
  • 网络taizu
  1. 辽太祖时期,采用强行推广唐代医学知识的操作方式。

    The Taizhu Emperor of Liao Dynasty forced the popularization of medical knowledge by imitating that of the Tang Dynasty .

  2. “石房子”位于原祖州城内的山腰台址上,是辽太祖天皇帝庙。

    The " stone house " is situated at the platform site halfway up the mountain in the former city of zuzhou , which was once the temple of emperor Taizu of the Liao dynasty .

  3. 根据出土文物和墓主人的情况,笔者认为墓主人很可能是当过奥姑的辽太祖公主质古。

    The author infers that the person who was buried was probably prince Zhigu , who had been Aogu ( sorceress ), on basis of evidence of relics found in the tomb and conditions of the buried .

  4. 本文检讨了辽太祖耶律阿保机的降生神话、始祖神话以及一些重要的契丹习俗,发现它们大都能在摩尼降生神话及摩尼教教义和神话中找到原型或依据。

    Close scrutiny of Khitan customs and myths about the birth of Yel ü Abaoji ( Emperor Taizu of the Liao ) and other Khitan ancestors , reveals that most of them derive from Manichaean myths and doctrines .