
fàn zuì dònɡ jī
  • criminal motive
  1. 这部分也是属于犯罪动机的基本理论。

    This part also belongs to the basic theory of criminal motive .

  2. 应当确立动态的、广义的、科学的犯罪动机的概念。

    We ought to establish developing , broad , scientific concept of criminal motive .

  3. 涉毒女犯的犯罪动机多样化。

    The motives of the female offenders concerned drugs shows diversity .

  4. 我们能否确定这一犯罪动机是出於嫉妒?

    Can we assign jealousy as the motive for the crime ?

  5. 二是犯罪动机的非政治性;

    Second , crime motive is not for the political nature ;

  6. 犯罪动机具有引导犯罪行为向某种目标或对象进行的作用。

    Criminal intention leads the criminal activity for certain objective or goal .

  7. 犯罪动机的恶化是有规律的。

    The deterioration of the crime motive has the law .

  8. 略论网络环境对犯罪动机的强化效应

    A Brief Talk on Internet 's Strengthening of Criminal Motives

  9. 腐败犯罪动机和变形的需要结构是国家公职人员实施腐败犯罪行为的心理动力;

    Tortured material needs constitute psychological motive of corruption .

  10. 你的意思是犯罪动机很强烈?

    That it was very strong , you mean ?

  11. 职务经济犯罪动机及预防对策

    Economic Crime in Administrative Positions and Prevention Strategies

  12. 在本组杀人案件中,尤为突出的是受嫉妒妄想支配的犯罪动机。

    Homicide motivation is controlled by Envy and deliria mainly in our analyses case .

  13. 它是否包括犯罪动机在内?

    Is the motive of crime included in ?

  14. 犯罪动机是刺激犯罪人实施犯罪行为的内心冲动或内心起因。

    Criminal motive is the internal causes that stimulate offender to commit a crime .

  15. 对犯罪动机概念的质疑&关于犯罪心理学基本理论问题的探讨

    Questioning the Concept of Criminal Motives & On the Basic Theory of Criminal Psychology

  16. 试论犯罪动机的周期性

    On the Periodicity of the Crime Motive

  17. 几例异常犯罪动机之分析

    Analysis of Several Abnormal Motives of Crimes

  18. 陶德医师命案的犯罪动机多年来一直成谜。

    The reasons behind Dr. Todd 's murder have remained a mystery for many years .

  19. 我国刑法对犯罪动机地位评价的这些不足可能会导致判决的不公正。

    These deficiencies in evaluating the status of criminal motive may lead to the unjust decision .

  20. 不当需要与外界诱因相结合,则形成犯罪动机。

    The combination of illegal desire and outside inducement results in the shaping of criminal motivation .

  21. 成就需要、权力需要一方面接受组织因素的环境压力激励,另一方面,又能动地接受个体因素的中介自我调节,由需要演化为欲动,最终演变为职务经济犯罪动机。

    By organization and individuals ' factors , the achievement and power motivation formed the crime motives .

  22. 但一个人的犯罪动机能通过他过去的记录来预测吗?

    But can the likelihood of a person committing a crime be predicted by looking at his record ?

  23. 在解释系列杀人犯的犯罪动机时,常常会追溯到犯罪人的童年期。

    When people explain the motives of crime , they always date back to the criminal history of childhood .

  24. 试谈青少年犯罪动机的恶性转化

    The use Of Violence By Juvenile Delinquents & On The Vicious Conversion Of The Motives Of The Juvenile Delinquency

  25. 综合分析这一系列的案情,我们能够发现当中都有一个犯罪动机恶化的存在。

    Comprehensive analysis of this series , we can find the facts of a crime motive is deteriorating exist .

  26. 我让你明白你是唯一具有犯罪动机的人。

    I put it to you that you are the only person who had a motive for the crime .

  27. 组织因素以权力为中心,个体因素以自我为中心,需要因素以获利为中心,三个中心的相互作用,形成以权谋私的职务经济犯罪动机。

    The interaction of organizational factors , individual factors and personal needs became the motivation of power-benefit exchange crimes .

  28. 网络瘾癖带来的源源不断的经济压力容易导致贪财、侵财型犯罪动机的产生。

    Network addictions have easily led to the continuing economic pressures by greed , motivated mainly by type of crime .

  29. 警方已经审讯罪犯好几个小时,但还是没弄明白他的犯罪动机。

    The police have been questioning the perpetrator for hours but still can 't fathom his motive for the crime .

  30. 在这一部分,笔者紧紧抓住犯罪动机的涵义,使它和犯罪目的区分开来。

    In this section , the author firmly grasps the meaning of criminal motive and separate it from criminal purpose .