
cái wù nián dù
  • Financial Year;fiscal year
  1. 从此处开始并不是不正确,我曾见到过一个SOA的项目,后来进展缓慢或者延期一直到下一个财务年度末,因为IT团队对于SOA所展示的某些方面不能达成一致。

    It isn 't incorrect to start here ; I haven 't seen an SOA initiative slowed down or postponed until the next fiscal year because IT teams can 't agree on these aspects of the SOA rollout .

  2. 根据亚太航空中心(CAPA)咨询公司的数据,印度航空公司在2011-12财务年度的预计亏损为14.5亿美元。

    Air India made an estimated loss of $ 1.45 billion in the 2011-12 fiscal year , according to the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation ( CAPA ) , a consultancy .

  3. 任天堂公司已经连续三个财务年度宣告亏损,它的WiiU也被喻为自NES以来最失败的一款游戏机。

    Nintendo has reported operating losses for three consecutive fiscal years , and the Wii U is considered the least successful Nintendo console ever , going all the way back to the original NES .

  4. 淡马锡通常要等到财务年度结束5至6个月后才会披露业绩。

    Temasek normally waits until five or six months after the close of the fiscal year to reveal its results .

  5. 本文论述了财务年度决算的重要性以及财务报表的指导性以及不可替代性。

    The importance of financial affairs year final accounts and the direction can not being substitute of financial affairs is investigated .

  6. 公司在财务年度里的经营成果和财务状况变动的情况则分别由损益表及财务状况变动表来表达。

    The company 's performance and changes in financial positions for the year are respectively presented by the IS and the SCFP .

  7. 这种安排依然会给按财务年度经营的公司带来问题,需要增资或者首发上市的公司也是一样。

    Fiscal year companies would still have a problem , as would any companies that need to raise additional capital or do an IPO .

  8. 如果指示,在当前年度被设置,你录入的期间别现在当前财务年度。

    If the indicator Within current fiscal year is set , the number of periods that you enter here is limited to the fiscal year .

  9. 实验结果也表明了在与训练集同一财务年度区间内的测试集上不能正确估计模型的性能。

    It has also been shown that the results of models ' performances , which are got on the test set , are not reliable .

  10. 从她的讲话中我们可以了解该行上一财务年度的收入来源以及收入使用情况。

    From her presentation , we know both about the source of income and the application of income for her bank for the previous financial year .

  11. 一家公司内的所有公司代码必须使用同样的账簿册和财务年度。但是,每一家公司代码可以有不同的本币。

    All of the company codes within a company must use the same chart of accounts and fiscal year . However , each company code can have a different local currency .

  12. 协助财务总监编制年度的财务预算。

    Assist CFO to prepare the Annual Operating Plan and other issues .

  13. 同时中期财务报告与年度财务报告有很强的相关性,并且中期财务报告在一定的范围内减弱了年度财务报告的信息含量。

    Because of 《 Mid-Financial Report Standard 》 , the information of year-financial report has been decreased in some range .

  14. 需要具备为公司的产品品牌和支持所需的季度财务计划开发年度商业计划的能力。

    The ability to provide relevant tools , information , samples and programs to support sales force efforts toward target audiences are required .

  15. 随着财务报表和年度报告的篇幅越来越长,人们严重怀疑这些报告是否提供了股市投资者所需的信息。

    As financial statements and annual reports get longer , there are serious doubts about whether they deliver the information that stock market investors need .

  16. 财务主管将在年度大会上显示账目。

    The treasurer will be presenting the accounts at the annual meeting .

  17. 损益表揭示了一个特定时间的收益数据,通常在每个财务季度和财务年度末发布。

    The financial statements provide information about the financial position and operation of a company .

  18. 建立财务程序,选择一个财务年度结束日。

    Establish an accounting process , and pick a year end date .