  • capital city of the Shang Dynasty, in the present-day south Tangyin (汤阴), Henan Province;a city under the State of Wei (卫国) during the Warring States Period, to the south of the present-day Qixian (淇县), Henan Province
  • 语素in mèixuè 沬血
  • 古同“昧”,微暗。

  • 古地名,在今中国河南省淇县南。

  1. 在这以后即使我不使用泡沬之类的,皮肤也特别光滑干净

    After this my skin is really illuminous and clean even though there was no lathering .

  2. 泡沬塑料单向压缩本构关系的分数导数模型研究

    Constitutive model with fractional derivatives for polyurethane foams under uniaxial compression

  3. 泡沬经济后日本机床业收支平衡点的变化

    The Change of Break-even Point of Japan Machine Tool Industry after Bubble Economy

  4. 冲洗掉肥皂沬或残存泥垢。

    Wash off soap or remaining dirt .

  5. 当经济泡沬在1929年破裂,与华尔街有业务的相关商业银行被拖累。

    When the bubble popped in 1929 , exposure to Wall Street helped drag down the commercial banks .

  6. 牙龈卟啉菌是牙周炎的主要致病菌,同时牙龈卟啉菌义参与并促进泡沬细胞的形成。

    Porphyromonas gingivalis is the main pathogenic bacteria of paradentitis and it also participates in and promotes the formation of foam cells .

  7. 他吐了唾沬在瞎子的眼上,再为他覆手,问他道:“你看见了什么吗?”

    When he had put spittle on his eyes and laid his hands upon him , he asked ," Can you see anything ?"

  8. 可与之相提并论的只有日本至今依然饱受其害的1991年房地产泡沬破灭,以及20纪30年代的美国经济大萧条。

    The only relevant comparisons are with the Japanese real estate bubble which burst in 1991 and from which Japan has still not recovered , and with the Great Depression of the 1930s .

  9. 指出文丘里除雾器喉管气速过高,复挡除沫器进口气速偏高是尾气排放带沬严重的主要原因,并对其他影响因素提出了解决措施。

    It is pointed out that the main causes for severe foam carryover in the offgas are high gas velocity in the throat of Venturi mist eliminator and the high gas velocity at the inlet of multi-baffle demister . Some countermeasures against other influential factors are also proposed .