
  • 网络alkali spot;Alkaline patch;alkaline spotting;Alkaline spottig
  1. 有藻结皮土壤的含水量和含氮量要比去藻结皮的土壤含水量和含氮量高,但是前者只有碱斑样地的方差分析结果具有显著性。

    Soil water content with algae crusts is wetter than that without algae crusts , but only the differences about Alkali spot sample plot were statistically significant .

  2. 碱斑地土壤水分入渗率低,下行盐分远远小于上行盐分。

    The soil water infiltration in alkali-spot land is very low , so moved-down salts are much less than those moved up .

  3. 在自然因素与人为因素的共同作用下,盐碱化土地及碱斑面积不断增加,出现了连片的碱斑和不毛之地。

    Due to these natural and artificial factors , the salinization became more and more serious , leading to a stretch of saline-alkali spots and even barren land .

  4. 土壤表层盐分累积的结果,使得该地区的草地景观退化,碱斑地面积增加,导致盐渍荒漠化程度加剧。

    The salts concentration in surface soil lets the grass landscape degradation , and increases the area of alkali-spot lands , which all exacerbating the saline desertification of this district .

  5. 对人工种植在碱斑草地上的星星草在不同年份相同生育期的土壤养分状况进行研究,并与天然状况的星星草地在各个生育期的土壤养分相比较。

    In the present paper , nutrient of soil salinity on planting Puccinellia tenuiflora in same , and various age are studied , and compared with Puccinellia tenuiflora in the natural soil .

  6. 碱斑地分离度、分维数逐渐减小,面积不断扩大,占大安市总面积比由原来的23.3%上升到32.4%。

    Compared to 1986 , the landscape isolation and the fractal dimension of alkaline spot were decreasing , and the ratio of alkaline land was increasing from 23.3 % to 32.4 % .

  7. 碱斑是普通生物不能生存的极端盐碱土壤环境,微生物是该环境中主要的生物成分。

    The environment which common creature cannot survive in is termed extreme environment , and saline-alkali spot soil environment is extremely alkaline . Extreme environment is often the main habitat of extremophiles .

  8. 土壤理化性状与对照组相比得到了明显改善,碱斑消失,小麦和玉米产量逐年增加,2003年达到850kg/667m2。

    The soil alkali spot disappeared . The yield of wheat and corn increased year after year with annual yield already reaching 850 kg / 667 m ~ ( 2 ) in 2003 .

  9. 野外植物修复试验表明,碱斑土经糠醛渣改良后各种植物均能正常生长,而且这些植物能够降低土壤中的盐分,改善其理化性质,提高土壤肥力。

    The phytoremediation experiment in field demonstrated that all the three plants could grow in the soil after the amelioration with furfural-residue , and these plants could reduce the salinity , improve the soil quality and fertility .

  10. 扦插玉米秸秆改良盐碱地是一种新的生态工程方法,该方法在不进行人为播种的条件下,仅通过直接扦插玉米秸秆来改良裸碱斑,且效果明显。

    Inserting cornstalk to improve the naked alkali-saline soil still is a new eco-engineering method , on the condition of no sowing seed , only by directly inserting corn stalk on the naked alkali-saline soil , and has significant effect .

  11. 裸碱斑表面种子流巨大,种类组成丰富,且耐盐碱的一年生植物种子数量占绝对优势,但裸碱斑种子截留率极低。

    The results show : ( 1 ) The total content of seed movement over naked alkali-saline soil is vast , which is composed of lot of species , and the species which can bear severe saline stress are dominant , but the efficiency of retaining is nominal .

  12. 古生代岛弧区与富钠高碱玄武岩拉斑玄武岩有关的Au(Cu、Ni、Cr)成矿亚系列;

    Au ( Cu , Ni , Cr ) subseries related to Na-rich and high-alkaline basalt and tholeiite of paleozoic arc island (ⅱ);

  13. 岚皋碱质煌斑杂岩主量元素呈规律性演化,REE球粒陨石标准化配分型式呈强右倾型,富集不相容元素。

    The alkali lamprophyre complex from Langao County , whose chondrite-normalized REE patterns all incline to the right and whose major elements vary regularly , has abundant incompatible elements .

  14. 岚皋早古生代碱质煌斑杂岩地球化学特征及成因探讨

    Geochemical Characteristics and Petrogenesis of the Early Paleozoic Alkali Lamprophyre Complex from Langao County

  15. 将碱剂PT-90用于涤纶纤维碱性染色工艺,可避免涤纶酸性浴染色易造成的碱斑、色花等瑕疵。

    The self-made alkali PT-90 was applied to alkaline dyeing of polyester fiber to avoid the formation of alkaline spot and colored spot , which usually occurred in acid dyeing process .