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jī bǔ
  • arrest;arrester;seize;apprehend;arrestor
缉捕 [jī bǔ]
  • (1) [seize; arrest;apprehend]∶搜捕

  • 缉捕在逃凶手

  • (2) [arrester; arrestor]∶亦称缉捕使臣。捉拿罪犯的衙役

  • 免叫缉捕闯门来

  • 当日缉捕使臣押下文书,捉掌犯人鲁达

缉捕[jī bǔ]
  1. 目的是希望维护江湖正义,缉捕大盗鬼王

    My aim is to preserve justice and arrest Thief Ghost

  2. 有效的警察执法战斗方式是缉捕犯罪嫌疑人最基本的途径。

    The effective mode of police law enforcement is the basic way to arrest the suspect .

  3. 他逃避缉捕三天。

    He evaded capture for three days .

  4. 法国警方目前正在缉捕两名美丽女贼,她们朝一名自动取款机前的男子露出自己的胸部以分散他的注意力,随后便将他卡里的钱偷走。

    Police in France are looking for two attractive female thieves who bared their breasts at a man at a cashpoint to distract him before stealing his money .

  5. 但是沙尔瓦并不打算重出江湖。2004年他帮助警方缉捕了一起白人少年谋杀案中巴基斯坦罪犯之后,受到了死亡威胁。

    But Mr Sarwar does not plan to stand again ; he received death threats after helping police to find the Pakistani perpetrators of a particularly ugly murder of a white youth in2004 .

  6. 缉捕隐性目标的策略探讨

    On the Arresting Strategies in Dealing with " Recessive Target "

  7. 警察对在逃犯展开了大规模的缉捕。

    The police have launched a massive manhunt for the escapees .

  8. 论经济犯罪在逃嫌疑人的缉捕

    On the Arresting of the Escaping Suspect of Economic Crimes

  9. 已经有三个州对我发了缉捕令

    I 've already got outstanding warrants in three states .

  10. 警察战术机动是缉捕行动的重要组成部分。

    Policing tactic is an important component in arresting action .

  11. 缉捕行动指挥与战术应用研究

    A Study of the Command and Tactics in Seizing Actions

  12. 论在平原地形条件下的缉捕行动

    On Taking Seizing Action under Topographical Conditions of Plain

  13. 西恩在缉捕队工作已经9年了。

    Sean has been a member of the vice squad for nine years .

  14. 我们得缉捕偷车贼。

    So now we 're looking at car thieves .

  15. 秘密的战术方法有:秘密跟踪,相机缉捕;

    The secret tactics method has : Follow secretly , the camera seizes ;

  16. 中国警方正通过国际机构对伊斯玛依力·玉素普进行缉捕。

    Chinese police are looking for Ismail Yusup with help from International authorities .

  17. 警察还在缉捕那个杀人犯。

    The police are still hunting the murderer .

  18. 缉捕持爆炸物犯罪嫌疑人行动的处置指挥

    The Commanding of Arresting the Holding-exploder Suspects

  19. 缉捕歹徒的侦探接到向他们提供线索的匿名电话。

    Detectives hunting the gang were put on to them by an anonymous telephone call .

  20. 缉捕行动是案件侦破中的重要环节,而指挥则是缉捕行动成败与否的关键。

    The seizing action is an important part of criminal investigation , and command is the key .

  21. 平原地形条件对缉捕行动的指挥、组织与实施影响较大。

    The plain topography is of great impact on the command , organization and performance of seizing action .

  22. 在缉捕方面日臻成熟,技术上也保证了逃人数量的减少。

    In terms of arresting getting more mature , technology also ensures reduction in the number of people escape .

  23. 缉捕战术是缉捕人员在缉捕活动中所使用的各种计谋方法,是缉捕人员在对敌斗争中进行斗智斗勇的方式。

    Tactics of arrest refers to the methods used for arresting criminals , by which the police struggle against the criminals .

  24. 别啊,这趟缉捕你带队,人是你的,老大。

    Ah , no ! No , you 've got to make the arrest . This one 's yours , boss .

  25. 是否缉捕或信托大厦运河,他体现了“艰苦生活”,走出了一条二十世纪美国。

    Whether busting trusts or building canals , he embodied the " strenuous life " and blazed a trail for twentieth-century America .

  26. 悬赏取证在证据收集,缉捕在逃人员,保护当事人合法权利等方面都起到了很多的作用。

    A reward in evidence collection , evidence busting escaped personnel , protect the lawful rights has played a lot of action .

  27. 隐蔽调查犯罪的便衣警察。西恩在缉捕队工作已经9年了。

    Plain clothes policeman who work undercover to detect crime . Sean has been a member of the vice squad for nine years .

  28. 目前由于流动性犯罪不断增多,在许多情况下民警必须对那些身份尚处于“隐性”状态的犯罪嫌疑人进行缉捕。

    Currently the floating crimes are on the increase , so police have to arrest those suspects who are still in a recessive state .

  29. 适时、灵活、巧妙地运用战术机动,是形成优良的警力部署的前提,是获取缉捕行动胜利的重要保障。

    Timely , flexible and ingenious use of tactics is a prerequisite in forming good arrangement and an important guarantee in winning the action .

  30. 1907年广东各界维护西江缉捕权的斗争,是广东乃至中国近代史上一件较有影响的事件。

    All circles of Guangdong province strove for the right to arrest the bandits in Xijiang area in 1907 and it had far-reaching influence .