
  • 网络The Gift Economy
  1. “付你能付”的方针由delaMaza构思并发扬,它明显具有礼物经济的特征。

    The Pay-What-You-Can policy conceived and promoted by de la Maza displays unmistakable features of a gift economy , first popularized in modern terms in Eric Raymonds pioneering Open Source writings .

  2. 我们认为:商品经济是礼物经济自然而然发展以及一些外因对其作用的结果。

    A commodity economy is the nature result on the growth of a gift economy ;

  3. 敏捷社区正在朝着礼物经济的经济结构发展吗?

    Are we moving towards a gift-economy economic structure in the Agile community ?

  4. 礼物经济在物质不匮乏的远古时期就已经存在。

    Gift economies exist in primitive cultures where scarcity is not a problem .

  5. 然而至今尚存的远古文明已经不多,礼物经济也不是一种标准。

    There are few primitive cultures left on the planet , and gift economies are not the norm .

  6. 摘要对于中国的许多田野研究都关注到了礼物经济及至关系动作的问题,但尚未注意到礼物经济能够在中国兴盛基础,那就是土地的集体所有制。

    Many researchers have been concerned about the question of gift economy and guanxi practice , but do not have given much more attention on the existential basis of the gift economy growing in modern China which is the collective land ownership .

  7. 由于伙伴院校通常会向斯隆管理学院赠送礼物,经济收益也是好处之一。

    There is also a financial component , whereby the partner school typically makes a gift to MIT Sloan .