- 网络metamorphic basement

The distributing and assigning characters of gold in metamorphic basement of the early Precambrian in Liaoning
Absence of the Mesoproterozoic metamorphic basement in the central Qiangtang uplifted area ;
New recognition of kangding-mianning metamorphic complexes from sichuan , Western Yangtze Craton : evidence from Nd isotopic composition
Basic outline and tectonic evolution of the metamorphic basement in the South China Sea
Time of formation for metamorphic basement and crust in the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River
There is a suit of mica schist among metamorphic basement of Early-Middle Proterozoic era at Xiangshan Uraniun Mineral Field .
It is thought that the original crust , especially the metamorphose basement of Precambrian is the base of gold-ore formation .
Therefore , the extensional movement is also one of the mechanisms for controlling formation of the unifying metamorphic basement and sedimentary cover .
The metamorphose fundation of the Proterozoic and the stratum of the Late Palaeozoic exposed as " top window " to the lava .
( 2 ) reactivation of the Early-middle Proterozoic metamorphic basement of the India block has played a key role in the formation of the Proto-Himalayan Mountains ;
There are 5 kinds of geological settings : metamorphic basement area , geosyncline area , cover area , Mesozoic volcanic fault basin and tectonic magmatic active belts .
The diabase dike group is developed in metamorphic basement in Zhulou Mountain at the South Edge of Jiuling Mountain , their forming era and their origins have not been researched .
The discovery of hornfelsed basic rock veins discloses that strong geologic process with the activity of fault , magma and metamorphism were still taken placed in Paleozoic era within the metamorphic basement of the Xiangshan uranium ore field .
Thus we suggest that the Late Palaeozoic sediments are not the metamorphosed basement in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic basins , they are superimposed basins .
Secondly , The basin has the double basements of the deformational-metamorphic crystalline basement ( Archean-Paleoproterozoic ) and the deformational-sedimentary basement ( Mesoproterozoic-Paleozoic ) .
The Meso-Cenozoic detachment zones in the front of the Taihang Mountains occur between the early Precambrian metamorphic crystalline basement and post-Mesoproterozoic sedimentary cover .
Those in Archean and lower-middle Proterozoic hypometamorphic crystalline basement were formed as a result of the replacement of carbonate rocks by metamorphic hydrothermal fluids generated during regional metamorphism and migmatitization ;
Development of the local magnetic high in basin mainly by magnetic igneous rock , the magnetic material and sedimentary rock in Precambrian metamorphic crystalline basement geological factors caused three aspects .
The Qiangtang Basin , which is developed on the Pre Devonian crystalline basement and the Upper Paleozoic epimetamorphic folded basement , is a composite residual basin dominated by the Mesozoic marine deposit .
Moreover , inherited zircon ages ( 581 ~ 2492 Ma ) in this pluton provide evidence for the exiting of an early Precambrian crystalline basement and multistage evolution of crust in this region .
The metamorphic facies gradually change from low amphibolite & high green-schist facies of the basement to low green-schist of the cover .
The Archean metamorphic basement with priority to hypometamorphic greenstone belts is extensively distributed in the East and West Hebei Province , and also Mesozoic magmatic activity is well developed in this area .