
biàn dòng
  • change;shift;alteration;modification;oscillation;altenation fluctuation
变动 [biàn dòng]
  • [change;altenation fluctuation] 变化;更动

  • 而悠久成物之理,转在变动不居(不停止)之中。--〔英〕赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》

  • 为善的心变动了

  • 变动几个名词

变动[biàn dòng]
  1. 计划作了变动。

    There 's been a change of plan .

  2. 上个月提议的变动在3月份的预算中已经有所预兆了。

    The change proposed last month was foreshadowed in the March Budget .

  3. 我听说有更多的人事变动在酝酿中。

    I hear there are more staff changes in the offing .

  4. 时间安排也许会有些小小的变动。

    There may be some minor changes to the schedule .

  5. 如有变动,请事先通知我们。

    Please give us advance warning of any changes .

  6. 总的来说,他们所作的这些变动都会被欣然接受。

    In general , the changes they had made were to be welcomed .

  7. 这个部门的预算是不容变动的。

    The department 's budget is untouchable .

  8. 价格变动不另行通知。

    Prices may be altered without notice .

  9. 菜单随季节而变动。

    The menu varies with the season .

  10. 一位发言人说,这些变动不是针对公司最近的损失而作出的反应。

    A spokesman said the changes were not in reaction to the company 's recent losses .

  11. 印度近年来经历了很多政治变动。

    India has witnessed many political changes in recent years

  12. 我们可能会斟酌改变限额,有任何变动将通知您。

    We may vary the limit at our discretion and will notify you of any change

  13. 在记入您账户的借方之前,我们总是会就发生变动的数额书面通知您。

    We will always confirm the revised amount to you in writing before debiting your account .

  14. 价格可能会有所变动。

    Prices may be subject to alteration

  15. 有时我们会稍微变动一下事实,以免他们知道实情会太痛苦。

    Sometimes we bend the truth a little in order to spare them the pain of the real facts .

  16. 如有任何变动,你有责任通知他们。

    It 's your responsibility to inform them of any changes .

  17. 根据日程安排,我们需要作些小小的变动。

    According to the schedule , we have to make a few small changes .

  18. 随意变动。

    Make any alterations you like .

  19. 她用圆滑的手腕说服他们接受这些变动。

    She gets them to accept these changes by tactful management .

  20. 在进行过程中众议院将作出一些变动,提出一些建议。

    The house will make a few changes and suggestions along the way .

  21. 蔬菜的价格随季节变动。

    The price of vegetables fluctuates seasonally .

  22. 无人知道他们作出什么变动,但有些传言。

    What changes they will make nobody knows , but there is something in the air .

  23. 价格可以变动。

    Prices are subject to variation .

  24. 事物的细微变动,人生的狡猾,倏忽无常,一一都在光中显露出来。

    Light reveals the subtle alteration of things , the sly or calamitous impermanence or mortal life .

  25. 但大学里师生接触时间几乎没有变动。

    But contact time at university has barely risen at all .

  26. 然而,去年夏天,大卫因为他父亲的工作变动而跟着去了另一个城市。

    However , last summer , David went to another city because of his father 's job .

  27. 然而,去年夏天,因为他父亲的工作变动,凯文不得不跟着搬到了另一个城市。

    However , last summer , Kevin had to move to another city because of his father 's job .

  28. 你想从变动工作中得到什么好处

    What advantages are you seeking from this change of job ?

  29. 职业变动感觉像是一个更关注自己的过程。

    A career change can feel like an inward-looking process .

  30. 教育伦理的内涵根源于人本性的变动性。

    The connotation of education ethic is rooted in human nature 's mobility .