
  • 网络Alkali corrosion;alkaline corrosion;caustic corrosion
  1. 本实用新型具有强度高、耐酸碱腐蚀性好、成本低廉的优点。

    The pipe connector has the advantages of high intensity , good acid and caustic corrosion resistance and low cost .

  2. ZrO2中孔膜的制备及其耐酸碱腐蚀性能

    Preparation and Corrosion-resistant Property of Mesoporous ZrO_2 Membrane

  3. 可以和具有TiO2-MgF2双层减反射膜的常规碱腐蚀的结果相比拟,且在能量较高的短波范围内具有更好的减反射特性。这对于提高太阳电池的效率是极有益的。

    And the reflectance in the short wavelength range is lower than that of a double layer ARC , which is beneficial for improving the solar cell efficiency .

  4. 分析微晶玻璃的机械性能和耐酸碱腐蚀性能。

    The mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of glass ceramics were analysed .

  5. 超高压锅炉碱腐蚀爆管的探讨

    Discussion on Caustic-Corrosion Cracking of Superhigh - Pressure Boiler Tubes

  6. 浓碱腐蚀结果发现,两种管材均具有良好的耐应力腐蚀开裂性能。

    Both materials exhibit good resistance to stress corrosion cracking .

  7. 氧化铝厂厂房防碱腐蚀问题的探讨

    Discussion on Alkali corrosion - proof Building of Aluminum Refinery

  8. 保存骨和关节的血管铸型碱腐蚀法的改进

    The improvement of alkali corrosion for vascular cast preserving bone and articulation

  9. L-J4长寿碱腐蚀添加剂的研制与应用

    LJ-4 long-life additive for alkaline etching and its application

  10. 产品特性:耐酸碱腐蚀性佳,防尘,防水,防霉;

    Features : Good acid and alkali corrosion , dust , waterproof , anti-mildew ;

  11. 抗高温碱腐蚀的新型高铬铸造不锈钢的研制

    Development of High Chromium Cast Stainless Steel Resistant to Aqueous Alkali Corrosion at Elevated Temperature

  12. 介绍了除盐水站再生系统流程,对除盐水站存在的酸、碱腐蚀问题进行了分析。

    The process flow of regeneration system of desalted water station is described and the corrosion problems are analyzed .

  13. 同时,还具有很强的耐酸、碱腐蚀能力。研究了阴极电泳涂装主要工艺参数对涂层厚度及质量的影响。

    Otherwise , authors have still investigated influence of technical parameters of cathodic electrophoresis on thickness and quality of the film .

  14. 该封记具有耐高低温、耐酸碱腐蚀、耐水、耐油、耐强辐射等特性。双帽金属封记以铜和不锈钢为材料,采用自锁技术制作。

    Two kinds of double cap metallic seal are made of stainless steel and copper , respectively and the self locked technique is used .

  15. 在此基础上研制的此种膜具有强的耐酸碱腐蚀能力和宽的温度适应范围;

    The membrane prepared on the basis of the researches has the advantages of strong ability of acid and base resistance and wide range of suitable temperature .

  16. 合理采用防腐蚀材料,如耐碱砼、钢材、聚氯乙烯胶泥等,采取有效的防护措施和防腐蚀构造,防止建筑物被碱腐蚀。

    If suitable anticorrosive substances are adopted such as alkali proof concrete , steel and PVC cement and effective measures taken , they will prevent the building from alkali corrosion .

  17. 玻璃纤维网格布在建筑方面的应用日益增多,网布的表面涂上高分子涂层可以提高网布抗碱腐蚀和承受复杂应力的能力。

    More and more fiberglass mesh were applied in architecture , it could improve the ability of alkali resistance and strength of fiberglass mesh by coating the mesh with emulsion polymer .

  18. 氧化铝生产过程中有碱腐蚀产生,因跑、冒、滴、漏、设备检修、生产事故等原因腐蚀建筑物,楼面、地面易受碱腐蚀而破坏,影响正常生产。

    Soda medium from the alumina production process due to leakage , maintenance , accidents and so on will corrode the building , floor and the wall to affect the normal operation .

