  1. 用PCR扩增法合成鼠IgG轻链隹号肽的编码序列。

    The Sequence encoding the Signal Peptide of Kappa Chain of Mouse IgG was synthesized by PCR amplification .

  2. 重点讨论了铬(Ⅲ)浓度,PFS用量、干扰离子和溶液pH值对吸附共沉淀的影响,及吸附的最隹工艺条件。

    The discussion centred on the effect of Cr (ⅲ) Concentration . PFS Concentration , disturbing ions . and PH in Solution of adsorption , and Optimum technical Conditions .

  3. 他好像健康欠隹。

    He was , it appears , in poor health .

  4. 她获得奥斯卡奖最隹女配角的提名。

    She won an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress .

  5. 这是一个从头到尾都能把听众吸引隹的故事。

    This is a story that enthrals listeners from beginning to end .

  6. 两者之中前者较后者为隹。

    Of the two , the former is better than the latter .

  7. 你看上去气色不隹,何不去度假?

    You look pretty run-down ; why do not you take a holiday ?

  8. 她是当今最隹歌手之一。

    She is one of the best singers around .

  9. 喜庆隹节之所以庄严、珍贵,

    Therefore are feasts so solemn and so rare ,

  10. 你不是隹在伦敦吗?

    You live in London , don 't you ?

  11. 他把失败归咎于健康不隹。

    He imputed his failure to ill health .

  12. 你怎么在这儿?你不是隹在伦敦吗?

    What 're you doing here ? You live in London , don 't you ?

  13. 她已获得隹偶。

    She has made a good match .

  14. 他健康绝隹。

    He is in bully health .

  15. 隹肴加上主人温馨的款待于宴会完美无缺。这次手术获得有限度的成功(并非完美无缺)。

    The delicious food , coupled with the warm hospitality of the host , made the party perfect . The operation was a qualified success .

  16. 卷门在下降地程中,当有人或物体挡隹对射的红外线,门会立即反向上升。

    When the rolling door is closing , if a person or an object blocks the correlation infrared , the door will rise to the reverse direction .

  17. 近年来,由二隹和三维形状所求取的矩及矩不变量的优良特性已引起了图像界人士的高度重视,并开发了大量的应用。

    In recent years , the excellent properties of moments and moment invariants computed from two-dimensional or three-dimensional shapes have aroused great attention , and researchers explored a wide range of moment applications .

  18. 导出了与腔体尺寸有关的输入和输出耦合系数,当输入和输出耦合系数之间满足一定共系时,得到了这种合成器的最隹合成效率。

    The input and output coupling coefficient are derived , which are connected with the cavity size . When some relations are satisfied between the input and output coupling coefficients , the optimum combining efficiency of this combiner is obtained .

  19. 评估收益分成的最隹方法是利用资金流量分析进行详细的经济模拟,但针对矿区使用费&税收制和产量分成合同制可以分别采用相应的快速估算方法。

    The optimal method of evaluating the profit split is to conduct detailed economic simulations by means of cash flow analysis ; the corresponding quick estimation method , related to royalty / tax systems and production-sharing contracts , may be adopted concurrently .