
  1. 一度它获得非凡的个性,晚开的蓟花,姹紫嫣红,气势非凡

    For a time it assumes a miraculous individuality that , Late thistles make spectacular purple accents

  2. 他的逻辑风格气势非凡,闻名于世,这尤其表现在他对某些伪科学进行批判时。

    He was noted for the vigor of his logic style , especially when criticizing some piece of pseudoscience .

  3. 我特别喜欢气势非凡的浦东金融区,浦东有像金茂大厦那样的一大批摩天大楼。

    The imposing financial zone in Pudong , with its forest of skyscrapers including the Jin Mao Tower , has been a particular delight for me .

  4. 山西临汾地区的“威风锣鼓”,气势非凡、威风凛凛,阿里山风景区范围不算大,但景点颇多。

    The " Weifeng Drum Dance " in Linfen Prefecture , Shanxi Province , has an imposing manner and militant bearing . As a scenic spot , Mount Ali is not extensive in terms of space , but it is full of interesting sights .

  5. 突破常规的超高立柜、中央式集成水槽、高耸的圆柱烟机,使整套厨柜气势恢弘,尊贵非凡。

    Its uncommon super-high in-wall cabinet , central integrated sink and towering column range hood make the whole kitchen powerful , honorable and outstanding .