
  1. 传统通信网全面向基于IP技术转变已经成为不可改变的大趋势。

    It has become an unchangeable trend that the traditional communication network is changing into the IP technology totally .

  2. C市电信分公司属于典型的国有垄断企业,目前正在实施从传统通信运营商向综合信息服务提供商转型。

    China Telecommunications Corporation Limited ( China Telecom ) is a typical stated-owned enterprise and is transferring from the traditional basic telecom operator to an integrated information services provider .

  3. 在传统通信方案中,如果系统A需要系统B中的信息,它会向系统B发送一个请求。系统B将处理请求,而系统A会等待响应。

    In a traditional communication scheme , if system A requires information from system B , a request will be sent to B. System B will process the request , and system A will hold for the response .

  4. SIP向P2P架构的发展,改善了原SIP网络的可靠性和可扩展性,有利于实现与传统通信系统的互联互通。

    With the evolution from SIP to P2P , reliability and scalability of the SIP network will be improved , making interconnection between traditional communication system and SIP network easier .

  5. 与传统通信系统一样,RFID系统也存在信道争用问题&标签冲突问题,标签防冲突性能是决定RFID系统性能的关键参数之一。

    Like other communication systems , RFID system also has the channel collision problem of tag collision . Tag anticollision performance is one of key parameter that determine RFID system performance .

  6. CTI将传统通信技术与现代的计算机技术相结合,为公众提供了更先进、更廉价的通信手段。

    Combined the traditional telecommunication technology with the modern computer technology , CTI technology provides much advanced and cheaper communication manner to the society .

  7. 与传统通信协议不同,SIP协议完全采用文本编码,以方便脚本类语言的操作,其应用的前提是智能化的终端、全IP承载。

    Other than traditional telecommunication protocol , SIP employed totally text-based encoding , which make it easy to manipulate the protocol message by script language as the http message , and depend on intelligent terminal as well as ALL-IP transport .

  8. 宽带无线IP网络将是未来网络发展的方向,同传统通信技术相比,其优势在于数据通信速率高、移动性好等。但是伴随着IP网络的发展安全问题日益突出。

    Broadband Wireless IP network is the direction of network development in the future . Compared with traditional communication technologies , it has the advantages of high speed of data communication , good mobility etc. The development of IP network has brought the security problems .

  9. VoIP(VoiceOverIP)技术包含了SIP,SDP,H.323等一系列的协议,它以强大的功能、低廉的价格以及高度的灵活性对传统通信提出了强大的挑战。

    VoIP ( Voice over IP ) includes a set of protocols and technologies such as SIP , SDP , H.323 , which challenges the traditional PSTN telephony with its powerful functions , cheap price and obvious facility .

  10. 与传统通信方式相比,塑料光纤(POF)具有很多无可比拟的优点,因而,在很多领域都得到了广泛的应用。

    Compared with the traditional communications media , plastic optical fiber ( POF ) has a lot of unexampled advantage , as a result , it has got extensive applications in many fields .

  11. 简单可靠协议SRCP(SimpleReliableCommunicationProtocol)是在传统通信协议的基础上提出的一种基于以太网的用户层高效通信协议。

    Simple Reliable Communication Protocol ( SRCP ) is an efficient communication protocol based on Ethernet .

  12. 但在实现传统通信网络和PTN网络的融合过程中,会出现许多问题,比如如何保障分组传送网络中传送TDM业务的服务质量QoS、数据封装类型的互通、定时信息的分配等。

    But during the process of realizing the combination of the traditional communications networks and PTN , there will be a lot of problems , such as how to protect the QoS of TDM services over PTN , data encapsulation type , and clock information distribution and so on .

  13. 边缘到边缘伪线仿真(PWE3)是为实现传统通信网络与现有分组交换网络(PSN)的融合而提出的一种解决方案,以此达到资源的共用和网络的拓展。

    Pseudo-Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge ( PWE3 ) is a solution which is provided for the convergence of traditional communication network and existing Packet Switched Network ( PSN ) . so as to achieve the sharing of resources and extension of networks .

