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  1. 澳大利亚正走在成为最肥国的路上,尽管专家们怀疑它是否已赶上美国和其它一些亚太地区小国,摘下顶并不让人艳羡的“桂冠”。

    Australia is on track to become the fattest nation , although experts questioned whether it had overtaken the United States and small Pacific countries for the unenviable title .

  2. S-NPK低氯复合肥是我国自行开发,能耗低、成本低,深受农民欢迎的高浓度三元磷复肥。

    The S-NPK is a high concentration ternary phosphate compound fertilizer warmly welcomed by the farmers which is developed in China and features low energy consumption and low production cost .

  3. 发展作物专用肥推进我国平衡施肥

    Developing Special Fertilizers for Various Crops and Promoting Balanced Fertilization in China

  4. 有机肥对我国和世界粮食、蔬菜生产起到了积极作用。

    Organic fertilizer plays a positive role in producing grain and vegetables all over our country and the world .

  5. 施用有机肥是我国农业生产中的重要传统施肥方式,有机肥可以有效提高土壤肥力。

    The application of organic manure is the traditional fertilization methods of agricultural production , and the organic manure can enhance fertility of soils .

  6. 论述BB肥是适合我国国情的测土配方肥料,快速健康发展BB肥产业是推广科学施肥,建设现代农业的必然选择。

    BB fertilizer is a suitable variety for China and its rapid and sound development is an inevitable choice for modern agriculture .

  7. 重点开发基肥型专用复混肥&再论我国复混肥的发展方向麦饭石对海水及水溶液中铜、锌吸附作用比较

    Focus on developing specialty compound fertilizer for base application & Discussion on " Development trend of compound fertilizer in China "; Adsorption of Copper and Zinc by Mai Fan Stone in Sea Water and Aqueous Solution

  8. 从3000年前开始,有机肥一直是我国农民的主要施用肥料,上世纪70年代随着化肥的推广使用,有机肥施用比例逐渐减少,直至现在的25%左右。

    From 3000 years ago , manure fertilizer has been the main fertilizer for farmers . Since the 70s of last century , along with promoting the use of chemical fertilizers , manure fertilizer decreased to 25 % in now days .

  9. 镁肥、硫肥效果和硫镁肥国内外生产概况,对盐化厂高低温盐的出路进行了探讨和展望。

    The fertility of Mgs fertilizer , the production at home and abroad , and the comprehensive utilizations of mixed salts in salt and chemical plant are studied .