
zhǎng dēng
  • hold a lamp in one's hand;hold a lampin one's hand;light an oil lamp
掌灯 [zhǎng dēng]
  • (1) [hold a lampin one's hand]∶举灯

  • (2) [light an oil lamp]∶点灯;上灯

  • 该是掌灯的时候了

掌灯[zhǎng dēng]
  1. 赫特关照女儿不要掌灯。

    Hutter directed his daughters to abstain from the use of lights .

  2. 到快掌灯的时候,风更小了些,天上落着稀疏的雪花。

    Nearing lamp-lighting time , the wind dropped and it began to snow sparsely .

  3. 迪恩一只手掌灯,另一只手拿枪,爬进开口处。

    Light in one hand and gun in the other , Dean crawled through the opening .

  4. 感谢这灯焰的光辉,但别忘了那掌灯者坚忍的伫立在阴影中。

    Thank the flame for its light , but do not forget the lamp-holder stand in the shade with constancy of patience .

  5. 陈二奶奶带着童儿四十来岁的一位黄脸大汉快到掌灯的时候才来到。

    It was nearly lamp-lighting time when the old woman finally arrived with her " acolyte " - a great strapping sallow faced fellow of about forty .

  6. 我们赶到村子时,已经是掌灯时分。我永远忘不了看到门窗透出的黄色灯光时心中那份高兴劲儿。

    It was already candle-light when we reached the hamlet , and I shall never forget how much I was cheered to see the yellow shine in doors and windows ;