耳聋都是由于遗传因素造成的。

    Genetic factors are the most important factor that causes hearing impairment . More than 50 % of the congenital hearing impairment cases are caused by genetic factors .

  21. 方法:175例听力筛查结果提示听力障碍的婴儿及其他5岁以下先天性耳聋的儿童。

    Methods : One hundred and seventy-five cases of children with congenital hearing loss were studied by CT . The age ranged from 58 days to 5 years .

  22. 出生4个月左右对复查未通过的105例作脑干诱发电位检查,共9例确诊为先天性耳聋,新生儿脑损伤总发病率为1006%。

    In 105 infants older than 4 months , 9 were diagnosed congenital hearing loss by auditory brainstem response . The total incidence of congenital hearing loss was 1.006 % .

  23. 儿童先天性感音神经性耳聋的高分辨率CT和MRI研究

    The Study of High Resolution CT and MRI in Congenital Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Children

  24. 小儿先天性感音神经性耳聋HRCT与MRI诊断价值

    HRCT and MRI Diagnoses of Congenital Sensorineural Hearing Loss

  25. Waardenburg综合征(Waardenburgsyndrome,WS),是一种以先天性感音神经性耳聋及皮肤、虹膜、毛发的色素分布异常为主要特征的遗传综合征。

    Waardenburg syndrome ( WS ) is a type of inherited syndrome characterized by congenital sensorineural hearing loss and hypopigmentation of the skin , iris and hair .

  26. 国人connexin26基因突变与先天性感音神经性耳聋的相关性研究

    Study of a mutation in connexin 26 gene associated with congenital sensorineural deafness

  27. 躯干部皮肤明显干燥,皮肤角化过度,呈皮革样变化。病理活检为鱼鳞病,耳科检查为先天感音神经性耳聋,眼科检查为角膜血管翳。

    The diagnosis was ichthyosis in histopathological examination , congenital nerve deaf-mutism in otolaryngology and corneal pannus in ophthalmology .