
  • 网络Gas target;gaseous target
  1. 与喷嘴由电磁阀控制的气体靶激光等离子体软X射线源相比,它有较高的工作频率。

    And it has higher operating frequency than gas target soft X-ray sources whose nozzle is controlled by a solenoid valve .

  2. 介绍了一种无碎屑、高亮度、高工作频率的气体靶激光等离子体软X射线源。

    This paper describes a debris-free laser plasma soft X-ray source with a gas target , which has high operating frequency and can produce strong soft X-ray radiation .

  3. 使用气体靶激光等离子体光源的软X射线反射率计

    Soft X-ray reflectometer based on laser-produced plasma source with a gas-jet target

  4. 圆偏振飞秒激光脉冲与低压氙气体靶相互作用软X射线辐射实验研究

    Experimental Study of Soft X-Ray Radiation in the Interaction of Circularly Polarized Femtosecond-Laser-Pulse with Low Pressure Xenon

  5. HT-7中性束注入器气体靶厚度优化分析与设计

    The Optimization Analysis and Design of Gas Target Thickness of HT-7 Neutral Beam Injection System

  6. HI-13串列加速器上的氚气体靶装置

    A tritium gas target for neutron production at HI-13 tandem accelerator

  7. 建立了一台使用气体靶激光等离子体光源的软X射线反射率计,并给出了使用该反射率计测量软X射线多层膜反射率的方法。

    A soft X-ray reflectometer using a laser produced-plasma ( LPP ) light source with gas-jet target is built , and the method to measure the reflectance of soft X-ray multilayer coatings employing the reflectometer is presented .

  8. 实验表明,该谱仪有足够的灵敏度参与超短强激光脉冲辐照气体靶的软X射线产生、X射线激光乃至高次谐波实验的软X射线光谱诊断工作。

    The results show that the spectrograph is a powerful tool of spectral diagnosis in experiments on the ultrashort pulsed laser gas puff target interaction , optical field ionization soft X ray laser , and high harmonic generation .

  9. 在HI-13串列加速器上建立了我国第一台氚气体靶装置。

    A tritium gas target was built and employed in neutron physics experiments at HI13 tandem accelerator .

  10. 本文首先介绍了HT-7中性束注入(NBI)加热系统的组成,然后对影响中性束注入加热效率因素之一的气体靶厚度即中性化室的压力分布进行了重点分析。

    The article primary introduces composing of HT-7 Neutral Beam Injection ( NBI ) system , then mainly analyzes gas target thickness , that is pressure distribution of neutralizer gas cell , one of factors which affect heating efficiency of NBI .

  11. 利用平场光栅谱仪,分别在2和3kPa的低气压下,测量了脉宽35fs的圆偏振超强超短激光脉冲与5mm长氙气体靶相互作用产生的波长在5~60nm范围内的离子谱线。

    Using flat-field grating Spectrometer , the ions lines with wavelength between 5 and 60 nm were measured , which were produced by the interaction of circularly polarized 35 femtosecond ultraintense and ultrashort laser-pulse with 5 mm length xenon at the pressure 2 and 3 kPa respectively .

  12. 在FEB-E设计阶段,偏滤器从开放式固定板靶优化为封闭式气体靶,以改善偏滤器的杂质控制和增加离子与气体的相互作用。

    In order to improve the impurity control and to increase the interaction of ions with neutral gas in the FEB divertor , the divertor is optimized to be the close type in the engineering design rather than the open one in the conceptual design .

  13. 气体靶激光等离子体软X-射线源实验研究

    Experimental Investigation of Laser Plasma Soft X-ray Source with Gas Target

  14. 静态气体靶室中氖的高次谐波辐射

    High order harmonic generation in neon in static gas target

  15. 用于超短强激光与气体靶相互作用实验的新型前置差分抽运系统

    Development of Novel Differential Pump System in Ultrashort Pulsed Laser-gas Puff Target Interaction Experiments

  16. 氢离子束通过气体靶获得中性束的实验结果

    Experimental results on atomic hydrogen beams produced by hydrogen ions passing through gaseous targets

  17. 低温压缩气体靶系统的建立是本文在稠密气体制备技术上取得的显著进步。

    The establishment of a cryogenic target system for preparing highly compressed gas is one of apparent technical achievements .

  18. 通过喷气和注入杂质获得的部分脱靶等离子体形成了动态气体靶。

    The partially detached plasma obtained by means of combination of gas puffing and impurity injection serves as a dynamic gas target .

  19. 与金属靶等离子体光源相比,由于使用了气体靶等离子体光源,该反射率计具有低碎屑、可长期连续运行等优点。

    In comparison with metal target LPP source , due to usage of gas-jet target LPP source , the reflectometer is debris-free and can continuously operate for a long time .

  20. 高能电子束流引发的横向极化气体氢靶共振退极化研究

    Research on Depolarization of Transversely Polarized Gas Target Induced by High Energy e-Beam

  21. 极化气体内靶极化度的测量

    Polarization measurement for internal polarized gaseous targets

  22. 由于大功率激光被充满D-T气体的玻壳靶均匀吸收,并把D-T气体作为理想气体处理。

    Giant pulse laser energe is absorbed uniformly by the shell of glass pellet filled with D-T gas . D-T gas is taken as the perfect gas here .

  23. 氩和氪气体团簇靶的制备及特性研究

    Preparation and experimental investigation of specialty of argon and krypton clusters