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  • 网络management form;Operational form
  1. 当前平原林业经营形式与农林业发展的关系

    Relationship between the present forestry management form and forestry development in plain area

  2. 社会林业,是七十年代以来逐渐在发展中国家兴起的一种新的林业组织经营形式。

    Social Forestry is a new forestry organization and management form arise from the developing countries from 70 's.

  3. 论述了在发电企业经营形式紧张的状况以及选择企业资产管理(EAM)产品来进行电厂信息化工作、改进电厂管理的必要性。

    This paper describes the running pressure on power generation enterprises , and analyzes the necessity of choosing enterprise asset management ( EAM ) products for power plant informatization to improve power plant management .

  4. 品牌企业,一种新型的品牌经营形式。

    Brand enterprise is a new form of brand operation .

  5. 影响医院选择经营形式的主要因素。第三章分析了公立医院的补偿机制对医院行为的影响。

    Chapter 3 analyses how compensation mechanism influences the behavior of state-owned hospitals .

  6. 论草原林业的家庭牧场经营形式

    Management Forms in Family Owned Pasture of Grassland Forestry

  7. 农业旅游既是一种新兴的旅游方式,又是一种新型的农业生产经营形式。

    Agricultural tourism is a new tour , and it is a new agriculture .

  8. 农机作业委托在我国的起源、发展及其对我国农业机械化发展的影响小麦跨区机械化收割是我国农机作业委托这种农机经营形式的起源。

    The cross-zone mechanized harvest of wheat is the origin of our country ' sCHS .

  9. 坡地旱作果园是我国黄土区坡面主要农林业经营形式。

    Slope orchard in arid area is the main forestry manage model on Loess Plateau .

  10. 第二章分析了中国医院选择经营形式的动机。

    Chapter 2 analyses the motives for hospitals in China in choosing their business forms .

  11. 论集体所有权与集体所有制实现的经营形式&从所有制的制度实现与经营实现的区分认识集体所有权的必要性

    On Collective Proprietary Rights and Operating Forms of Collective Ownership Realization On the Nature of Collective Ownership

  12. 在集体所有权基础上,采取多种形式的集体所有制实现的经营形式。

    Based on collective proprietary right , various operating forms of collective ownership realization can be chosen .

  13. 关于林业经营形式的探讨

    On Management Forms of Forestry

  14. 本文重点分析了合作社的主要经营形式&信用合作社的流变。

    The thesis pays more attention to analyze the main trade form & credit association of the cooperative .

  15. 发展山区立体林业经济是山区乡镇强乡富民的必由之路&参加全国林业多种所有制经营形式专题研讨会的体会

    Development of a Three - dimensional Forestry Is The Only Way Out to Improve Economy In Mountainous Townships

  16. 同时,我国医药经营形式正在向集团化、连锁化发展。

    At the same time , China 's pharmaceutical form of management is to the grouping , chain development .

  17. 产业化是现代农业的普通经营形式,是中国农业现代化的必然趋势。

    Industrialization is a common business form of modern agriculture and an inexorable trend to modernize China 's agriculture .

  18. 其实,许多经营形式,都属于发展社会生产力的手段、方法,既可为资本主义所用,也可为社会主义所用。

    Actually , as means of developing the productive forces , different managerial forms Can serve either capitalism or socialism .

  19. 本厂经营形式灵活,大小客户一视同仁,欢迎公司和个体经营者光临惠顾。

    The factory operating flexible form , size customers alike , welcomed the company and individual operators throughout the visit .

  20. 虚拟公司经营形式的特殊性,给税收工作带来许多问题,较为严重的是虚拟公司的避税和逃税问题。

    There are many problems caused by the special management of the dummy companies , such as the tax avoidance .

  21. 农村的农业经营形式变为以农民家庭为基本生产单位的经营形式后,原来集体的许多保障功能已弱化。

    Family become the basic unit of the operating units , many of the original collective security functions have been weakened .

  22. 对于大规模经济活动来说,公司这种经营形式比个体企业或合伙企业更为灵活。

    The corporate form of business is a more flexible instrument for large-scale economic activity than the sole proprietorship or partnership .

  23. 近代徐州商业活动日益频繁,百货公司等新式商业不断兴起,商业范围逐渐扩大,经营形式逐渐走向近代化。

    In modern history , the commercial activities increased frequently , new business arose continuously , the scope of business enlarged gradually .

  24. 目前国际间一种行之有效的商业经营形式&加盟店,是社会经济发展到一定阶段的客观趋势,市场供不应求的生态食品与行之有效的商业模式相配套。

    At present , there is an internationally effective business operation style & franchisees , an objective trend of the social economic development .

  25. 第二,在集体林权制度改革的契机之下,加强对林业合作经营形式的宣传和引导。

    Second , in the opportunity of Tenure Reform in China in 2008 , to strengthen the propaganda and guide to the cooperatives .

  26. 当前,邯郸平原的林业经营形式主要有集体经营、联产承包经营和单户经营等3种;

    Currently , three kinds of forestry management forms , collective , output contract and individual household , are existing in Handan plain area .

  27. 观光农业是农业生产和经营形式的创新,是农业和旅游业交叉产生的新产业。

    Tourism Agriculture is the advancement of agricultural production and management , a novel industry created by crossing of the agriculture and the tourism .

  28. 展望了国外奶牛业未来乳制品的结构和组织经营形式的转换趋势。

    It also gives the outlook of the transformation trend of the structure and organizational form of the overseas dairy product sector in the future .

  29. 二战后,受到西方企业治理制度的影响,日本也逐步接受了股份制企业经营形式。

    After the second world war , by western business management system , the influence of Japan also gradually accept the stock system enterprise management form .

  30. 这些经营形式,是与农村经济体制改革和当前生产力水平相适应的,对林业生产的发展有促进作用。

    These management forms adapt to the reform of economic s-ystem in rural area and to the present level of productivity , and will p-romote forestry development .