
  • 网络actual;actual amount;practical number
  1. 资产负债表中的数字都是报实数吗?是的,应该报实际数。

    Is the number in the balance sheet newspaper real number ? Yes , should sign up for actual number .

  2. 第三,及时提供业绩报告,把每个责任中心的收入和费用的实际数与预算数相比较。

    Third , timely performance reports are prepared , comparing the actual revenue and expenses of each responsibility center with the budgeted amounts .

  3. 我们可以利用可控收益实际数与计划数的偏差来评价利润中心及其经理的绩效。

    We may measure the performance of the profit center or its manager by means of the controllable income variance that is the difference between the actual and planned number of the controllable income .

  4. 通过比较范德瓦耳斯非理想气体热力学方程、Redlich-Kwong状态方程、理想气体方程的摩尔数密度压力曲线和实际摩尔数密度压力状态,得到了100℃地层条件下实用的流体充注增压公式;

    Through the comparison of the mole density-pressure curves of Van der Waals , Redlich-Kwong and ideal gas thermodynamics state equation , a practical equation for pressure increasing was established .

  5. 结果根据Dixon方法计算预期妊娠数为4.850,实际妊娠数为1例,避孕有效率为79.4%实际妊娠与预期妊娠相比有显著差异(P<0.05)。

    Results According to the method of Dixon , the expected pregnancys was 4.850 , while 1 pregnancy really occurred and there was a significant ( P < 0.05 ) difference between expected pregnancies and raw pregnancies . The effective rate of contraception was 79.4 % .

  6. 复制到缓冲区的实际字节数。

    The actual number of bytes copied to the buffer .

  7. 盈余公积金应当按实际提取数记帐。

    Surplus reserve shall be accounted for at the amount actually set up .

  8. 读取的实际字节数。

    The actual number of bytes read .

  9. 罕见的实验,使他们能够提取实际受益数,这是个有趣的正是其原创性。

    The uncommon experiment , practical benefit from which they can extract few , it is interesting by precisely its originality .

  10. 按1∶0.4(实际病人数)配置护理人员将导致劳动强度的不均衡性。

    The 1 ∶ 0.4 ratio ( actual number of patients ) for deploying nursing personnel will lead to unbalance in labor intensity .

  11. 在对测试对象的特性和测试任务进行分析后,提出并建立了一种符合实际的数模混合的动态测试环境。

    This paper proposes a digital-analog hybrid model for system dynamic testing by analyzing the testing tasks and characteristics of the testing object .

  12. 通过计算实例。得出与水斗数目相关的要素,使理论水斗数与实际水斗数更趋一致。

    By calculating actual examples , a correlation factor for bucket numbers is obtained which can make theoretic bucket numbers approach practical ones .

  13. 针对回收的问卷,进行了认真的筛选,淘汰不合格问卷后,实际样本数高于事前设定的样本数量。

    Screen the questionnaire retrieved , and wash out those dis-qualified , the actual number of sample is higher than that set in advance .

  14. 然而,报告不足是令人关切的问题。估计实际病例数是现在所报告的病例数的10至250倍。

    However , underreporting is a concern – the true number of cases is estimated to be10 to250 times what is now being reported .

  15. 尽管它宣称自己的社交网络Google+广受欢迎,但实际用户数却始终饱受质疑。

    And although the company claims its latest social network , Google + , is popular , its actual usage figures have been disputed .

  16. 这里您需要考虑一下想在报告中包含什么,也就是月,季度,近一年或者预算和实际发生数的信息。

    This is where you need to look at what you want to include in the report , i.e.1 month , quarterly , YTD or Budget and Actual Information .

  17. 结果为通过空间化得到的各乡镇的人口数与各乡镇的实际人口数的相关系数为0.91,平均误差为16.5%。

    The result showed that the correlation ratio between actual township 's total population and the total population calculated by spatialization equaled 0.91 and mean error percentage was 16.5 % .

  18. 结果:218例受试者预期妊娠数27.279,实际妊娠数1,避孕有效率96.32%。

    Results Among the 218 subjects , the expected pregnant rate was 27.279 while there was only one pregnancy occurred . Contraception efficacy rate on preventing pregnancy was 96.32 % .

  19. 计算结果表明,极大多数养分要素的合理取样数较实际取样数有较大幅度减少,意味着可大幅降低采样及分析成本。

    The calculated result indicates that most of the reasonable number of the soil factor can be reduced sharply , which means that a lot of cost of sampling can be saved .

  20. 盈余公积金是指按照国家有关规定从利润中提取的公积金,它应当按实际提取数记帐。

    Surplus reserve refers to the reserve fund set up from profit ac - cording to relevant government regulations , which shall be ac - counted for at the amount actually set up .

  21. 为了降低多路径时延计算量,设计了路径查找树预选取算法,去除冗余路径,使预选取路径数目远小于实际路径数。

    In order to reduce the complexity of multi-path delay calculation , the pre-selection algorithm based on path search tree is designed . The redundant paths are removed , the number of pre-selection path is much less than the actual number of paths .

  22. 当日终了,实际支付数上报至国库信息执行系统,根据实际支付数,从国库专户拨款至支付中心账户,实现支付中心零余额清零,完成整个支付过程。

    The end of the day , the actual payment information submitted to the state treasury the implementation of systems , based on the actual number of allocations from the treasury accounts to cover accounts , to achieve a zero balance of cleared payment center , complete the payment process .

  23. 通过有限单元法,并借助ANSYS有限元分析软件对三环减速器的多齿啮合效应进行了分析,得到了三环减速器传动时的实际接触齿数、啮合齿载荷分配以及VONMISES应力变化规律。

    The multi-tooth meshing effect of the three-ring gear reducer is studied used the finite element method and ANSYS finite element software . While the three-ring gear reducer is running , the number of teeth contacted simultaneously , their load distribution characteristics and the von Mises stress change are gained .

  24. 接近但高于实际的行数。

    This is close , but higher than the real cardinality .

  25. 实际计算网格数为102.4万。

    The number of computation meshes is about 1 million .

  26. 单向泡帽塔盘的性能甲醇-水系统筛板塔效率和实际塔板数的估算

    Evaluation of Sieve Tray Efficiency and Actual Number of Plates for Methanol-Water System

  27. 三环减速器实际接触齿数及载荷分配的研究

    Study on Real Contact Teeth and their Load Distribution of a Three ring Reducer

  28. 少齿差行星齿轮传动实际接触齿数及载荷分配的研究

    Study on Contact Teeth and Load Distribution of Planetary Gear with Small Tooth Number Difference

  29. (对于真实的应用服务器,实际的线程数和连接数要比这个数大)。

    Actual numbers of threads and connections would be bigger in the case of a real application server .

  30. 产品运送策略的选取仅取决于实际可用车辆数和最优需用车辆数。

    The delivery plan of product depends only on available vehicles and the optimized number of needed vehicles .