
jiǎn xìnɡ cái liào
  • Alkaline material;basic material
  1. 能够净化金属熔液和吸收废气中有害杂质的含游离CaO的碱性材料;

    Free CaO bearing basic refractories capable of purifying molten metal for improving cleanliness and of absorbing contaminants from waste gases for reducing environmental pollution ;

  2. 1988年Clearfield县资源保护区得到一笔拨款,采用施加碱性材料的方法减少污染。

    In 1998 , the Clearfield County Conservation District received a grant to abate pollution in the watershed with alkaline additions .

  3. 很多时候,制造过程中的废品损耗是由作为基本材料(碱性材料?)的玻璃本身的缺陷造成的。

    Many times , losses in production are due to defective glass itself as the basic material .

  4. 1988年9月开始治理之前,我们监测原水的质量和大型无脊椎动物种群,并且评价施加碱性材料后的变化。

    We determined baseline water quality and macroinvertebrate communities before beginning treatment in September 1998 and to assess the changes following alkaline additions .

  5. 碱性耐火材料对钢水增氧作用小,镁质耐火材料是最常见的碱性耐火材料,但其热震稳定性差。本研究希望加入SiC以提高其热震稳定性。

    The Base refractories has little effect on the total oxygen content of steel but has poor thermal shock property .

  6. 镁铬砖是一种应用较为广泛的碱性耐火材料。

    Magnesia-chromite brick is a widely used basic refractory .

  7. 水泥回转窑用碱性耐火材料的无铬化

    Trend of Chrome-free Basic Bricks for Cement Rotary Kiln

  8. 碱性耐火材料在白银炼铜炉上的使用

    Application of basic refractories in copper melting furnace

  9. 玻璃熔窑蓄热室系列配套优质碱性耐火材料研制及其应用

    Development and Application of a Series of High-Duty Basic Refractories for Regenerators of Glass Furnaces

  10. 固体碱性催化剂材料的研究进展

    The Development of Solid Base Catalysts

  11. 蓄热室碱性耐火材料的配套使用效果

    Application of Basic Refractories for Regenerators

  12. 碱性耐火材料中的直接结合

    Direct Bond in Basic Refractories

  13. 碱性耐火材料的脱硫作用

    Desulfurization of basic refractories

  14. 直接结合的耐火材料也是未来发展的一个趋势。碱性耐火材料很多的优良性能是源于其直接结合的显微结构。

    Many excellent properties of basic refractories owe to their direct bonded microstructure and the direct bonded refractory is a developing trend in refractory industry .

  15. 另外,本文以富含蛋白质的天然大豆为碳源和氮源,经过碳化和水蒸气活化制备出碱性碳材料。

    Commercial soybeans were used as both the carbon and nitrogen sources . The basic carbon materials were prepared by simple carbonization and steam activation of the soybeans .

  16. 镁砂作为生产碱性耐火材料的基础原料,其体积密度对于镁质耐火材料的使用性能,特别是抗渣侵蚀性能和高温强度具有重要的影响。

    As the basic raw refractory , the bulk density of magnesia has an important effect on the properties of magnesia refractory , especially on the properties corrosion resistance and high-temperature strength .

  17. 纳米钙钛矿型Ca(1-x)BixMnO(3-δ)的合成及其作为可充碱性电池阴极材料的可行性研究

    Preparation of Nanophase Perovskite-type Ca_ ( 1-x ) Bi_xMnO_ ( 3 - δ) and Its Feasibility as a Cathode Material in Alkaline Secondary Batteries

  18. 二次碱性电池负极材料Co-B合金制备和性能研究

    Study on Amorphous Co-B Alloys as Anode Materials for Secondary Alkaline Batteries

  19. 加固使用的材料多为水泥、水泥粘土浆、石灰等强碱性物质,这些材料在水化后将产生大量的Ca(OH)2。

    Materials such as the cement , cement clay paste , lime and other strong alkaline substances , are widely used in reinforcement .

  20. 含有碱性基团的多孔材料作为CO2吸附剂具有高选择性,低腐蚀性,易再生等特点,在减少CO2排放方面有着潜在的应用前景。

    Porous materials containing basic groups are potential adsorbents in reducing CO2 emission due to their highly developed porous structure , low corrosivity and easy regeneration .

  21. 碱性锌锰电池材料和配件的研究

    Study On Main Metal Material and Fittings in Alkaline Zn / MnO_2 Batteries

  22. 碱性无机粉体材料的研究&氢氧化钙的表面改性及其在塑料中阻燃性能的初步研究该吸收剂对二氧化硫之反应性比氢氧化钙佳。

    Study on Surface Modification of Calcium Hydroxide and Its Flame Retardant Property in Plastics ; The sorbent was highly reactive towards SO2 as compared with hydrated lime alone .

  23. 对经过挤压提取、烟道气浓缩、化学改性后的造纸碱性黑液用作建筑材料粘结增强剂进行了研究。

    It 's studied in this paper that the basic black liquor was used as caking intensifier of building material which was treated by being extracted after extrusion and thickened with flue gases and chemically modified .

  24. 无汞碱性电池专用电解二氧化锰是制造无汞碱性电池的关键材料。

    High performance EMD are the key materials for mercury-free alkaline Zn-MnO 2 batteries ;