  19. 沙井袋是一种抗拉强度较高,透水透气性好,耐酸碱腐蚀和微生物侵蚀的材料。

    Sand well the bag is a kind of anti-to pull the strength higher , water the well ventilated is good , and the acid-proof alkali decay with the material that the microorganism erode .

  20. 光纤生物传感器与传统电化学生物传感器相比,具有不受电磁干扰,耐酸碱腐蚀,不需要参比传感器以及探头结构可微型化等优点。

    Compared with traditional electrochemical biosensor , fiber-optic biosensor can avoid the impacts of electromagnetic interference and acid corrosion . In addition sensor structure can be miniaturized and can work without a reference electrode .

  21. 单晶硅绒面电池的表面常采用碱腐蚀方法在表面构造金字塔结构;

    And the light trapping structure mostly is surface texture and evaporated antireflection film : ① for solar cells based on single crystalline silicon wafers , diamond textures were mostly adopted using alkali eroding method ;

  22. 成都金沙古象牙和新鲜象牙的酸腐蚀量比天然磷灰石高,碱腐蚀量比天然磷灰石的低。

    The quantity of ache cauterization of the ancient ivory from Jinsha and fresh ivory are higher than the savage apatite , and the quantity of alkali cauterization of the ancient ivory and fresh ivory are lower than the savage apatite .

  23. 这种方法既引入了大量的氨酯键,使得树脂在水解稳定性、耐酸碱腐蚀性等性能得到提高;又保证了每个大分子都含有羟基官能团,使得树脂更易与交联树脂进行混合。

    This method not only introduces a lot of ammonia ester keys , making resin improve many properties such as hydrolyzing stability , corrosion resistance , etc. Ensure that each macromolecule contain hydroxyl groups , making resin mix with crosslinking resin much easier .

  24. 研究结果表明:1.由于环氧树脂基体吸水的特性,CFRP筋试件在碱溶液腐蚀下,吸水率在第68天左右达到最大,68天以后,吸水率开始下降,并趋于稳定。

    Due to poxy matrix bibulous properties , CFRP bars ' bibulous rate is to achieve maximum in the 68 days or so , in acid and alkali solution . After 68 days , bibulous rate began to decline , and be more stable .

  25. 重型的防腐防锈结构保证您可安全将所有酸、碱、腐蚀性物品放置其中。

    Store all your bottles of acids and corrosives safely without the worry of corrosion .

  26. 腰果酚醛树脂中含有较活泼的酚羟基,略显酸性,易受碱的腐蚀。

    Cardanolaldehyde condensation resin ( CF ) is susceptible to corrosion by alkali because of its slight acidity of phenolic hydroxyls .

  27. 砷对钢性能影响方面:力学、时效、回火脆性、缺口敏感、疲劳强度、焊接、以及抗海水、工业大气及碱溶液腐蚀等。

    Notch sensitivity ; welding properties ; fatigue strength and erosion resistance to the seawater , industrial polluted air and basic solution .

  28. 内外玻璃钢整体模压成型,耐酸碱耐腐蚀,耐高温,耐碰撞,易清洗。

    Chamber is made by glass fiber reinforced plastic with whole mould , it is resistant to corrosion , high temperature and collision , easy to clean .

  29. 探讨了用呋喃树脂做浸渍剂生产不透性石墨的方法,通过对不适性化工石墨理化性能的测试,认为此石墨材料耐酸、碱的腐蚀,并且耐温性能高。

    Abstract The production method of graphite impregnated with furan resin is discussed . According to testing the physical and chemical properties of impermeable graphite , it is indicated that this graphite materials resist not only corrosion of both acid and alkali , but also high temperature .

  30. 将Ni纳米线阵列膜浸在不同腐蚀液中,计算一定时间后的失重率,进而发现其在酸、碱、盐腐蚀液中的耐蚀性;

    Fourthly , Ni nanowires array membrane is dipped in different corrosive solution in order to find its anticorrosion property .