
zhǎng gǔ
  • metacarpal bone;metacarpus;metacarpale;ossa metacarpalia
掌骨[zhǎng gǔ]
  1. 用第二掌骨长度预测身高的研究

    Prediction of stature by the length of the second metacarpal bone

  2. 第二掌骨长度与身高的关系

    Relation between the length of the second metacarpal bone and the stature

  3. Cem-Ostetic~(TM)人工骨浆修复掌骨缺损

    Clinical Application of Cem-Ostetic ~ ( TM ) Artifical Bone Graft in the Repair of Metacarpal Bone Defects

  4. 目的评估AO微型钢板治疗多发性掌骨或跖骨骨折的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the outcome of multiple metacarpal or metatarsal fractures treated with AO miniplates .

  5. 目的探讨AO微型纯钛金属板钉内固定治疗掌骨骨折的技术及疗效。

    Objective To investigate the treatment outcome of internal fixation of the metacarpal fracture using the pure titanium mini plate .

  6. 结果:纸夹板在疗效、固定效果、患肢功能恢复、患肢甲襞微循环和第二掌骨骨密度恢复等方面均优于其他两组(P0.05,P0.01)。

    Results : Curative effect , fixation effect , microcirculation , bone mineral density of secondly metacarpus and function recovery in paper splint group were best in 3 group .

  7. 结果:X线片示双侧掌骨、指骨、跖骨、尺桡骨及胫腓骨呈特征性TA骨膜反应。

    Results : Radiographic examination showed a characteristic periosteal reaction predominantly on the metacarpals , phalanges , metatarsals , tibias , fibulas , ulnae and radii .

  8. 选择第二掌骨远端作为长骨研究对象,运用ANSYS方法建立其三维有限元模型。(2)骨生长过程模拟。

    Take the second metacarpus as the study object of long bone . build the three-dimension model using ANSYS finite element method . ( 2 ) Simulate the process of the bone growth .

  9. 结论对于外伤后康复要求较高的掌骨骨折,改进传统的治疗手法,采用特制的AO微型纯钛板钉行坚实的内固定治疗,辅以术后早期功能锻炼,可得到满意的治疗结果;

    Conclusions For the patients with metacarpal fracture , the rigid internal fixation with custom made pure titanium mini plate in combination with early rehabilitation can obtain satisfactory treatment outcome .

  10. 93%拇长展肌腱直接附着于第1掌骨基底部桡侧(集中型占87%),止点面积为(27.9±3.4)mm2;

    Tendons of thumb were attached directly to radial side of base of first metacarpus ( central type 87 % ), the attached area was 27.9 ± 3.4mm 2 . ③ 90 % of long radial extensor carpal m.

  11. 该研究通过测量两组具有相似大小和骨龄的第二掌骨的L1-L4,1/3的桡骨的骨矿物质密度,发现无显著差异。

    No significant differences in BMD at L1-L4,1 / 3 radius , or cortical bone thickness measured at the second metacarpal were observed between the two groups after adjustment for size and bone age .

  12. 降支或小指动脉尺侧支循第5掌骨头尺侧走行时发1~3支、外径0.3~0.7mm骨膜支,分布于第5掌骨背内面骨膜。

    When Going along with the fifth metacarpal bone head , the descending branch or little finger artery ulnaris sent off the 1 ~ 3 pieces periosteum branch with diameter 1.7 ± 0.4 mm , which distributed in the periosteal on the back of fifth metacarpal bone .

  13. 钛质微型钢板螺钉治疗掌骨骨折

    Treatment of Metacarpus Fracture with the Titanium Minitype Plate and Screw

  14. 在背侧,能摸到掌骨。

    On the dorsum , the metacaral bones can be palpated .

  15. 微型外固定支架治疗掌骨和指骨骨折

    Treatment of metacarpal and phalangeal fractures by small external fixation devices

  16. 手部掌骨孤立性内生软骨瘤恶变4例报告

    Malignant degeneration of enchondroma metacarpal in hand : 4 cases report

  17. 骨折类型对掌骨骨折钢板内固定术后骨愈合的影响

    Influence of fracture pattern on fracture healing after metacarpal plate fixation

  18. 闭合性掌骨多发骨折并发症的诊治

    Diagnosis and treatment of complications associated with closed multi-fractures in metacarpals

  19. 掌骨的X线测量及其与身高的性别判别分析

    Radiologic measurement and sexual diagnosis of metacarpal bones by discriminant analysis

  20. 掌骨17例,指骨11例;

    In twenty-eight fractures there were 17 metacarpal and 11 phalangeal fractures .

  21. 掌骨、近节指骨骨髓腔的测量及其意义

    Measurement and analysis of the medullary cavity of metacarpal and proximal phalanx

  22. 掌骨骨折损伤程度及法医学鉴定

    Study metacarpal fracture severity of injury and its forensic investigation

  23. 第一掌骨背侧动脉(14%);

    The first dorsal metacarpal artery ( 14 % ) .

  24. 第一掌骨掌侧动脉(24%);

    The first palmar metacarpal artery ( 24 % ) .

  25. 其中合并掌骨缺损23例,指骨缺损10例。

    Twenty-three cases complicated by metacarpal defect , 10 by phalanx defect .

  26. 指压第二掌骨侧全息穴位诊治肾绞痛疗效观察

    Observation of renal colic treated with acupressure of the second metacarpal bone

  27. 鹅型外固定器治疗第一掌骨骨折

    Treatment of first metacarpal fracture with goose shape external fixator

  28. 第一掌骨与大多角骨的动脉供应及其临床意义

    Arterial supply of first metacarpal bone and trapezium and its clinical significance

  29. 外固定针固定在2~3掌骨和桡骨干上。

    Fixation pins were placed in the 2 3 metacarpal and radial shaft .

  30. 中国儿童青少年第二掌骨皮质厚度的南北区域差异

    Geographic Differences of the Second Metacarpal Cortical Thickness in Chinese Children and Adolescent