
ā kǎ bō tánɡ
  • Acarbose
  1. 二甲双胍和阿卡波糖多引起腹泻和其他消化道疾病。

    Metformin and acarbose more often cause diarrhea and other digestive problems than the others .

  2. HPLC测定阿卡波糖胶囊的含量及有关物质

    Determination of content and related substances of Acarbose capsules by HPLC

  3. HPLC法测定阿卡波糖发酵液中葡萄糖的含量

    Determination of Glucose in Acarbose Fermentation Liquid by HPLC

  4. 阿卡波糖对糖耐量减低大鼠FFA、IGF-1及大血管的影响

    Effect of Acarbose on FFA , IGF-1 and vascular disease in impaired glucose tolerance rats

  5. 抗DM药物的ADR以代谢和营养障碍、神经系统损害、精神紊乱、胃肠系统损害为主,其中除胃肠系统损害主要由阿卡波糖引起外,其余以磺酰脲类占绝大多数;

    Except acarbose causing stomach and intestinal system injured , the rest ADR was mainly caused by sulfonylureas ( SUs ) .

  6. 结论:阿卡波糖在延缓IGT向2型DM发展中是有效的,食物纤维可能有一定的作用。

    Conclusion Glucobay is effective in delaying the development of IGT into type 2 diabetes mellitus and dietary fiber may also play a role in the intervention .

  7. 主要的疗效参数是阿卡波糖治疗后空腹和餐后血糖水平的变化以及HbA(IC)水平的变化。

    Main efficacy parameters were the changes in fasting and postprandial blood glucose concentrations as well as in HbA - ( 1C ) levels after acarbose treatment .

  8. 本论文首先对阿卡波糖产生菌-游动放线菌Actinoplanessp.的原生质体制备条件和再生条件进行了考察。

    First , the condition of preparation and regeneration of protoplasts of Actinoplanes sp. was investigated .

  9. 结论阿卡波糖能够降低IGT人群糖尿病的发病率,且不增加胰岛素的分泌。

    Conclusion Application of acarbose in the intervening treatment of IGT subjects can reduce the incidence of diabetes and without increase the secretion of insulin .

  10. 目的:观察阿卡波糖和食物纤维预防糖耐量低减(IGT)人群进展为2型糖尿病(DM)的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the intervention of glucobay and dietary fiber in the development of impaired glucose tolerance ( IGT ) into type 2 diabetes mellitus ( DM ) .

  11. 结果120mg那格列奈和50mg阿卡波糖降低餐后血糖的效果相似;

    Results The effects of 120 mg nateglinide and 50 mg acarbose on postprandial hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes were similar .

  12. 2型糖尿病家系成员血浆致动脉粥样硬化指数(AIP)变化及阿卡波糖或格列美脲治疗对2型糖尿病患者AIP的影响

    The Change of Atherogenic Index of Plasma ( AIP ) Level in Type 2 Diabetic Pedigrees and the Response of AIP to Acarbose or Glimepiride in Therapy of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

  13. 浓度为25mg/ml三清降糖复方水提制剂对α-葡萄糖苷酶活性的抑制作用与2.5mg/ml的阿卡波糖相当。

    Concentration of 25mg / ml water extract product of three clear hypoglycemic compound on α - glucosidase inhibitory activity of acarbose 2.5mg/ml quite . 2 .

  14. 正常组和模型对照组用纯净水灌胃,三清高、中、低剂量组按8.05、4.03、1.61g/kg分别灌服三清降糖复方,阿卡波糖组灌服阿卡波糖10.79mg/kg。

    Normal group and model control group fed with pure water , Three Clear Hypoglycemic Compound high , middle and low group were 8.05,4.03, 1.61g/kg rats weight were fed with Three Clear Hypoglycemic Compound , acarbose group fed with acarbose 10.79mg/kg .

  15. 葡甘聚糖与阿卡波糖治疗2型糖尿病疗效比较

    Effective Comparison between Glucomannan and Acarbose in Type 2 Diabetic Patients

  16. HPLC-ELSD/DAD测定阿卡波糖工作参照品的含量

    Determination of working reference standard of Acarbose by HPLC-ELSD / DAD

  17. 阿卡波糖对糖尿病大鼠主动脉胶原蛋白糖基化的影响

    Effect of acarbose on the aortic collagen nonenzymatic glycosylation in diabetic rats

  18. 阿卡波糖对缺血性心脏病伴糖耐量异常患者的干预作用研究

    Effect of acarbose on coronary atherosclerotic heart disease complicating impaired glucose tolerance

  19. 二甲双胍组用药方案整体效用值高于阿卡波糖组。

    Metformin group regimen overall utility values above acarbose group .

  20. 阿卡波糖对胃大部切除术后反应性低血糖的疗效观察

    Therapeutic Effect of Acarbose on Reactive Hypoglycemia after Subtotal Gastrectomy

  21. α-糖苷酶抑制剂阿卡波糖的临床药理作用

    Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor & the clinical pharmacological effects of acarbose

  22. 阿卡波糖和甲福明治疗2型糖尿病的药物经济学研究

    The Study on Pharmacoeconomics of Acarbose and Metformin for Treating Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus

  23. 结论阿卡波糖是降低餐后高血糖的一种有效而安全的降糖药。

    Conclusions Acarbose was an effective and safe drug in lowering postprandial hyperglycemia .

  24. 阿卡波糖对2型糖尿病病人胰岛素抵抗的影响

    Influence of acarbose on insulin resistant of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

  25. 阿卡波糖对老年人餐后低血压治疗效果和安全性评价

    The efficacy and safety of acarbose in the treatment of senile postprandial hypotension

  26. 目的探讨阿卡波糖(拜糖苹)在强化血糖治疗中的作用。

    Objective To explore the effect of Acarbose on the strengthening control plasma glucose .

  27. 阿卡波糖对2型糖尿病患者胰高血糖素的影响

    Effect of Acarbose on the Level of Glucagon in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

  28. 阿卡波糖的上市后评价与风险控制研究

    Post-marketing Reevaluation and Risk Control Measures of Acarbose

  29. 我想二甲双胍和阿卡波糖是预防糖尿病前期进展的两种良药。

    Metformin and Acarbose I think are two good drugs for the prevention of pre-diabetes .

  30. 结论瑞格列奈与阿卡波糖均明显降低血糖,尤其是餐后血糖;

    Conclusions Both Repaglinide and Acarbose can decrease blood glucose , especially postprandial blood glucose .