
xiān fā zhì rén zhàn lüè
  • Preemptive strategy;pre-emptive strategy
  1. 美国先发制人战略、霸权寻租与垄断财团利益

    The US Preemptive Strategy , Hegemonic Rent-Seeking and the Interests of Financial Monopolies

  2. 美国在早些时候推行的先发制人战略,才是保持美国安全的合适方式。

    The earlier force-first strategy was the way to keep the US safe .

  3. 这一理念在9?11事件后促使美国政府出台了先发制人战略。

    The happening of the 9 ? 11 stimulated the output of the new preemption strategy .

  4. 安全困境析论&兼谈先发制人战略与进攻性现实主义的关系

    An Analysis of the Security Dilemma : the Relationship between the Preemptive Strategy and Offensive Realism

  5. 从国际法角度看美国的先发制人战略

    Analysis from the Point of View of Public International Law about USA 's Strategy of " Gaining the Initiative by Striking First " after " 9.11 " Incident

  6. 客观分析了美国新佳丝己国家安全战略对国际关系和世界政治的影响,分析和预测了美国先发制人战略的趋势及其前景。

    Thirdly , it objectively analyzes the influence of the strategy on America and the world and practically previews the tendency and future of the preemptive strategy of America .

  7. 美国先发制人战略的提出,标志着美国国家安全战略的重大转变,其实质是服务于建立美国一超独霸的单极世界;

    The coming forth of the striking first strategy in America marks a sharp turning in its national security policies , aiming at serving its construction of a super unipolar world .

  8. 布什原则的提出,标志着美国抛弃了冷战时期的遏制与威胁原则,而代之以更具挑战性、进攻性的所谓先发制人战略。

    The appearance of the Bush principle indicates that the American containing and deterring principle adopted in the cold war period has given way to a more challenging and aggressive so-called anticipative strategy .

  9. 析先发制人战略对国际法治的冲击与影响&兼评联合国集体安全体制改革武力打击国际恐怖主义的合法性问题关系到国际法律秩序的前途与联合国集体安全体制的命运。

    The Impact and Influence of Preemptive Strategy on International Ruling of law The legitimacy of using force to fight the international terrorism concerns the future of international legal order and the collective security mechanism of United Nations .

  10. 冷战后,美国国家安全战略随即开始了由全面遏制向威慑战略的演进,新世纪初又借9.11之机直接出台先发制人战略并加以实施。

    After the cold war , the national security strategy of US immediately started to be transformed from Containment to Deterrence . At the beginning of 21st century Preemption was directly launched and implemented after the terrorist attacks of " 9.11 " .

  11. 早在布什设计出“先发制人”战略的很长时间以前,法国就一直在非洲实施这一战略而且往往没有得到联合国(un)的明确授权。

    Long before Mr Bush devised a strategy of pre-emption , the French had been practising it in Africa often without the explicit authorisation of the United Nations .

  12. 开始重视预防性措施,但依然坚持先发制人的战略选择;

    Begins to emphasize preventive measures , but still insists on the strategy of preemptive strike ;

  13. 如果中国遵循这种先发制人的战略,中国可能会跨越几百年的资本主义错误、并避免“反弹”。

    If it pursues this proactive strategy , China can leapfrog centuries of imperialist missteps and avoid " blowback " .

  14. 随着9·11事件等非传统安全问题的发生,小布什政府为了达到反恐目的,建立单极世界,出笼了先发制人的对外战略。

    The occurrence of the unconventional national security issues like 9 / 11 attacks has urged Bush Administration to launch the " Strike First " policy for launching preemptive attacks on the terrorist organizations and establishing a unipolar world .

  15. 如果别的国家紧随其后把先发制人也纳入其战略思维,那会怎样?

    And what happens if other nations follow the lead of the U.S.and incorporate pre-emption into their strategic thinking ?

  16. 为了消除“迫在眉睫的重大威胁”,布什政府实行“先发制人”的军事战略,发动了两场侵略战争。

    In order to eradicate the so-called'imminent serious threat'the Bush 's administration has carried out the preemption strategy and launched two invasion wars .

  17. 新世纪美国先发制人的国家安全战略已经而且将对国际政治和国际关系产生重大而深远的影响。

    The Preemptive Strategy of the United States of America in the new century has already and will have had a great effect on the international politics and relationship .

  18. 中国的这些措施缓解了朝美之间的冲突,使得朝美双方逐步放弃了各自强硬的立场,美国对朝鲜的态度逐步由先发制人转向强制外交战略,而朝鲜也由对抗转向对话。

    These measures of China have relieved the conflicts between North Korea and the United States , making North Korea and the United States to gradually give up their hard stance .