
  • 网络quercus wutaishanica;Quercus liaotungensis Koidz;Quercus liaotungensis
  1. 协方差分析表明,海拔和坡位都没有对辽东栎林的群落多度格局产生显著影响。

    Covariance analysis suggested that both slope position and altitude had no significant effects on the species abundance patterns of Quercus wutaishanica community in the study area .

  2. 辽东栎芽库统计:芽的命运

    Bud demography of Quercus liaotungensis : the fates of buds

  3. 北京东灵山辽东栎种群DNA多样性的研究

    Study on DNA diversity of Liaodong oak popula_tion at Dongling Mountain region , beijing

  4. 然后,利用BIOME-BGC模拟辽东栎林生态系统NPP对不同气候变化的响应。

    Secondly the potential impacts of climate change on the oak forest ecosystem were predicted with BIOME-BGC model .

  5. 采用χ2检验、Pearson相关分析和Spearman秩相关分析三种分析方法研究了山西南部辽东栎的种间关系,测定了在群落中的44个优势种的种间联结性和相关性。

    χ 2-test , the Pearson correlation analysis and the Spearman rank correlation were used to analyze the interspecific relationship of in the south of Shanxi . The interspecific relationship of 44 dominant species were determined in communities .

  6. 鼠类对山杏和辽东栎种子的贮藏

    Seed-hoarding Behavior of Wild Apricot and Liaodong Oak by Small Rodents

  7. 地表植被是否影响辽东栎的出苗率?

    Will ground vegetation affect seedling recruitment rate of the oak ?

  8. 辽东栎枝条分解过程中几种主要营养元素的变化

    Changes of nutrient concentration during the decomposition process of oak twigs

  9. 辽东栎幼苗在良好的光照与水份条件下,具有更强的生长潜能。

    Oak seedlings in good light and water conditions show stronger growth potential .

  10. 几种常微量元素在辽东栎枝条分解过程中的变化特征

    Changes of some major and micro nutrients during the decomposition process of oak twigs

  11. 暖温带落叶阔叶林辽东栎枝条分解过程中有机物质的变化

    Change of organic matter in the decomposing oak twigs in the temperate forest ecosystems

  12. 子叶去除对辽东栎幼苗建成的影响

    Removal of cotyledons of Liaodong oak acorns and its effect on the establishment of seedlings

  13. 小流域森林破碎化对辽东栎种群影响的研究

    Effects of Forest Fragmentation on Oak ( Quercus Liaotungensis ) Populations of a Small Watershed

  14. 季节变化尺度下,天然辽东栎林总土壤呼吸值高于刺槐林。

    In seasonal scale , the soil respiration in oak forest is higher than black locust plantation .

  15. 北京东灵山辽东栎林植物物种多样性的多尺度分析

    Multi-scale analysis of plant species diversity of Oak ( Quercus liaotungensis ) forest at Dongling Mountain , Beijing

  16. 辽东栎幼苗库表现出较为稳定的季节性动态,五角枫幼苗库则呈显著的增长趋势。

    Oak seedling bank shows more stable seasonal dynamics . Acer mono seedling bank shows significant positive trends .

  17. 辽东栎林是暖温带落叶阔叶林区域典型地带性植被类型之一。

    Forest is one of the typical vegetation types in deciduous broad-leaved forest regions in the warm temperate zone .

  18. 刺槐林土壤呼吸对降雨响应的敏感性高于辽东栎林。

    Soil respiration in the black locust plantation showed higher sensitivity to precipitation than that in the oak forest .

  19. 相对白桦棘皮桦斑块而言辽东栎斑块的破碎化程度较高。

    Compare with the Betula platyphylla & Betula dahurica patch , the fragmentation degree of Quercus liaotungensis patch is high .

  20. 任意2个因子的交互作用以及3个因子的交互作用对辽东栎坚果的丢失也都没有影响。

    The 2 way interactions between any two factors and the 3 way interaction had no effects on acorn loss .

  21. 东灵山辽东栎林啮齿动物群落组成及优势种大林姬鼠的繁殖特征

    Composition of rodent community structure and the reproductive characteristics of the dominant species ( Apodemus peninsulae ) in the Dongling Mountain

  22. 结果表明,辽东栎萌生株构件分配的大小排序为:茎干>枝>皮>叶;

    The results showed that : 1 . The distribution of organs biomass following this : trunk > branch > bark > leaf .

  23. 东灵山油松纯林和油松-辽东栎针阔混交林土壤氮素矿化/硝化作用研究

    Net nitrogen mineralization and nitrification in one pure pine ( Pinus tabulaeformis ) forest and one pine-oak mixed forest in Dongling Mountainous Region

  24. 本研究主要调查3个问题:(1)采食辽东栎坚果的鼠类种类;

    This study aims to investigate three questions : ( 1 ) what kind of rodent species attributed acorn disappearance of Liaodong oak ?

  25. 本文对北京东灵山地区的辽东栎林主要优势乔木物种的幼苗库结构与动态进行了研究,同时考察了多个生物与非生物环境因子对于幼苗库的影响。

    In this paper , seedling bank structure and dynamics of the main dominant tree species in Beijing Dongling oak forest has been studied .

  26. 不同群落的结构多样性计算结果表明,处于演替后期的辽东栎天然林比演替初期的白桦林有较高的结构多样性;

    The results show that , in natural forests , structural diversity of pioneer community is much lower than that of late successive community ;

  27. 辽东栎幼苗能够很好的适应环境,利用环境资源的能力较强,而随着幼苗的生长发育,对环境的适应能力逐渐减弱。

    The seedling have stronger ability to use the environment resources , but with growth of seedlings which ability of adapt environment become weaken .

  28. 主要种群生态位宽度的大小顺序为:油松>辽东栎>华北丁香;达乌里胡枝子>悬钩子>华北绣线菊;

    The niche width order of main population is Pinus tabulaeformis > QuercusLiaotungensis > Syringa oblate , Lespedeza dahurica > Rubus corchorifolius > Spiraeafrischiana var .

  29. 结果证明昆虫寄生对辽东栎种子的命运有重要影响,是影响辽东栎种群更新的关键因素之一。

    Based on this study , it is concluded that insect infestation decided to a great deal the fate of Quercus liaotungensis acorns and would strongly influence its regeneration .

  30. 辽东栎东、西、南、北4个方位测得的液流通量密度存在显著差异,并显著相关。

    ( 2 ) Sap flux densities at four aspects ( north , south , east and west ) on the trunk were significantly different , but were highly linearly correlated .