
  1. A·H植物杀螨剂,在蜂群繁殖期防治蜂螨效果达到86%,在断子期达到94%。

    A · H Plant Miticide is effective 86 % to contral varroa mite during reproduction and 94 % during none brood time .

  2. 也许可以毫不夸张地说生物学正经历其中子期。

    It is probably no exaggeration to say that biology is now undergoing its neutron moment .

  3. 对人类而言,更高的催产素与像孕子期时的收缩或者高潮等生理现象相关。

    In humans higher oxytocin levels have been linked to physiological phenomena like contractions during childbirth , or orgasm .

  4. 这些认识用于分析北安断陷沙河子期大量扇体沉积的发育和层序结构的形成。

    These views are used in analyzing the development of the fans of the Shahezi Formation in the Beian faulting depression and the formation of the sequence architecture .

  5. 本文探讨了大豆在子叶期和鼓粒期的耐阴性与叶片超氧物歧化酶(SOD)的关系。

    This paper discussed the relations between shade-endurance and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) of soybean leaf in the periods both cotyledon and seed expanding .

  6. 子叶期幼苗在-7.5℃下处理12h,存活率仅为3.26%。

    For the seedlings having two cotyledons , when they were exposed to the temperature of-7.5 ℃ for about 12 h , the survival rate was only 3.26 % .

  7. 初始细胞密度和pH分别为2.0%(鲜重)及5.5左右。最后获得正常子叶期体细胞胚数为130个/mL。

    With the optimum flask shake rate of about 100 ~ 150 r / min , initial cell density of 2.0 % ( fresh weight ) and the initial pH value of 5.5 , the authors have obtained 130 normal cotyledon embryos in each mL of cultures .

  8. 阿月浑子物候期与环境条件及有机营养的关系

    The Relations between Phenophase and Environmental Conditions and Organic Nutrition in Pistachio

  9. 棉花子叶期遇冰雹形成不同类型棉株生长发育差异的研究

    Study on Growing of Different Type of Cotton Destroyed by Hail-stones During Cotyledon Period

  10. 研究结果表明:1.子叶期机械损伤和真叶期机械损伤均对黄瓜植株的生长有抑制作用。

    The results showed that : 1 . Mechanical wounding with different degrees in cotyledon period and leaf period can inhibit the cucumber plant growth .

  11. 子叶期机械损伤后,损伤叶内的羧甲基纤维素酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶活性均低于对照,各处理的防御酶活性在损伤后36h&168h内出现峰值。

    Cx and β - glucosidase activities were lower than control in injury leaves , and defensive enzymes activity of all treatments peak appears between 36h and 168h after mechanical wounding at stage of cotyledon .

  12. 本文讨论了匹配排队网络模型PH/M/c→○PH/PH/1的忙期,给出第一子系统忙期的概率分布函数及其LS变换,并给出其算法。

    We consider the matched queueing network PH / M / c →○ PH / PH / 1 . The probability distribution function and its LS transform of the busy period of the first subsystem is derived , and the simplified algorithm for it is given .

  13. 结论:妊娠期高脂饮食会影响子代成年期血脂代谢及肥胖发生,出生后饮食调节可减弱其影响作用。

    Conclusion : High fat-diet during pregnancy and lactation will have an significantly effect on the blood-fat metabolism of the offspring . And the diet regulation on offspring after weaning can decrease the effect .

  14. 轮作改变了氨挥发速率的变化规律,现蕾期比连作高2.1倍,开花期比连作低18.0%。白羊草与隐子草在抽穗期的CPD高于开花期,但低于拔节期。

    Compared to the ammonia loss of the continuous cropping plot during its budding stage , that of the rotation plot in the same growth period is 2.1 times higher , while during the blooming stage , the ammonia loss of the latter is 18.0 % less than the former .

  15. 子瓜果实贮存期细胞壁超显微结构及相关成分的变化

    Changes in cell wall ultra-structure and components of seed-used watermelon fruit in storage

  16. 减数分裂既是高等生物染色体变异的敏感期,又是变异得以顺利传递给子代的关键期。

    The meiosis is not only a sensitive stage of chromosomal variation , but also a critical stage of variant transmission for higher life .

  17. 根据生产需要选择喷施时期,可以调节平菇子实体的成熟期。

    The primordium differentiation is likely to be improved at appropriate spraying period and the mature period can be adjusted with the right spraying .

  18. 本论文借“理一分殊”思想之“通孔”管窥朱子哲学,以期为解读朱子哲学提供一个新的尝试。

    This paper is in an attempt to put a new way of understanding the philosophy of Chu from the angle of " universality and particularity " .

  19. 灰水库渗排分析及浸没对环境的影响&以沙岭子火电厂一期工程东灰水库为例

    Seepage-drainage analysis and the environmental effection of immersion of coal ash reservoir - take the East coal ash reservoir of the first period project of SHA-LING Zi coal-fired power plant as an example

  20. 研究结果表明,在子实体原基形成期,喷施蘑菇增产灵溶液的处理,蘑菇产量比对照增加15~20%以上,蘑菇质量未发现显著的差别。

    The results obtained in the research indicated that the treatment of mushroom by spraying Zeng-Chan-Ling solution at the stage of primordia formation increased the yield of mushroom by over 15-20 % compared with the controls , but no obvious difference in the quality of mushroom .

  21. 设计合成编码蛋白质基因的要点为:(1)按照宿主系统中高表达蛋白质基因对密码子的使用频率选用氨基酸密码子,以期合成基因得到高效表达;

    The strategy included , ( 1 ) condon usage in synthetic gene should be corresponded with the statisical codon usage in genes of highly abundant proteins in the host ;