
  • 网络charge exchange reaction;charge-exchange reactions
  1. π核双电荷交换反应的自旋效应和πN振幅离壳修正

    Spin effect and π - n off shell amplitude correction on π - nucleus double charge exchange reaction

  2. 单电荷交换反应的Isobar激发机制

    The isobar excitation mechanism of the pion single charge exchange reaction

  3. 本文利用50MeVπ-核双电荷交换反应(DCX),研究了原子核内夸克自由度存在的问题。

    The quark degrees of freedom in nuclei has been studied by using 50 MeV double charge exchange reaction .

  4. π核双电荷交换反应与核结构

    π - nuclear double charge exchange reaction and nuclear structure

  5. 指数变分方法应用于电荷交换反应

    Exponential variation method for charge exchange in h_ + + H collisions

  6. 二级π-核光学位及双电荷交换反应

    Second order pion-nucleus optical potential and double charge exchange reaction

  7. 核内核子费米运动对π核双电荷交换反应的影响

    Nuclear Fermi Motion Effect on Pion Double Charge Exchange

  8. π-核双电荷交换反应短程贡献的夸克模型计算

    A quark model calculation for the shortrange contribution in the pion double charge exchange reaction

  9. 反质子与原子核的电荷交换反应

    Antiproton - nucleus change exchange reaction

  10. 电荷交换反应在双电荷离子质谱研究中的应用

    Principle and Application of Charge Exchange Reactions in the Mass Spectrometric Study of Doubly Charged Ions

  11. 双电荷交换反应传统机制的DWIA系统分析

    A systematic distorted wave impulse approximation analysis of the conventional mechanism for pion double charge exchange

  12. 本文给出了从夸克层次计算π-核双电荷交换反应短程贡献的理论模型。

    A quark model calculation for the short-range contribution in the pion double charge exchange ( DCX ) reaction is presented .

  13. π-核双电荷交换反应的强度与反应过程的两核子转移的核谱振幅直接联系着。

    The strength of π - nucleus double charge exchange reaction is related to the spectroscopic factor of two nucleon transfer .

  14. Ar+离子由于共振电荷交换反应损失掉较多的能量,不同的低频功率下,其平均能量均低于O2+离子。

    More energy of Ar + ions is lost because of resonant charge exchange reaction , the average energy of Ar + ions is lower than O2 + ions in different low-frequency power .

  15. 用相干结构核模型和格劳伯多次散射理论,计算了~(16)O和~(18)O的π-核双电荷交换反应截面。

    Using coherent fluctuation nuclear model and Glauber 's multiple scattering theory , the double charge exchange ( DCE ) reaction cross sections for π ~ + on ~ ( 16 ) O and on ~ ( 16 ) O are calculated .