
Cold extrusion process for seat pins has been analysed with CAE . The stress of the forming metal has been studied with prediction of the possible flaw of the parts . A proposal to avoid flaws has been put forward with related experiments given .
The complete velocity model for plastic metal is structured with flow function . The boundary tear stress condition , which should be met by the velocity field of the Mises material plan or axisymmetrical deformation , is raised .
Heating rates greatly affect the recrystallization textures of cold deformed metals .
The method of internal friction for investigation of dislocation link length distribution in deformed metal
The Current Effect of Deformation Metal Poll
Then the deformed metal ( called chip ) flows over the tool ( rake ) face .
Theory and application of statistical dislocation link length distribution in deformed metal & ⅱ . experimental technology and Application
The relief of some of the internal strain energy of a previously cold-worked metal , usually by heat treatment .
After analyzing the harms and causes of adhesion between deformed metal and die , a new type of melt lubricant is presented .
But there are still many key techniques , which need more attention for the complexity of the metal deformation in unsteady metal forming process .
As different billet preheat temperature was simulated , the deformation metal temperature was gradually increased along the extrusion direction while the increase of billet preheat temperature , and extrusion pressure was declined gradually .
If the friction between the tool rake face and the underside of the chip ( deformed material ) is considerable , then the chip gets further deformed , which is termed as secondary deformation .
The research results show that : the forced cooling during FSW of copper can decrease the temperature of weld zone and heat-mechanical affected zone during welding , minimize the soft zone width and weak degree , and increase the properties of FSW joint .
Dislocation features in FeAl intermetallic compound after deformation at high temperature
Rolling model of H beam was established through MSC Marc / AutoForge FEA software and rolling process was simulated to solve the defect problem for H beam . The metal flow in rolling process was simulated by thermo-mechanical coupled elastic-plastic element and the pressure distribution on web was given .
The Bland-Ford-Hill model was used for rolling force calculation of process control of cold rolling . The plastic deformation in bite zone and elastic deformation at the entry and exit of bite zone were considered for the model calculation .
Effects of Metallic Parts Strain on Stress of Metal-Ceramic Seals
Effect of guiding angle on metal flow and defects in extrusion deformation
Influence of Shear Deformation on Metal Structure and Behaviours
Study on mass point acceleration and slip rate of metal in rolling deformation zone
3-D Metal Flow and Stress Distribution in the Deformational Area of Continuous Seamless Tube Mill
The constitutive equation , which reflects the metal flow rules during isothermal forging process , was developed .
Laser sheet bending is a new metal forming process realized by thermal stresses resulted from the irradiation of laser beam scanning .
Piston ring is a metallic elastic ring with large deformation and outward expansion , which is assembled to the corresponding ring groove .
Thus , it is difficult to simulate the whole metal forming process with a fixed mesh configuration for the complicated large deformation problems .
A big flanged forgings stamping was studied by cross extruslon , as well as its technology , applience and feature of metallic flow .
The flow behavior of metal during the upsetting will affect not only its resistance to deformation but also its accuracy of designed deformation process .
In this paper , the influence of shear deformation on metal structure and behaviours is discussed with some practical examples of extrusion and die forging workpieces .
The compressive force exerted by the rollers causes the metal to deform . The metal is thus reduced in section , increased in length and finally changed in shape .
To show the . effectiveness of the method , problems of contact large deformation of cantilever beam , circular plate , as well as metal ring are computed . Compared with experiments , the results show good agreements .