
  1. 其所以用火作为信号,是令先突围的到达有火的地方,就编成“四武冲阵”。

    Using the flames as a marker , the first to go out should be ordered to proceed as far as the flame and then stop to reform into'Four Martial Assault Formation ' .

  2. 用兵的主要原则是,当面临战斗时,必须设置“四武冲陈”配置在便于作战的地方;

    In general , the most important thing in employing your troops is that when the enemy approaches to engage in battle , you must deploy your assault formations and have them improve their positions .

  3. T形剪力墙下四桩承台冲切承载力的简化计算模型

    The Model of Simplified Calculation of Four-Pile Pile Cap Under Shear Wall

  4. 通过实验,得出冲裁过程中材料的塑性流动规律,四种不同冲裁间隙下板料的初始断裂点位置和断裂区间,为基于伺服压力机的保压变速运动曲线的设定提供依据。

    The material plastic flow pattern in the blanking process was studied and initial fracture point and fracture interval of four materials under four different clearances . The experimental results can provide basis for setting variable speed curve based on servo press .

  5. 转眼间,这四个海盗就冲上了小山丘,向我们扑来。

    In a moment , the four pirates had swarmed up the mound and were upon us .