  • interconnected system;any tube-shaped part of an article of clothing etc
  • unite;lead;command
  • all;entirely;together;wholly
  • 总括,总起来:~一。~率(shuài)。~帅。~摄(统辖)。~考。~筹。~战。~共。~购~销。

  • 事物的连续关系:系~。血~。传(chuán )~。体~。


(事物间连续的关系) interconnected system:

  • 系统

    system; genealogy;

  • 血统

    blood relationship; blood lineage;

  • 体统

    decorum; decency;

  • 传统



(衣服等的筒状部分) any tube-shaped part of an article of clothing etc.:

  • 长统皮靴

    high boots;

  • 皮统子

    fur lining sewn up for a coat


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 统胜

    Tong Sheng


(统一; 统领) unite; lead; command:

  • 统兵

    command troops


(总起来; 总括; 全部) all; entirely; together; wholly:

  • 统统充公

    completely confiscate;

  • 这些东西统归你们用。

    You have all these things at your disposal.

  1. 方法:用统糠代替花生藤粉做粗饲料制作生长实验兔全价颗粒料,经科学配制使之符合生长实验兔的营养要求。

    Methods : The unite bran instead of the peanut ratan powder was used as the coase fodder of the nutritional palletized feeds , which could be accord with the need of the growing laboratory rabbits by being scientifically confected .

  2. 那时,希律王统治巴勒斯坦。

    Herod reigned over Palestine at that time .

  3. 这些东西统归你们用。

    You have all these things at your disposal .

  4. Pennydreadful和shillingshocker都与dimenovel有类似的意思,二者都指那些维多利亚统指的后后期社会上广为流传的那些内容包含暴力和犯罪的廉价小说。

    Penny dreadfuls and shilling shockers are genres4 similar to the dime novel , which both refer to inexpensive novels of violent adventure or crime that was especially popular in mid-to-late Victorian England .

  5. 慢慢的,salarium(源于拉丁语salarius,指“盐的”)一词逐渐用来指代发给士兵的军饷以及发给罗马帝国所有官员的钱资,直至后来,用来统指“薪水、薪资”。

    Over time , salarium ( from the Latin3 salarius , ' of salt ' ) came to refer simply to money paid the soldiers , and then to monies paid to any official of the Roman Empire , and eventually to wages in general .

  6. 基于GPS时统的降落伞测试系统

    The Parachute Testing System Based on GPS Timing

  7. Excel在收音机统调中的应用

    The Application of Excel in Radio Trace Turning

  8. 结论VD患者容易并发脾不统血证,应引起临床高度重视。

    Conclusion Clinician must concern about the splenic failure in controlling the blood is complicated with VD .

  9. 时空连续统的Ricci曲率能量相关函数

    The Correlation Functions of Ricci Curvature Energy In Continuum Space-time

  10. YIG集成统调组件的动态测量

    Dynamic measurement of the integrated YIG tuned filter-Oscillator devices

  11. 本文内容以CTAIS(ChinaTaxationAdministrationInformationSystem,全国税收征管信息系统)为背景完成,我在该项目中承担的是计会统子系统的开发工作。

    This article is based on the CTAIS ( China Taxation Administration Information System ) . I took on the developing job of Tax Planning , Tax Accounting and Tax Statistics subsystem in this project .

  12. 采用FPGA设计的时统比传统上用单片机实现的时统设备具有功耗低、集成度高、体积小,时间同步精度和分辨率高等优点,并具有更广泛的实际应用价值。

    When compared with the timing system based of traditional MCU , the FPGA ones has the advantages of lower power consumption , higher integration , smaller size , higher-precision and higher-resolution .

  13. 同步采样时统卡的WMD驱动程序设计

    Designing WDM Device Driver for Synchronized Sampler Time-Code Generator

  14. 该隧道通过地层主要为上古生界下石炭统(C1)石灰岩,占隧道长度的95%,属浅埋岩溶隧道。

    The main stratum the tunnel passes through is limestone of Carboniferous Series ( Cl ) of Palaeozoic Group , taking 95 % of the total length .

  15. 苏格兰当巴(Dunbar)下石炭统的古地磁研究&用烘烤效应解决岩石剩磁年龄问题

    Palaeomagnetic studies of Carboniferous rocks in dunbar , scotland & an application of baking test to the problem of magnetisation age

  16. N凹陷为中-新生代断陷,在中央隆起带下白垩统AJ组已发现SL和AJ两个含油构造。

    N Depression is a Meso Cenozoic faulted depression . SL and AJ oil bearing structures were discovered in Lower Cretaceous AJ Formation in the central uplift belt of the depression .

