
  • 网络Change of Registration;registration;Registration of Change;registration modification;modify one's registration
  1. 公司增加或者减少注册资本,应当依法向公司登记机关办理变更登记。

    When a company increases or decreases its registered capital , the company shall carry out a change of registration with the company registration authority .

  2. 直接持有体制下,证券交易的双方需要交付证券的实物券或者在证券持有人名册上进行变更登记,使得证券交易费时费力、成本高昂。

    Under direct holding system , once the security being transferred , the parties have to deliver the physical security or complete the change of registration on the register of shareholder , which makes the trading itself time-consuming and costly .

  3. 申请变更登记的程序很复杂。

    The procedure of applying for changing registration is complicated .

  4. 投资人签署的变更登记申请书;

    Application for registration of changes signed by the investor ;

  5. 法定代表人签署的变更登记申请书;

    A1.application for registration of changes signed by the investor legal representative ;

  6. 变更登记事项的,变更登记费为100元。

    When changing the registered items , the fee of alternation registration is rmb100 .

  7. 报批义务以及权属变更登记义务究竟如何承担?

    How to take the obligation of approval and change the ownership ofmining right ?

  8. 浅议我国现行具体行政行为司法审查标准的缺陷&一起外商投资企业变更登记案的法律分析

    On Deficiencies of the Standard of Judicial Review on Specific Administrative Act Business Data Enterprises

  9. 公司登记机关核准变更登记的,换发《营业执照》。

    The company registration authority issues a new Business License if it approves the registration of change .

  10. 纳税人登记内容发生变化时,应办理变更登记,重新填写此表。

    If any registration items changed , taxpayer should make a variation registration , and fill in this form .

  11. 第十二条依法改变土地权属和用途的,应当办理土地变更登记手续。

    Article 12 Changes of owners and usages of land , should go through the land alteration registration procedures .

  12. 涉及权属调整的要依法和按程序确认调整后的权属,进行变更登记。

    The adjustment of the land right should be confirmed and registered according to the law and the program .

  13. 公司内部股东名册登记具有对抗效力,未经变更登记的不能对抗公司。

    The registration of shareholder list in the corporation can be effectively against the third party , otherwise in vain .

  14. 未依照本条例规定办理有关变更登记、注销登记或者备案的。

    The Representative Office fails to carry out formalities for registration of changes , deregistration or filing pursuant to these Regulations .

  15. 举办人未按规定办理变更登记或者注销登记,擅自变更体育竞赛的内容或者取消体育竞赛的;

    Arbitrary alteration of the contents of a sports contest or cancellation of a sports contest without alteration or cancellation registration ;

  16. 在规定的期限内向公司登记机关申请变更登记,并提交有关文件。

    Apply for registration of change with the company registration authority in the fixed time limit and submit the relevant documents .

  17. 应当自国家有关部门批准之日起30日内申请变更登记。

    The registration of change shall be applied for within 30 days from the date of approval from the relevant State department .

  18. 未经核准变更登记,公司不得擅自改变登记事项。

    Where the registration of change has not been approved , the company shall not presumptuously change any of the registered items .

  19. 未办理变更登记,医疗机构改变名称、类别、床位、地点。

    The medical institution changing its name , classification , number of sickbeds and address without going through the alteration registration procedures .

  20. (四)兼营广告业务的企业,应当办理经营范围变更登记。

    For enterprises concurrently engaged in advertising business , applications shall be filed with the relevant departments for change of business scope registration .

  21. 房产登记的种类有初始登记、转移登记、变更登记、他项权登记。

    The sort that house property registers has initiative register , move is registered , change is registered , he authority is registered .

  22. 登记事项发生变化,应当向公司登记机关申请变更登记,换领《企业法人营业执照》。

    The enterprise 's legal person shall apply an alternation registration to the original registration office for any changes of the registered items .

  23. 无论是出资证明书、公司内部股东名册变更登记还是公司登记机关登记,都不是股权归属的认定标准。

    None of the investment certificate , the shareholder list in the corporation or the registration in the relative authority is the certification standards of shareholdings .

  24. 答:房地产登记种类分为初始登记、转移登记、抵押登记、变更登记和其它登记。

    Answer : estate registers phyletic cent to be initiative register , move is registered , guaranty is registered , change is registered and other is registered .

  25. 文章还结合实际,对董事长退任中的相关实际法律问题进行了分析,如分析了董事长变更登记、变更后果等。

    The author also integrates theory with practice , analyzing some practical issues during the changing of the Chairman , such as the changing registration and the consequence of the changing .

  26. 变更登记事项涉及《企业法人营业执照》载明事项的,公司登记机关应当换发营业执照。

    Where the change of registered items relates to the items recorded on the Business License of Enterprise legal person , the company registration authority shall issue a new business license .

  27. 公司依照法定程序修改公司章程并经公司登记机关变更登记,可以变更其经营范围。

    A company may change its Business scope by amendments to its articles of association in accordance with procedures provided by law and after changing its registration with the company registration authority .

  28. 公司登记依据不同标准可以做不同分类,其中最为重要的是将公司登记分为设立登记、变更登记和注销登记三种。

    According to different criteria , the company registration can be classified in many ways , the most important of which is the classification among registration of incorporation , modification and cancellation .

  29. 经核对发觉不符时,应通知船舶所有人于限期内申请变更登记,或换发船舶国籍证书。

    In case of finding any non-conformity upon checking , the authority shall notify the shipowner of making an application for altering the registration or reissuing the certificate within a specified time limit .

  30. 公司变更登记事项涉及修改公司章程的,应当提交修改后的公司章程或者公司章程修正案。

    Where a company 's change of registered items relates to amending the company 's articles of association , the amended articles of association or the amendment of the articles of association shall be submitted .