
jīnɡ jì zhì dù
  • economic system;economy
  1. 这个国家的经济制度实属匪夷所思。

    The country 's economic system is pure Alice in Wonderland .

  2. 作为我国政治经济制度重要组成部分的审计,也要以WTO规则的相关要求作出及时调整,包括调整财政审计目标、金融审计目标、企业审计目标、社会保障基金审计目标和经济责任审计目标。

    Auditing , an important part of China 's political and economic system , has to make adjustment according to the relevant demands of WTO regulations .

  3. 这些经济制度将毫无疑问地维持他们在金融市场上的主导权。

    These economies will no doubt maintain their dominance of financial markets

  4. 其目的是将欧洲的社会民主与经济制度传播到世界各地。

    The idea is to spread social democracy and economics outwards from Europe .

  5. 投入产出分析方法是由美国著名经济学家WassilyLeontief创立的,他于1936年发表了投入产出分析的第一篇论文《美国经济制度中投入产出的数量关系》。

    Input-output analysis was established by Prof. Wassily Leontief , who is the famous economist in America .

  6. 二是社会主义市场经济制度不完善;

    Second , undere loped market - oriented economy of socialism ;

  7. 劳动价值理论的发展与中国的基本经济制度

    Development of Labor Value Theory and Basic Economic System of China

  8. 实施可持续发展战略的制度创新&构建绿色经济制度

    Institutional Innovation of Realizing Sustainable Development & Formulating Green Economic Institutions

  9. 资本集中、财产公有是社会主义经济制度的核心;

    The socialism economic core was capital concentration and public ownership ;

  10. 论新阶段中国农村经济制度的创新

    On Innovation of Economy System of Chinese countryside in New Stage

  11. 经济制度不同,公共住房政策的模式也有较大不同。

    Different public housing policy pattern varies from different economic system .

  12. 论我国现阶段的基本经济制度与分配方式

    On the Current Basic Economic System and Distribution System in China

  13. 伦理视野中的经济制度与经济行为

    Economic systems and actions in the ethics field of vision

  14. 新经济制度的伦理解构

    The Ethical Explain and Construction of the New Economic System

  15. 我们要在这一基本经济制度的基础上,全力构建社会主义市场经济体制。

    Our socialist market economy is based on this special economic system .

  16. 论新经济制度理论体系的内涵

    On the connotation of the theoretic system of the neo economic system

  17. 劳动力产权与基本经济制度

    Property Rights to Labor Force and Basic Economic Institutions

  18. 形成低信任的原因主要是:(1)体育经济制度不完善;

    The reasons are : ( 1 ) sports economic system is imperfect ;

  19. 对我国社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度的理论思考

    Theoretical Thinking on the Basic Economic System at the Primary Stage of Socialism

  20. 市场经济制度:经济发展的首要因素

    Chief element of economic development : market economy system

  21. 经济制度和我国经济增长效率的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Economic Institution and the Efficiency of Economic Growth

  22. 财产权应当归属于公民基本权利而不是经济制度;

    Property rights should belong to the basic right of citizenship not economic system ;

  23. 同时,不同社会经济制度之间也同样可以借鉴。

    In the meanwhile , different social economic systems can be used for references .

  24. 建立计划经济制度是一个制度移植及其本土化改造的过程。

    It is a course of transplantation and localization to set up planned economy .

  25. 经济制度的特性分析

    An Analysis of the Characteristics of Economic Institution

  26. 经济制度变革释义

    Interpretation on the Change of Economic System

  27. 社会保障制度是一项经济制度,更是一项伦理制度。

    System of social security is an economic system , and even an ethics system .

  28. 按劳分配是我国社会主义经济制度的特征之一。

    Distribution according to work is one of the characteristics of Chinese socialism economic system .

  29. 在市场经济制度完善的条件下,文化环境对投资的影响取决于投资对文化环境的敏感性和适应性。

    The essay holds that there is an important influence between social cultural environment and investment .

  30. 如何理解我国的基本经济制度

    On Basic Economic System in China