
  • 网络Unified Communication;UC Unified Communication
  1. 最后对WEBService在企业统一通信这种特殊的环境下的应用做出了总结并展望未来。

    Finally in this thesis , we make a summary of Web Service applications in the specific Enterprise Unified Communications environment , and Look to the future .

  2. 从在线会议和即时消息到统一通信,LotusSametime可以使一个组织联系更紧密并实现更多交互。

    From online meetings and instant messaging to unified communications , Lotus Sametime can bring an organization closer and offer more interactivity .

  3. 基于XML的统一通信业务接口研究及应用

    Study of the Communication Service Interface on XML

  4. 惠普将转销NET的统一通信网关作为支持微软统一通信的一个途径。

    HP will resell NET 's UC gateway as a way to support Microsoft UC .

  5. NETVX设备是专门为支持微软统一通信开发的。

    The NET VX gear is built specifically to support Microsoft UC .

  6. 利用UNIX环境下的套接口、进程和线程编程,逐步研制统一通信接口函数、消息代理和消息中心。

    Basing on the programming of socket , process and thread in UNIX , developed the communication API , message agent and message center .

  7. 统一通信是更人性化的通信理念,更接近5W(whoever、whatever、however、wherever、whenever、whomever)的通信目标,具有较大的研发空间和广阔的市场前景。

    " Unified communication " is a more human communication concept , closer to the goal of 5W communication , with larger development space and wide market .

  8. 该业务接口主要为满足第三方客户对统一通信平台的语音呼叫控制、IM控制、批量用户信息处理以及用户状态管理等功能的需求。

    The service interface is mainly to meet the voice call control , IM control , batch user information process , user statment management and other functions for third party customers .

  9. 通过实际应用测试,证明基于SaaS模式的统一通信服务平台能够满足用户对互联网型呼叫中心的使用需要。

    The Unified Communication platform based on SaaS technology can meet users ' demand for Internet Call Center , which is accounted for by the practical tests .

  10. 据弗雷斯特研究公司(ForresterResearch)分析师阿特•舍勒称,主打企业市场的Lync在统一通信市场保持了领头羊的地位,但在市场份额上落后于思科公司(Cisco)。

    And Enterprise-focused lync remains a top player in the unified communications space , but it trails Cisco ( CSCO ) in market share , according to Forrester Research Analyst art Schoeller .

  11. 统一通信(UnifiedCommunication,简称UC)产品包括设备、软件、服务等,被定义为增强个人、群体、组织等用户生产效率的方法和工具,以便用来控制、管理、整合和应用多种企业通信手段。

    Unified Communication ( UC ) products including equipment , software and service , are defined as those that enhance individual , workgroup , and organizational productivity by enabling and facilitating the control , management , integration and use of multiple enterprise communication methods .

  12. 文中详细阐述了PROFINET的主要组成部分:分散式现场设备及分布式自动化,以及客户所需的统一通信和现场总线集成等。

    This paper describes the main constituents of PROFINET , such as decentralized field devices , distributed automation , customer-required unified communication , integration of fieldbused , etc.

  13. 本论文基于统一通信的思想,采用G.723.1语音编解码协议,设计了一个基于C/S模式的语音和文件通信系统。

    This paper is based on the thought of " unified communication ", using G.723.1 speech codec protocol , designed a speech and file communication system based on C / S mode .

  14. 下一代企业级统一通信平台的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Next Generation of Unified Communication for Enterprise

  15. 统一通信网络在医院的建设与应用

    Application and Implementation of Unified Communication Networks in the Hospital

  16. 控制和观察思科统一通信管理器的手机。

    Control and observe Cisco Unified Communications Manager phones .

  17. 您进入统一通信领域以来,市场的竞争格局发生了怎样的变化?

    How has the competition changed since you got started in unified communications ?

  18. 煤矿安全监控系统统一通信协议研究

    Research on unified communication agreement for mine safety monitoring and control system Communications ICs

  19. 用特性参数统一通信电缆实际屏蔽系数的计算方法

    Unification of calculation methods for actual screening factors of communication cables by characteristic parameters

  20. 无论是统一通信还是数据会议都需要协同工作模块的支持。

    Both of the Unified communications and date-meeting systems need the support of CSCW .

  21. 统一通信这种融合了多种通信方式的技术逐步受到了个人和企业的关注。

    Unified Communications which merge multiple communication technologies are increasingly concerned by individuals and enterprises .

  22. 统一通信在校园网中的实现

    The Implementation of Unified Communication in Campus

  23. 许多通信厂商先后推出了自己的产品或是提出了相应的统一通信解决方案。

    Many companies have launched its own products of UC platform successively or provided UC solutions .

  24. 出于商业利益和相关技术原因,移动通信网络无法形成一个全球性的统一通信标准。

    Because of business interest and relevant technologies , these standards can 't be unified together .

  25. 最后论文编程实现了统一通信个人通讯录原型系统,并给出功能测试结果。

    Finally , an implementation of UC personal communication directory prototype is programmed with its functional testing results provided .

  26. 十年前我们谈起统一通信时,会看到很多传统厂商。

    Ten years ago , when we talked about unified communications , you found a lot of old-school players .

  27. 而企业统一通信逐步成为统一通信的重要战场,成为众多统一通信解决方案厂商争夺的焦点。

    Enterprise Unified Communications gradually becomes an important battleground and focus of competition of many Unified Communications solution vendors .

  28. 统一通信网络整合了数据和语音,将为医疗工作带来更多的应用价值。

    The unified communication networks have integrated the data and voice , and would add more application value on medicine .

  29. 其中最关键的两个问题是服务间的统一通信协议和业务流程及服务组合的灵活定义。

    The two key issues are the unified communication protocol between different services and neat definition of workflow and service assembles .

  30. 尤其对于企业级用户,统一通信更是大大提高了企业员工的沟通和协作效率,降低了沟通成本。

    Especially for enterprise users , unified communications greatly improve the efficiency of communication and collaboration of enterprise staff and reduce communication costs .