  14. 分析了传统通信卫星系统的特点,提出了一种新型的宽带多媒体通信卫星网络(MCSN)拓扑结构,设计了适用于这种网络的网络管理体系结构。

    According to the characteristics of the conventional satellite communication system , a new topological structure of multimedia communication satellite network ( MCSN ) is proposed with the architecture of the relevant network management system designed .

  15. 互联网与移动通信网络的技术融合推动了传统通信增值业务的变革。

    The convergence of Internet and Telecommunication network push ahead the revolution of traditional telecommunication value-add services .

  16. 邮政企业作为典型的传统通信产业,面临着信息化带来的复杂影响。

    As the typical and traditional communication industry , post is facing the complex effects from informatization .

  17. 第3章研究了基于静止图像的信息隐藏理论容量问题,提出了水印信道的概念,建立了水印信道模型,阐述了水印信道与传统通信的区别与联系。

    The concept of watermarking channel is presented , and the difference between watermarking channel and communication channel is discussed .

  18. 作为传统通信手段的语音通信也成为水声通信中的应用热点。

    Therefore voice communication , as a traditional means of communication , becomes a hot spot in underwater acoustic communication application .

  19. 它是一种基带无载波短脉冲,不同于使用正弦载波的传统通信系统。

    In contrast with the conventional communication system using the ' sine wave ', UWB-IR is a baseband carrierless short pulse .

  20. 本文将首先讨论传统通信系统中信道分配的方案与算法,对其中一些典型的信道分配方案进行比较,并分析各算法的优缺点。

    Through the comparison of some typical channel allocation scheme , an analysis the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm has been done .

  21. 2006年,我国各电信企业的战略转型取得了阶段性的成果,这便是传统通信与新通信的分水岭。

    In2006 , every Chinese telecommunication enterprise progressed nicely in their strategic transition , which marked the division between traditional telecommunication and new telecommunication .

  22. 它能够在能量和带宽受限的无线信道传输中,充分利用多输入多输出系统带来的传统通信系统所不具有的空间分集。

    It can explore the space diversity which is brought by MIMO system while the energy and bandwidth is constrained in wireless channel transmission .

  23. 由于它的功率及频谱利用率高,在传统通信、移动通信和卫星通信系统中得到了广泛的应用。

    Because of its high power and high utility of spectrum , it has found wide application in communication , mobile communications and satellite communication .

  24. 与传统通信技术相比,该网络具有超高的安全性,并能利用量子光子抵御黑客。

    The network , in comparison to traditional communication technologies , features ultra-high security and is able to ward off hackers by using quantum photons .

  25. 之后对传统通信网中的几种著名的故障测度方法进行了详细的介绍和分析,总结出了各种方法的优缺点。

    Then gives a detail introduce and analysis of several traditional well-known methods of fault measurement , summed up the advantages and disadvantages of these methods .

  26. 经过仿真试验,相对于基于传统通信方式的方案,该方案具有定位精度高、通信覆盖范围广、成本低廉等优点。

    Compared with solutions based on traditional communication mode , this one prevails with the better positioning precision and accuracy , larger communication covering area and lower cost .

  27. 传统通信行业竞争强度不断增大,各大运营商之间在获得同等经营权之后,市场份额争夺趋于白热化。

    With the growing intensity in the competition of traditional communication , every operator is trying hard to fight for a bigger market share , after getting the equal right of management .

  28. 基于中继协助传输的无线通信系统的出现解决了传统通信系统一直存在的可伸缩性低和健壮性差等诸多问题。

    The appearance of relay based wireless communication systems have solved a lot of problems that existed in the traditional wireless communication systems , such as a lack of expansibility and robustness .

  29. 当紧急状况发生时,卫星往往发挥着关键作用,因为此时传统通信方式有可能失灵,或因为飞机由于高度和位置偏远等原因已不在信号覆盖范围内,比如这次的MH370。

    Satellites are often crucial in emergency situations when conventional communications can fail , or in this case where there is no ­ coverage because of the height and remote location of the jet .

  30. 移动通信满足了人们在任何时间、任何地点与任何个人进行通信的愿望。然而,随着移动通信业务的不断发展,以语音通信为主的传统通信业务增长日趋放缓。

    Mobile communications enable people to communicate at any time , anywhere and with anyone . However , with the development of the mobile communications , the traditional voice-based communications business is increasingly slow .