
  • 网络history of liao
  1. 通过对辽王朝统治时期辽宁境内的民族源流及地理分布概况略作分析与论述,旨在为辽史和地方史研究者提供参考。

    The article analyses the source and geographical distribution of Liao Dynasty in order to offer some reference to the researchers on the study of Liao Dynasty .

  2. 辽、金史《国语解》是其编撰者所独创的史著编撰形式,体现了《辽史》、《金史》的民族史特色,同时也反映了其作者把握历史特点的史识。

    Guo Yu Jie is a novel form of historiography reflecting the national characteristics of the Liao and Jin periods and the author 's understanding of historical features .

  3. 由于史料不足,以至契丹族的创名,古籍中异说并存,成为辽史研究的纷歧问题。

    The lack of history recording led to different opinions in ancient books about name foundation of Qidan nationality , which has become a controversial problem for the research of the history of Liao .

  4. 较有代表性的史学著作有私家编撰的《文献通考》等和官修的《宋史》、《辽史》、和《金史》等。

    The representatives of the historical works are the privately compiled w Wen Xian Tong Kao ty and the official revision of u The History of Song 11 , u The History of Liao and The History of Jin ry and so on .