
ɡāo rén
  • master;man of noble character;man of superior attainments;Titan;man of great sanctity;past master
高人 [gāo rén]
  • (1) [very capable or talented person]

  • (2) 高士

  • 高人何点,蹑屩(草鞋)于 钟阿;征士 刘虯,献书于卫兵。-- 南朝梁. 任昉《齐竟陵文宣王行状》

  • (3) 学术、技能高超的人

  1. 他们事先得到了高人指点。

    They had been primed with good advice .

  2. 俞伯牙年轻的时候聪颖好学,曾拜高人为师,琴技达到水平,但他总觉得自己还不能出神入化地表现对各种事物的感受。

    He was bright and eager to learn when he was young . He had formally acknowledged several experts as his teachers , and his skills in playing the musical instrument had already reached a fairly high level . But he still felt that he could not superbly express the various things which had deeply impressed him .

  3. 去年阿里巴巴斥资5.858亿美元收购了新浪微博(SinaWeibo)的18%股权,新浪微博是新浪(SinaCorp.)旗下的高人气微博客网站。

    Last year Alibaba invested $ 585.8 million for a 18 % stake in Sina Weibo , the popular microblogging site controlled by Sina Corp.

  4. 随着海拔的升高,土壤pH值降低,有机质和速效P、K含量增大,土壤肥力空间分异程度减小,这可能与随着海拔升高人为干扰强度降低及林分类型趋向单一有关。

    The soil pH value decreased with the altitude , whereas organic matter and available P 、 K increased ; The soil fertility spatial variation decreased as the altitude went up , which may have something to do with mankind disturbance strength lowering and forest type inclining to sameness .

  5. 这是我们必须包含进来的,尤其是有这么多高人针对Groovy在IntelliJ和NetBeans工具支持上已经做出了不少卓越的工作,我们更应该这样做。

    This is something we need to be involved with especially since there are good people doing good work on both the IntelliJ and NetBeans tooling support for Groovy .

  6. 很多人聚在格力高人像(Glico)附近,格力高人像是一个巨型霓虹运动员像,从上世纪20年代起就成为了格力高糖果的象征,并且现已成为大阪的一个地标。

    Many people were gathering near Glico Man , a building-high neon figure of an athlete that has been the symbol of Glico candy since the 1920s and is now an Osaka landmark .

  7. 玲玲马戏团中艺高人胆大的明星小丑贝洛。

    Bello Nock , the star daredevil clown of the Ringling Bros.

  8. 确实有一些“职场恶棍”希望高人一头。

    There are thugs and bullies who do seek to dominate .

  9. 在没高人指点的情况下买汽车是冒险的。

    It 's risky to buy a car without some good advice .

  10. 他们事先得到了高人指点。

    They had been primed with good primed for action .

  11. 她在新德里见一位高人。

    She 's meeting with the Maharishi in new delhi .

  12. 扫地老太太也是这样一位低调的高人。

    The " Sweeping Old Lady " is also a modest great master .

  13. 供地球人类尤其是地球上的思想高人加以指教和完善之。

    For earth people especially on earth to teach and perfect lofty ideas .

  14. 传说中他是个世外高人,已经遁迹山林好多年了。

    It is said that he had lived in seclusion for many years .

  15. 地球上有哪位高人可以显一次山露一下水呢?

    On earth there which tall person can show a mountain dew a water ?

  16. 她对当地人老是一副高人一头的样子,其实他们全都既有才智又勤奋。

    She was always patronizing the locals who were all very intelligent and hard-working .

  17. 某位高人,刚办了个大案子,从缉毒组提拔来的。

    Some hotshot , just made a big bust , got promoted from narcotics .

  18. 这让我显得艺高人胆大。

    That makes me uniquely qualified .

  19. 但纳戈尔诺卡拉巴赫仍然拥有世界上最高人均率的地雷事故。

    Nagorno-Karabakh still has one of the world 's highest per capita rates for mine accidents .

  20. “若生于诗书清贫之族,则为逸士高人”

    " Born into poor but cultured families , they will become high-minded scholars or recluses . "

  21. 这位高人说他能和列侬通话并获取列侬传给他的旋律和歌词。

    who believes he can contact Lennon to receive musical notes and lyrics from the other side .

  22. 我的视线被站在我前面的一个戴着帽子的高人男人挡住了。

    My view was blocked by a tall man in a hat standing in front of me .

  23. 10岁男生乔希?亨德森将手和世界第一高人的手进行比较。

    Schoolboy Josh Henderson , 10 , holds his hand against that of the world 's tallest man .

  24. 是以寒第高人颇聚。令郎常去谈会谈会,则学问可以日进矣。

    Hence my poor abode is frequented by eminent men , and conversation with them should improve his knowledge .

  25. 其他知道的高人也请赐教啊!是从护手开始绑?用一根绳子还是两根?

    Please comment those who know ! Shall I start at the armguard ? Use one rope or two ?

  26. 大疆发言人王帆表示,大疆遥遥领先于业内其他企业,品牌价值也高人一头。

    Spokesman Wang Fan said it commanded a strong lead over the rest of the industry and superior value .

  27. 传说中他是个世外高人,已经遁迹山林好多年了。德莱塞显然遁迹于庸碌无为的新闻生活。

    It is said that he had lived in seclusion for many years . Dreiser had apparently disappeared into hack journalism .

  28. 我不会3维技术,找不到工作,因为那时候所有的设计公司只要软件高人。

    I had no3D skills and no job because all the design firms were only hiring CAD jockeys at that time .

  29. 原来这傻和尚是个道行极深的高人,这些把戏对于他根本不在话下。

    In fact , the fool monk was a man of noble character , its very easy for him to do these .

  30. 请教各位高人,有没有比较系统地讲解主成分分析以及因子分析的基本原理以及应用方法的教程或者案例?

    Principal component analysis is a multivariate technique in which a number of related variables are transformed to a set of uncorrelated variables .