
  • 网络Unified account;consolidated fund;Consolidated Account
  1. 在上述工作的基础上,最终提出并实现了一种通用的基于工作流的统一账户管理模型。

    Based on the above studies , this article finally puts forward and realize a common workflow based model for managing account information .

  2. 为了防止通话窃听和恶意攻击,系统采用安装防火墙,统一分配账户等方法提供保障。

    In order to protect system security , prevent phone-tapping and attacks , system adopt many methods such as installing a special firewall , distributing system account .

  3. 具体而言,这种制度有以下三个基本特征:一是财政统一开设国库单一账户,各单位不再设有银行账户;

    Specifically , this system has three basic characteristics : First , the creation of a single account of the state treasury financial unity , the unit no longer has a bank account ;