
zhè nóng
  • Sugarcane farmer;sugarcane grower
蔗农 [zhè nóng]
  • [sugar-cane grower] 从事甘蔗生产的农民

蔗农[zhè nóng]
  1. 蔗农采用吨糖田栽培技术影响因素研究

    Study on the Restrict Factors in the Cultivating Techniques of " Fifteen Thousand Kilograms Sugar Per Hectare " Adopted by Sugarcane Planter

  2. 内江的历次蔗糖纠纷,实质上都是蔗农、糖房间的利益之争。

    In essence , the various cane sugar disputes in Neijiang were the scrambling for interests between the sugarcane growers and the sugar fa .

  3. 建立高效的农业技术推广体系,为蔗农提供优质的技术服务。

    To build a effective agricultural technique extension system , and serve the planter with quality services . Main advices given in the paper are as follows .

  4. 聚类数据挖掘在蔗农种植行为分析中的研究与应用它以植物为食,有时吃庄稼,如农场的玉米和甘蔗。

    Research and Application of Clustering Data Mining in Farmer 's Plating Behaviors Analysis It eats plants and sometimes eats crops , for example corn and sugar-cane , in plantations .