
  • 网络enumeration;exhaustive
  1. 从理论上讲,使用穷举法不但可以求解TSP问题,而且还可以求出该问题的最优解。

    Theoretically speaking , the enumeration not only can solve TSP , but also can get the best answer .

  2. 用穷举法和隐枚举法解0-1型整数规划问题时,常常遇到组合爆炸问题。

    The combination explosion problem is common in solving 0-1 integer programming with enumeration and implicit enumeration ways .

  3. 穷举法破解EXCEL、WORD文档密码

    Approach to Deciphering the Cipher of Excel files & word files in Chain-example SPLIT-PHASE METHOD

  4. 介绍了两种求迭代循环周期为256的AESS盒:穷举法和简易求法优缺点。

    Exhaustive method and simple method to find the AES S box whose cycle is 256 are discussed .

  5. 首先推导出PPM调制下的互相关函数,发现互相关函数只与三个符号有关系,用穷举法得到互相关函数与发送信息序列的关系表。

    Firstly the cross correlation function of PPM is deduced , which is found to be relative to three factors .

  6. 以穷举法为优化设计方法,以VISUALBASIC为编程工具,研制出了行星轮系的优化设计系统,该系统能自动完成2K-H型行星轮系的优化设计。

    With optimal design method of List-all , With the programming language Visual Basic , the optimal design system of planetary gear train is created . This system can realize the automation of design of 2K-H planetary gear train .

  7. 同时将穷举法和遗传算法同闭环仿真平台结合起来,进行了参数优化,本论文优化了PID控制中的比例系数和积分时间常数,取得了较好的效果。

    And by combining exhaust algorithm and genetic algorithm with the closed-loop simulation system , parameter optimization can be implemented . In this paper , proportion coefficient and integral time constant of PID control are optimized and good performance is achieved .

  8. 首先证明了在信道状态和传输总量已知的情况下,基于传输时差最小的OFDM系统信道划分的优化问题属于NP完备问题,因此必须使用随机算法代替穷举法来求解。

    This paper paid more attention to research optimization algorithm of channel partition in OFDM system based on triple play . It was proved that this problem belonged to NP complete problem , and it needed to be solved by random method .

  9. 以往使用的搜索算法有穷举法和MDOD法(混合离散变量优化设计法)。

    Enumerative Algorithm ( EA ) and Mixed Discrete-variables Optimization Design ( MDOD ) are commonly used before .

  10. 实务案例验证证明OSAP能有效地搜寻近似最佳解,并就其结果与前人文献及穷举法进行比较。

    From these studied cases OSAP demonstrates that it can locate the optimal or near-optimal solutions very efficiently compared with previous approaches and exhaust enumeration .

  11. 根据不同的分类目的,采用优化或概率模型替代传统MTS的损失函数(或穷举法)来确定MTS进行分类时需要的阈值,这是MTS新的闽值确定办法。

    It is a new method for feature selection . ( 2 ) According to the different purposes of classification . optimization or probabilistic model is used to determine threshold of MTS classification , which replaces the loss of function or exhaustive search method .

  12. 以2K-H型直齿行星传动的设计为例,采用新的穷举法在计算机上进行设计计算,并给出了计算机程序的编制方法。

    In this paper the 2K-H type straight tooth planetary gear retarder is taken as an example and a new exhaust algorithm is adopted in computer , and the layout method of the computer program is supplied .

  13. 提出了用传输矩阵法计算Jaumann吸收体反射率,提出了设计Jaumann吸收体的穷举法、遗传算法和最优化方法。

    In this paper , transmission matrix method was used to calculate reflectivity of Jaumann absorbers . Enumeration method , genetic algorithm and optimization method were developed for Jaumann absorber optimum design .

  14. 从桥接故障的两个特点出发,提出了一种快速盲测法,该法弥补了伪穷举法的不足。

    A new method according to two charateristics of bridging fault in presented .

  15. 穷举法在确定动靶标标准装置参数中的应用

    The application of exhaustive method in determining the parameters of dynamic standard target devices

  16. 介绍了一种基于穷举法的高光谱遥感图像地物识别方法。

    A new approach for object identification based on the exhaustive method is proposed .

  17. 现在,我们上次,看过穷举法解决方案。

    Now , what we saw last time is there 's a brute force solution .

  18. 穷举法求解含有约束的冗余度机械臂的最大运动路径

    Using Exhaustive Method to Find the Maximal Motion Distance of a Redundant Manipulator with Restrictions

  19. 并给出了穷举法与分枝定界法来求解该模型。

    Then , the method of exhaustion and algorithm of branch and bound are introduced .

  20. 用穷举法求过约束机构存在的充要条件

    Using Exhaustive Method to Find the Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Existance of Over-constrained Mechanisms

  21. 穷举法地震定位

    Method of exhaustion in earthquake location

  22. 网格法是一种穷举法,计算量太大;

    Grid method is a kind of method of exhaustion , which calculation workload is too tremendous .

  23. 测试向量生成算法包括:伪穷举法、D算法、主通路敏化法、故障字典法。

    Creation algorithm of detection vector contains : Pseudo - exhaustive testing , D algorithm , fault dictionary algorithm .

  24. 首先将不同算法在简单的系统上的结果同用一个基于穷举法的程序模块计算出的最优解进行了比较。

    We compare the performance of different algorithms on a simple system with the optimal results calculated by exhaustive algorithm .

  25. 理论分析与试验结果表明,新生成算法的时间复杂度小于穷举法,随检测器规模成线性递增。

    Both mathematical analysis and experiment show that the algorithm runs in time linearly with the size of the detector set .

  26. 然后分别采用边际分析法及穷举法,确定不考虑及考虑可靠性条件的最优化。

    Then , it took marginal analytical method and utter citing method to evaluate optimization in the condition of calculating reliability .

  27. 实验结果用穷举法进行了验证和比较,表明该方法具有简单快速准确等特点。

    Moreover , exact results are rapidly obtained through the genetic algorithms , which can be confirmed by the method of exhaustion .

  28. 仿真表明,这一算法所获得的信道容量十分接近穷举法所得到的最大信道容量。

    Simulation results show that the channel capacity achieved by this proposed algorithm approaches the maximum capacity achieved by the exhaustion method .

  29. 采用穷举法来完善核小体定位研究是不现实的,必须借助系统的理论分析。

    Using the exhaustive method to improve the nucleosome positioning research is unrealistic , and has to rely on the systematic theoretical analysis .

  30. 但是在现有条件下,使用常规的穷举法在如此庞大的搜索空间中寻求最优解是不实际的,所以,产生了许多优化算法。

    Under the current situation , it is hardly to obtain its best answer in such huge researching space by using common enumeration .