
  • 网络Catfish effect
  1. 关于高等院校鲶鱼效应人才管理模式的思考

    On the " Catfish Effect " Talent Management Mode in Institutions for Higher Learning

  2. 这便是闻名的“鲶鱼效应”。

    This is famous " catfish effect " .

  3. 本文分析了我国小额贷款公司的鲶鱼效应并利用DEA模型对最早试点的7家小额贷款公司的效率进行实证分析,发现七家小额贷款公司自试点以来,整体运行效率是好的。

    This paper applies DEA model about the pilot seven microfinance companies empirical analysis , found the whole operation efficiency is good .

  4. 鲶鱼效应与高校图书馆人力资源管理

    " Sheatfish Effect " and University Library Human Resource Management

  5. 论鲶鱼效应对图书馆管理的启示

    Gaining Enlightenment from Effect of Sheatfish for Library Manage

  6. 新文学裂变中的革命文学论争:鲶鱼效应与鲁迅的抉择

    On Argument of Revolutionary Literature in 1920s

  7. 真的是一剂良药?&评鲶鱼效应在应对图书馆职业懈怠中的作用

    Is it really a panacea ? & Comment on " Catfish Effect " Laxity in Dealing with Library Career

  8. 并在引进来的过程中,发挥外部企业的鲶鱼效应,促进本地产业健康发展。

    And in the process of " introducing ", the expo could take the catfish effect of exterior enterprises to promote the development of local industries smoothly .

  9. 外资银行介入所产生的鲶鱼效应虽然有助于银行业形成充分竞争的局面,但也对国内各商业银行形成长期的冲击。

    With the entrance of mighty foreign commercial banks , there is catfish effects which will promote the competition of the banking industry and it will also impact the banking industry in the long term .

  10. 同时,本文还通过实证研究发现了媒体的负面报道不具有鲶鱼效应,不能够通过对上市公司的负面报道使其提高内部的治理机制,激活对在职消费行为的治理作用。

    In the meanwhile , the Catfish Effect of media monitoring is not confirmed by another empirical study . In other words , listed companies would not improve their inner corporate governance mechanisms to govern the behaviors of Perks of executives .

  11. 人们强烈地感受到,中国传统社会这个超稳定结构遭到西方文明的猛烈冲击,在鲶鱼效应中持续地发酵,释放出巨大的能量。

    It is strongly felt that the traditional Chinese Institute , which called " super-stable structure " was fiercely impact by the Western civilization and in the Effects of catfish , it continues to ferment and releases tremendous amounts of energy .

  12. 一方面,政府雇员制创新了政府人事管理的理念,促进了我国政府人事制度的改革,提高了政府行政效率和公共服务供给能力,产生了鲶鱼效应。

    On the one hand , the system of government employee innovates the idea of governmental human resource management , accelerates the reform of governmental human resource system , enhances the administrative efficiency and the ability of providing public service , and brings about the " Catfish Effect " .