  17. 大鼠脾不统血模型血浆和子宫6-K-PGF(1α)、TXB2变化的研究

    Research of Serum and Uterus 6-K-PGF_1 α, TXB_2 of Model Rats of Spleen Fails to Be in Charge of Blood Syndrome

  18. 巴喀油田中侏罗统砂岩属特低渗透裂缝孔隙型储集层,平均渗透率为0.3×10-3μm2;

    Sandstone reservoir of Middle Jurassic in Baka oil field is of lowest permeability , which is fracture and pore , and the average permeability is only 0.3 × 10 - 3 μ m 2 on the ground .

  19. Siphonophyllia在中石炭统本溪组的发现

    The discovery of siphonophyllia from the Middle Carboniferous Benxi Formation

  20. 江西崇义地区上泥盆统节甲类(Arthrodira)的新材料

    New material of arthrodira from Upper Devonian of Jiangxi province , China

  21. 时代属古近系古新统(E1),与老挝万象钾镁盐矿属同时代、同构造带。

    The age of this K-salt deposit belongs to Palaeogene Palaeocene ( N_1 ), which is formed in the same period and in the same structual zone as those of Vientiane K-Mg salt deposit of Laos .

  22. 本文介绍Noll和Wang等人用理性力学观点建立的变形体非协调理论(即缺陷的连续统理论)。

    This paper presents briefly the incompatibility theory of deformable bodies ( or the continuum theory of defects ), developed by Noll , Wang and others from the view point of rational mechanics .

  23. 根据层序地层学原理,松辽盆地下白垩统可划分出五个不整合(T5、T4、T3、T1-1、T03)以及三个层序。

    According to the principle of sequence stratigraphy , the Lower Cretaceous could be divided into five unconformities ( T5 , T4 , T3 , T1-1 , T03 ) and three sequences .

  24. 依南构造侏罗系埋深大于3000m,处于异常高压体系下,下侏罗统发育天然气气藏。

    The Jurassic in Yinan structural zone with a buried depth over 3000m is in an abnormal high pressure system and gas accumulations develop in the Lower Jurassic .

  25. 中下三叠统沉积沉降中心位于临清-东濮-太康和两淮地区,沉积中心的中下三叠统厚度达2000~2600m。

    The sedimentary-subsidence center is located in Linqing-Dongpu-Taikang and Huainan-Huaibei areas , where the Middle-Lower Triassic is as thick as2000 ~ 2600m .

  26. 华北地台东部中寒武世张夏期附枝藻(Epiphyton)灰岩及古地理辽东复州湾中石炭世地层兼论华北地台中石炭统的划分

    Epiphyton boundstone and palaeogeography of the Middle Cambrian Zhangxia formation in the east of North China Platform

  27. 根据生统遗传学基本原理,提出谷类作物种子性状双列资料〔包括p2和p(p+1)/2双列与p+q+2pq和p+q+pq不完全双列〕遗传分析的新方法。

    A new method was proposed for genetic analysis of seed traits in cereal crops , which may be applied to p 2 and p ( p + 1 ) / 2 diallel data and p + q + 2pq and p + q + pq incomplete diallel data .

  28. 本文叙述了基于SEED-80微型计算机的实时数据获取与处理统软件的设计及其功能。

    This paper describes the design of data acquisition and processing system software based on the Seed-80 microcomputer .

  29. 上二叠统乌丽群,其下部为含煤碎屑岩组,上部为灰岩夹碎屑岩组,总厚达2000m。

    The Upper Permian Wuli Group is composed of the coal-bearing clastic rock formation in the lower part and the formation of limestone with clastic rocks in the upper part , having a total thickness up to 2000 m.

  30. 针对培训服务的架构模型,从WCF数据层、WCF服务层设计与实现培训服务,利用ⅡS对培训服务进行统管理,实现客户发现和调用服务的过程。第四,培训服务的开发与集成。

    In view of the architecture model for training services , we use ⅱ S unified management services to achieve customers-find and invoking services process from the WCF data layer , WCF service layer . Lastly , the development and the service integration of training service .